最近在開發項目的時候遇到一個問題,當使用 sleep(2) 的時候,程序竟然沒有按照指定的時間去休眠,可是連續執行兩次 sleep(2) 的時候,程序能夠正常的休眠 2 秒。真是見鬼了。最後查看了如下 sleep 函數的 man 手冊,找到了緣由。 man 手冊以下:函數
#include <unistd.h>spa
unsigned int
sleep(unsigned int seconds);rest
The sleep() function suspends execution of the calling process until
either seconds seconds have elapsed or a signal is delivered to the
process and its action is to invoke a signal-catching function or to ter-
minate the process. System activity may lengthen the sleep by an inde-
terminate amount.code
If the sleep() function returns because the requested time has elapsed,
the value returned will be zero. If the sleep() function returns due to
the delivery of a signal, the value returned will be the unslept amount
(the requested time minus the time actually slept) in seconds.blog
也就是說在執行第一個 sleep 的時候,進程正準備休眠的時候,被一個信號喚醒了,再執行第二個 sleep 的時候,沒有了信號,進程能夠正常的休眠。爲了不這種狀況的發生,咱們能夠根據 sleep 的返回值,從新定義一個函數來讓 sleep 真正的休眠指定的秒數。代碼以下:進程
static int sleep_with_restart(int second) { int left = second; while (left > 0) { left = sleep(left); } return 0; }