github 倉庫,收集整理了我接觸到較好的 PWA 相關資料,將在開發過程當中中持續更新。你們有好的案例也能夠提 issuejavascript
Progressive Web Apps: Escaping Tabs Without Losing Our Souljava
Apps are faltering. But progressive web apps seem pretty legitgit
Native Apps are Doomedgithub
Progressive Web Appsshell
Great libraries and tools for great Progressive Web Apps - Google I/O 2016
Polymer and Progressive Web Apps: Building on the modern web - Google I/O 2016
Progressive, Performant, Polymer: Pick Three - Google I/O 2016
Fireside Chat with the Progressive Web Apps Crew - Google I/O 2016
Instant Loading: Building offline-first Progressive Web Apps - Google I/O 2016
Lighthouse 檢測各項性能清單。
RealFaviconGenerator 生成 icon。
sw-precache 用於自動預先加載靜態資源。
sw-toolbox 用於處理運行時緩存和回調策略。
web-push-libs Web 消息推送庫(Node.js, PHP, Java, Python)