/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: scotty * Date: 28/08/2013 * Time: 19:39 */ ;(function(global){ "use strict"; var M = function() { // Constructor. arguments are passed // from Module() call. this refers to m. function init() { meth_priv2(); m.meth_pub2(); } // Empty object, to be populated with // public properties and methods. var m = {}; // Private properties. define using var x. // closure keeps them private. var prop_priv = "private property"; // public properties. define using m.x. m.prop_pub = "public property"; // private methods. define as var x = function() {} // closure keeps them private. var meth_priv = function() { console.log(prop_priv); console.log(m.prop_pub); }; var meth_priv2 = function() { // access another priv method meth_priv(); // access a pub method m.meth_pub(); }; // public methods. define as m.x = function() {} // private props/methods accessed via x. // public props/methods accessed via m.x m.meth_pub = function() { console.log(prop_priv); console.log(m.prop_pub); }; m.meth_pub2 = function() { // access a priv method meth_priv(); // access another pub method m.meth_pub(); }; // call the constructor init.apply(m, arguments); return m; }; // determine correct export method depending upon // environment that this script was loaded in: if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = M; // Node / CommonJS... } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('Module', [], M); // or RequireJS / AMD... } else { global.Module = M; // or browser } global.m=new M(); })(this.window || global);
require(['m'],function(){ m.meth_pub(); });
;(function(global){ "use strict"; var M = function() { //構建函數 function init() { meth_priv2(); m.meth_pub2(); } var m = {}; //私有變量 var prop_priv = "private property"; //公有屬性 m.prop_pub = "public property"; //私有函數 var meth_priv = function() { console.log(prop_priv); console.log(m.prop_pub); }; var meth_priv2 = function() { //訪問另外一私有方法 meth_priv(); //訪問公有方法 m.meth_pub(); }; //公有方法 m.meth_pub = function() { console.log(prop_priv);//訪問私有方法 console.log(m.prop_pub);//訪問公有方法 }; m.meth_pub2 = function() { //訪問私有方法 meth_priv(); //訪問公有方法 m.meth_pub(); }; // 調用構建函數 init.apply(m, arguments); return m; }; if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = M; // Node / CommonJS... } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('Module', [], M); // or RequireJS / AMD... } else { global.Module = M; // or browser } global.m=new M(); })(this.window || global);