
Have you ever opened up Task Manager and noticed the System Idle Process is using 90% or more of your CPU? Contrary to what you might think, that’s not a bad thing. Here’s what that process actually does.

您是否曾經打開過任務管理器,並注意到系統空閒進程正在使用90%或更多的CPU? 與您可能認爲的相反,這不是一件壞事。 這就是該過程的實際作用。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like Runtime Brokersvchost.exedwm.exectfmon.exerundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我們正在進行的系列文章的一部分,介紹在任務管理器中找到的各種過程,例如Runtime Brokersvchost.exedwm.exectfmon.exerundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe 。 不知道這些服務是什麼? 最好開始閱讀!

什麼是系統空閒過程? (What Is the System Idle Process?)

If you’ve ever poked around in the Task Manager—Windows 10 users have to look under the 「Details」 tab—you’ll see that the System Idle Process is using most, if not all, of your CPU. But the System Idle Process is just that; an idling process made by the operating system. Without this process constantly keeping your processor occupied with something to do, your system could potentially freeze.

如果您曾經在任務管理器中閒逛過-Windows 10用戶必須在「詳細信息」選項卡下查看-您會看到系統空閒進程正在使用大部分(如果不是全部)CPU。 但是系統空閒過程就是這樣。 操作系統進行的空閒過程。 如果沒有該過程不斷使您的處理器忙於處理某事,則系統可能會凍結。

In other words, the CPU resources used by the System Idle Process are just the CPU resources that aren’t being used. If programs are using 5% of your CPU, the System Idle Process will be using 95% of your CPU. You can think of it as a simple placeholder. That’s why the Task Manager describes this process as the 「percentage of time the processor is idle.」 It has a PID (process identifier) of 0.

換句話說,系統空閒進程使用的CPU資源就是未使用的CPU資源。 如果程序使用了5%的CPU,則系統空閒進程將使用95%的CPU。 您可以將其視爲簡單的佔位符。 這就是爲什麼任務管理器將此過程描述爲「處理器空閒時間的百分比」。 PID(進程標識符)爲0。

Windows hides the System Idle Process information from the normal Processes tab in Windows 10’s Task Manager to keep things simple, but it’s still shown on the Details tab.

Windows會從Windows 10的任務管理器的常規「進程」選項卡中隱藏「系統空閒進程」信息,以使事情變得簡單,但仍在「詳細信息」選項卡上顯示。

The System Idle Process on the Details tab in Windows 10's Task Manager

Windows爲什麼需要系統空閒進程? (Why Does Windows Need a System Idle Process?)

Without this process always keeping your processor occupied with something to do, your system could potentially freeze. Windows runs this process as part of the SYSTEM user account, so it’s always active in the background while Windows is running.

沒有此過程,總是讓您的處理器忙於做事,您的系統可能會死機。 Windows作爲SYSTEM用戶帳戶的一部分運行此過程,因此Windows在運行時始終在後臺處於活動狀態。

System Idle Processes are native to Windows NT operating systems, dating back to 1993—they also appear in Unix-like operating systems such as Linux but operate a bit differently. A System Idle Process is a normal part of your OS that runs a single thread on each CPU core for a multiprocessor system, while systems that use hyperthreading have one idle thread per logical processor.

系統空閒進程可追溯到1993年,是Windows NT操作系統的本機-它們也出現在類似Unix的操作系統(如Linux)中,但操作方式略有不同。 系統空閒進程是OS的正常部分,在多處理器系統的每個CPU內核上運行一個線程,而使用超線程的系統每個邏輯處理器都有一個空閒線程。

The System Idle Process’ sole purpose is to keep the CPU busy doing something—literally anything—while it waits for the next computation or process fed into it. The reason this all works is that the idle threads use a zero priority, which is lower than ordinary threads have, allowing for them to be pushed out of the queue when the OS has legitimate processes to be run. Then, once the CPU finishes with that job, it’s ready to handle the System Idle Process all over again. Having idle threads always in a Ready state—if they’re not already running—keeps the CPU running and waiting for anything the OS throws at it.

系統空閒進程的唯一目的是使CPU在等待下一個計算或進程進入時忙於做任何事情(實際上是任何事情)。 所有這些工作的原因是,空閒線程使用零優先級,該優先級低於普通線程,因此允許它們在操作系統運行合法進程時被從隊列中推出。 然後,一旦CPU完成該工作,就可以再次處理系統空閒進程。 使空閒線程始終處於「就緒」狀態(如果尚未運行),會使CPU處於運行狀態,並等待操作系統對其進行處理。

爲什麼要使用這麼多的CPU? (Why Is It Using So Much CPU?)

Like mentioned earlier, this process appears to use a lot of CPU, which is something you’ll spot if you open the Task Manager, looking for resource hungry processes. That’s normal because it’s a special task run by the OS scheduler only when your CPU is idle, which—unless you’re doing something that demands a lot of processing power—will look to be quite high.

如前所述,該過程似乎使用大量CPU,如果您打開「任務管理器」以尋找資源匱乏的過程,就會發現這一點。 這是正常的,因爲這是僅在CPU空閒時才由OS調度程序運行的特殊任務,除非您正在執行需要大量處理能力的操作,否則它將看起來非常高。

To understand the number next to the process in Task Manager, you have to think the opposite of what you normally understand it to mean. It represents the percent of CPU that’s available, not how much it’s using. If programs are using 5% of the CPU, then the SIP will show to be using 95% of the CPU, or 95% of the CPU is unused, or unwanted by other threads in the system.

要了解任務管理器中流程旁邊的數字,您必須考慮與通常理解的含義相反的含義。 它表示可用CPU的百分比,而不是使用的百分比。 如果程序正在使用5%的CPU,則SIP將顯示正在使用95%的CPU,或者95%的CPU未使用,或者系統中其他線程不希望使用。

但是我的電腦很慢! (But My Computer Is Slow!)

If your computer is slow and you notice high usage by the System Idle Process—well, that’s not the System Idle Process’s fault. This process’s behavior is perfectly normal and suggests the problem isn’t due to high CPU usage. It may be caused by a lack of memory, slow storage, or something else using up your computer’s resources. As always, it’s a good idea to run a scan with an antivirus program if you’re experiencing problems and you’re not running anything that might be slowing your PC down.

如果您的計算機運行緩慢,並且發現系統空閒進程的使用率很高,那不是系統空閒進程的問題。 此過程的行爲完全正常,這表明問題不是由於CPU使用率高。 這可能是由於內存不足,存儲速度慢或其他消耗計算機資源的原因引起的。 與往常一樣,如果遇到問題並且沒有運行任何可能會使PC速度降低的問題,則最好使用防病毒程序運行掃描

If that yields nothing and you’re still experiencing slower than usual performance, try uninstalling unused programsdisabling programs that launch when you start up your computer, reduce system animations, free up disk space, or defrag your HDD.


Disabling a startup application in Windows 10's Task Manager

The System Idle Process is an integral part of the Windows operating system and, while it may look like it’s hogging upwards of 90%, that’s just showing you available resources and that your CPU isn’t doing anything with at the moment.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/411569/what-is-system-idle-process-and-why-is-it-using-so-much-cpu/