[譯]谷歌Web性能優化系列:HTTP 請求(中英)


原文做者:Dave Gash 譯者西樓聽雨css


Everything a web page needs to be a web page -- text, graphics, styles, scripts, everything -- must be downloaded from a server via an HTTP request. It's no stretch to say that the vast majority of a page's total display time is spent in downloading its components, not in actually displaying them. So far, we've talked about reducing the size of those downloads by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, zipping the files, and so on. But there's a more fundamental approach: in addition to just reducing download size, let's also consider reducing download frequency.html5

一張網頁所須要的全部東西——文本,圖像,樣式,腳本,等等——必定都是經過HTTP請求下載下來的。無可辯駁地說,呈現一張網頁的耗時絕大多數都是用在下載這些部件的過程當中,而不是實際展現他們所需的時間。目前爲止,咱們討論減小下載這些文件的體積,都是在說如何壓縮圖片,緊湊(minification) CSS 和 Javascript ,並打包(zipping)這些文件,等等。但實際上還有更接近底層的方式:除了減少下載大小,咱們還能夠考慮下降下載次數。java

Reducing the number of components that a page requires proportionally reduces the number of HTTP requests it has to make. This doesn't mean omitting content, it just means structuring it more efficiently.web


合併文本資源(Combine Text Resources)

Many web pages use multiple stylesheets and script files. As we develop pages and add useful formatting and behavior code to them, we often put pieces of the code into separate files for clarity and ease of maintenance. Or we might keep our own stylesheet separate from the one the Marketing Department requires us to use. Or we might put experimental rules or scripts in separate files during testing. Those are all valid reasons to have multiple resource files.緩存


But because each file requires its own HTTP request, and each request takes time, we can speed up page load by combining files; one request instead of three or four will certainly save time. At first blush, this seems like a no-brainer -- just put all the CSS (for example) into a master stylesheet and then remove all but one from the page. Every extra file you eliminate in this way removes one HTTP request and saves round-trip time. But there are caveats.服務器


For Cascading Style Sheets, beware the "C". Cascade precedence allows later rules to override earlier ones without warning -- literally. CSS doesn't throw an error when a previously-defined property is reset by a more recent rule, so just tossing stylesheets together is asking for trouble. Instead, look for conflicting rules and determine whether one should always supercede the other, or if one should use more specific selectors to be applied properly. For example, consider these two simple rules, the first from a master stylesheet, the second imported from a stylesheet provided by Marketing.


h2 { font-size: 1em; color: #000080; } /* master stylesheet */

. . .

h2 { font-size: 2em; color: #ff0000; } /* Marketing stylesheet */

Marketing wants their h2s to be prominent, while yours are meant to be more subdued. But due to the cascading order, their rule takes precedence and every h2 in the page will be big and red. And clearly, you can't just flip the order of the stylesheets or you'll have the same problem in reverse.


A little research might show that Marketing's h2s always appear inside a specific class of section, so a tweak to the second rule's selector resolves the conflict. Marketing's splashy h2s will still look exactly as they want, but without affecting h2s elsewhere in the page.

稍微作一點研究,你就會發現,市場部的h2們老是位於某一個固定的 class 塊中,因此咱們對第二條規則的選擇器作一點微調便可解決這個衝突。這樣,市場部的h2們與以前他們想要的效果同樣,同時又不影響到頁面中其餘地方的h2們。

h2 { font-size: 1em; color: #000080; }

. . .

section.product h2 { font-size: 2em; color: #ff0000; }

You may run into similar situations when combining JavaScript files. Completely different functions might have the same names, or identically-named variables might have different scopes and uses. These are not insurmountable obstacles if you actively look for them.

不過,即使在合併的是 JavaScript 文件,你也可能會遇到一樣的問題。功能風馬牛不相及的函數可能有着相同的名稱;相同名字的變量卻有着不一樣的scope和用處。若是你認真排除,其實這些都不是沒法避免的障礙。

Combining text resources to reduce HTTP requests is worth doing, but take care when doing so. See A Caveat below.


合併圖像資源(Combine Graphical Resources)

On its face, this technique sounds a bit nonsensical. Sure, it's logical to combine multiple CSS or JavaScript resources into one file, but images? Actually, it is fairly simple, and it has the same effect of reducing the number of HTTP requests as combining text resources -- sometimes even more dramatically.

表面看來,這種技術聽上去有點不現實。對於將多個 CSS 或 JavaScript 資源合併爲一個資源邏輯上固然是合理的,但圖片呢?實際上,圖片的合併也很是簡單,並且和文本資源的合併有一樣的效果——有時效果甚至更強烈。

Although this technique can be applied to any group of images, it is most frequently used with small images such as icons, where extra HTTP requests to fetch multiple small graphics are particularly wasteful.


The basic idea is to combine small images into one physical image file and then use CSS background positioning to display only the right part of the image -- commonly called a sprite -- at the right place on the page. The CSS repositioning is fast and seamless, works on an already-downloaded resource, and makes an excellent tradeoff for the otherwise-required multiple HTTP requests and image downloads.


For example, you might have a series of social media icons with links to their respective sites or apps. Rather than downloading three (or perhaps many more) individual images, you might combine them into one image file, like this.


Then, instead of using different images for the links, just retrieve the entire image once and use CSS background positioning ("spriting") for each link to display the correct part of the image for the link.


Here's some sample CSS.


a.facebook {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 64px; height: 64px;
   background-image: url("socialmediaicons.png");
   background-position: 0px 0px;
a.twitter {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 64px; height: 64px;
   background-image: url("socialmediaicons.png");
   background-position: -64px 0px;
a.pinterest {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 64px; height: 64px;
   background-image: url("socialmediaicons.png");
   background-position: -128px 0px;

Note the extraneous background-position property in the facebook class. It's not necessary, as the default position is 0,0 but is included here for consistency. The other two classes simply shift the image left horizontally relative to its container by 64px and 128px, respectively, leaving the appropriate image section visible in the 64-by-64 pixel link "window".

注意,上面代碼中的 facebook 類中的backgournd-position屬性,其實並非必須的,由於positon屬性的默認值就是0,0,在這把它寫出來是爲了一致性的緣由。另外兩個類則分別相對於包含他們的容器進行了64px128px的水平位移,以確保連接在圖片中的對應部分得以以64X64像素的大小正確顯示。

Here's some HTML to use with that CSS.


<p>Find us on:</p>
<p><a class="facebook" href="https://facebook.com"></a></p>
<p><a class="twitter" href="https://twitter.com"></a></p>
<p><a class="pinterest" href="https://pinterest.com"></a></p>

Instead of including separate images in the links themselves, just apply the CSS classes and leave the link content empty. This simple technique saves you two HTTP requests by letting CSS do the image shifting behind the scenes. If you have lots of small images -- navigation icons or function buttons, for example -- it could save you many, many trips to the server.

上面的代碼,不是分別將圖片置於每一個連接標籤之間,而是僅僅經過應用 CSS 類並留空連接的內容來實現相同的效果。這種技巧利用了 CSS 來作圖片位移,減小了兩次HTTP請求。當你有大量小尺寸圖片時——導航菜單圖標、操做按鈕——這會減小許多,許多和服務器交互的來回。

You can find a brief but excellent article about this technique, including working examples, at WellStyled.

Wellstyled 上,有一篇關於這種技術的簡單但很是棒的文章,還包含了一些可用的示例,你能夠查閱下。

一個注意點(A Caveat)

In our discussion of combining text and graphics, we should note that the newer HTTP/2 protocol may change how you consider combining resources. For example, common and valuable techniques like minification, server compression, and image optimization should be continued on HTTP/2. However, physically combining files as discussed above might not achieve the desired result on HTTP/2.


This is primarily because server requests are faster on HTTP/2, so combining files to eliminate a request may not be substantially productive. Also, if you combine a fairly static resource with a fairly dynamic one to save a request, you may adversely affect your caching effectiveness by forcing the static portion of the resource to be reloaded just to fetch the dynamic portion.


The features and benefits of HTTP/2 are worth exploring in this context.


JavaScript 的位置和內聯推入 (JavaScript Position and Inline Push)

We're assuming so far that all CSS and JavaScript resources exist in external files, and that's generally the best way to deliver them. Bear in mind that script loading is a large and complex issue -- see this great HTML5Rocks article, Deep Dive Into the Murky Waters of Script Loading, for a full treatment. There are, however, two fairly straightforward positional factors about JavaScript that are worth considering.

目前咱們都是假設全部 CSS 和 JavaScript 都是外部資源,這也是傳輸他們的最好方式。不過請記住,腳本的加載是一個大而又複雜的問題——能夠參考 HTML5Rocks 上的這篇不錯的文章,Deep Dive Into the Murky Waters of Script Loading。下面是兩種值得思考的,「位置影響」的直接因素。

腳本位置(Script Location)

Common convention is to put script blocks in the page head. The problem with this positioning is that, typically, little to none of the script is really meant to execute until the page is displayed but, while it is loading, it unnecessarily blocks page rendering. Identifying render-blocking script is one of the reporting rules of PageSpeed Insights.

一般咱們是將腳本塊放置到頁面的頭部(head)。這種腳本置放方式有一個問題,一般,幾乎沒有那個腳本是真實須要在頁面加載且並未顯示時就執行的,這就致使頁面渲染會被阻塞。也正由於如此,鑑別阻塞性代碼也是PageSpeed Insights工具設定報表規則中的其中一項。

A simple and effective solution is to reposition the deferred script block at the end of the page. That is, put the script reference last, just before the closing body tag. This allows the browser to load and render the page content, and then lets it download the script while the user perceives the initial content. For example:


    [Body content goes here.]
  <script src="mainscript.js"></script>

An exception to this technique is any script that manipulates the initial content or DOM, or provides required page functionality prior to or during rendering. Critical scripts such as these can be put into a separate file and loaded in the page head as usual, and the rest can still be placed last thing in the page for loading only after the page is rendered.

但有一種特殊狀況,一些腳本在頁面渲染以前或者渲染過程當中,就須要對初始的內容(initial content)、DOM進行操做或者須要保障一些必要的頁面功能。這種狀況,咱們能夠將這些關鍵性腳本(Critical script)放在一個單獨的文件中,而後像一般的作法同樣,將其放在頁面的頭部進行加載,同時,其餘能夠在頁面渲染完成後才加載的腳本則放置在頁面的最後。

The order in which resources must be loaded for maximum efficiency is called the Critical Rendering Path; you can find a thorough article about it at Bits of Code.

咱們稱這種使得哪些必須被加載的資源達到最高效加載效果的加載順序爲「關鍵渲染路徑」(Critical Rendering Path);關於這個話題,在Bits of Code上面有一篇詳盡的介紹。

代碼位置(Code Location)

Of course, the technique described above splits your JavaScript into two files on the server and thus requires two HTTP requests instead of one, exactly the situation we're trying to avoid. A better solution for relocating critical, pre-render scripts might be to place them directly inside the page itself, referred to as an "inline push".

上面提到的這種技術,會將 JavaScript 分割成兩個文件,所以也須要兩次 HTTP 請求而不是一次,這種情形顯然是須要儘可能避免的。一個好的解決方法是,將那些關鍵性的、預加載的腳本直接提取到頁面上,這稱之爲「內聯推入(inline-push)」

Here, instead of putting the critical script in a separate file and referencing it in the page head, add a block, either in the head or in the body, and insert the script itself (not a file reference, but the actual script code) at the point at which it's needed. Assuming the script isn't too big, this method gets the script loaded along with the HTML and executed immediately, and avoids the extra HTTP request overhead of putting it in the page head.

就是說,不是將「關鍵性腳本」放在一個單獨的文件中,並在頁面的頭部引用它;而是說,將腳本自己(不是文件引用,而是實實在在的代碼)放在一個<script>...</script>塊中,並將其插入須要的地方(要麼是頭部,要麼是體部)。假設腳本不是很大,這種方法可使得腳本伴隨着HTML進行加載並即刻執行,進而避免額外的 HTTP 請求消耗。

For example, if a returning user's name is already available, you might want to display it in the page as soon as possible by calling a JavaScript function, rather than wait until after all the content is loaded.


<p>Welcome back, <script>insertText(username)</script>!</p>

Or you might need an entire function to execute in place as the page loads, in order to render certain content correctly.


<h1>Our Site</h1>

<h2 id="greethead">, and welcome to Our Site!</h2>

<script> //insert time of day greeting from computer time var hr = new Date().getHours(); var greeting = "Good morning"; if (hr > 11) { greeting = "Good afternoon"; } if (hr > 17) { greeting = "Good evening"; } h2 = document.getElementById("greethead"); h2.innerHTML = greeting + h2.innerHTML; </script>

<p>Blah blah blah</p>

This simple technique avoids a separate HTTP request to retrieve a small amount of code and allows the script to run immediately at its appropriate place in the page, at the minor cost of a few dozen extra bytes in the HTML page.


總結 (Summary)

In this section, we covered ways to reduce the number of HTTP requests our pages make, and considered techniques for both text and graphical resources. Every round-trip to the server we can avoid saves time, speeds up the page load, and gets its content to our users sooner.

