controller: @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('system:role:list')") //和數據庫中的menu中的字段有關係 @GetMapping("list") public TableDataInfo list(SysRole role){ startPage(); List<SysRole> list = roleService.selectRoleList(role); return getDataInfo(list); } 表格分頁數據對象 public class TableDataInfo implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //總記錄數量 private long total; //列表數據 private List<?> rows; //消息狀態碼 private int code; //消息內容 private String msg; //表格數據對象 ==無參構造 public TableDataInfo(){} //有參數構造,分頁,list列表數據,total總記錄數 public TableDataInfo(List<?> list,int total){ this.rows = list; = total; } public long getTotal(){ return total; } public void setTotal(long total){ = total; } public List<?> getRows(){ return rows; } public List<?> setRows(List<?> rows){ this.rows = rows } public int getCode(){ return code; } public void setCode(int code){ this.code = code; } public String getMsg(){ return msg; } public void setMsg(String msg){ this.msg = msg; } } mapper.xml <sql id="selectRoleVo"> 連表查詢的sql語句,寫一遍就不用在單獨寫了 </sql> 列表展現和列表查詢展現角色信息的sql <select id="selectRoleList" parameterType="SysRole" resultMap="SysRoleResult"> <include refid="selectRoleVo"/> where r.del_flag='0' <if test="roleName !=null and roleName!=''"> and r.role_name like concat('%',#{roleName},'%') </if> <if test="beginTime !=null and beginTime !=''"> and r.create_time >= TO_DATE(#{beginTime},'YYYY-MM-DD HH24-MI-SS') </if> </select> 統一性修改角色信息表的sql <update id="updateRole" parameterType="SysRole"> update sys_role <set> <if test="roleName!=null and roleName!=''">role_name=#{roleName},</if> <if test="status!=null and status!=''">status=#{status},</if> update_time= now() 或者是 current_timestamp </set> where role_id=#{roleId} </update> 批量刪除角色信息的sql <delete id="deleteRoleByIds" parameterType="String"> update sys_role set del_flag = '2' where role_id in <foreach collection="array" item="roleId" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{roleId} </foreach> </delete> 增長角色信息的統一性sql <insert id="insertRole" parameterType="SysRole"> insert into sys_role( <if test="roleId!=null and roleId!=''">role_id,</if> <if test="roleName!=null and roleName!=''">role_name,</if> create_time ) values( <if test="roleId!=null and roleId!=''">#{roleId},</if> <if test="roleName!=null and roleName!=''">#{roleName},</if> current_timestamp ) </insert>