//此極速字符串替換函數爲[盒子論壇hq200306兄]所做,在此感謝!親測本來48秒的長文本替換操做,如今只要幾十毫秒不到! function PosX(const SubStr, Str: string; Offset: Integer): Integer; var I, LIterCnt, L, J: Integer; PSubStr, PS: PChar; begin L := Length(SubStr); { Calculate the number of possible iterations. Not valid if Offset < 1. } LIterCnt := Length(Str) - Offset - L + 1; { Only continue if the number of iterations is positive or zero (there is space to check) } if (Offset > 0) and (LIterCnt >= 0) and (L > 0) then begin PSubStr := PChar(SubStr); PS := PChar(Str); Inc(PS, Offset - 1); for I := 0 to LIterCnt do begin J := 0; while (J >= 0) and (J < L) do begin if UpCase(PS[I + J]) = UpCase(PSubStr[J]) then Inc(J) else J := -1; end; if J >= L then Exit(I + Offset); end; end; Result := 0; end; function StringReplaceEx(const st, oldSubstr, newSubStr: string): string; var idx, len: Integer; iStart: Integer; sb: TStringBuilder; begin len := Length(oldSubstr); iStart := 1; sb := TStringBuilder.Create; try repeat idx := posX(oldSubstr, st, iStart); if idx > 0 then begin sb.Append(Copy(st, iStart, idx - iStart)); sb.Append(newSubStr); iStart := idx + len; end; until idx <= 0; sb.Append(Copy(st, iStart, length(st))); Result := sb.ToString; finally sb.Free; end; end;