//定義一個接口 public interface MyInterface { public void sayHello(); } //定義一個ClassB類 public class ClassB { public void welcome(){ System.out.println("welcom walker"); } } //模擬被代理的類,繼承了ClassB和接口MyInterface public class ClassA extends ClassB implements MyInterface { public void sayHello(){ System.out.println("hello walker"); } }
//定義一個回調實例,稍後解釋 public class MyMethod implements MethodInterceptor { public Object intercept(Object obj, java.lang.reflect.Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy proxy) throws Throwable{ proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args); return null; } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ClassA ca = new ClassA(); Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer(); enhancer.setSuperclass(ClassA.class); enhancer.setCallback(new MyMethod()); ClassA my = (ClassA)enhancer.create(); my.welcome(); } }
輸出結果:welcom walker
咱們從main方法的主體代碼中能夠看出,Enhancer 類是建立代理實例的核心類。沒錯,該類負責整個代理對象的生命週期,它就像是一個工具同樣,提供了不少方法幫助咱們建立代理實例。首先咱們調用了setSuperclass方法設置父類型,其實也就是將被代理對象傳入,由於咱們以前說過cglib建立的代理類是原對象的子類型,因此這裏稱原類型實例爲父類也是合理的。ui
public void setSuperclass(Class superclass) { if ((superclass != null) && (superclass.isInterface())) { setInterfaces(new Class[] { superclass }); } else if ((superclass != null) && (superclass.equals(Object.class))) { this.superclass = null; } else { this.superclass = superclass; } }
private Class[] interfaces;
//fastclassinfo類 private static class FastClassInfo { FastClass f1; FastClass f2; int i1; int i2; private FastClassInfo() {} FastClassInfo(MethodProxy.1 x0) { this(); } } public Object invokeSuper(Object obj, Object[] args) throws Throwable { try { init(); FastClassInfo fci = this.fastClassInfo; return fci.f2.invoke(fci.i2, obj, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getTargetException(); } }
public Object create() { this.classOnly = false; this.argumentTypes = null; return createHelper(); }
private Object createHelper() { validate(); if (this.superclass != null) { setNamePrefix(this.superclass.getName()); } else if (this.interfaces != null) { setNamePrefix(this.interfaces[ReflectUtils.findPackageProtected(this.interfaces)].getName()); } return super.create(KEY_FACTORY.newInstance(this.superclass != null ? this.superclass.getName() : null, ReflectUtils.getNames(this.interfaces), this.filter, this.callbackTypes, this.useFactory, this.interceptDuringConstruction, this.serialVersionUID)); }
private void validate() { if ((this.classOnly ^ this.callbacks == null)) { if (this.classOnly) { throw new IllegalStateException("createClass does not accept callbacks"); } throw new IllegalStateException("Callbacks are required"); } if ((this.classOnly) && (this.callbackTypes == null)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Callback types are required"); } if ((this.callbacks != null) && (this.callbackTypes != null)) { if (this.callbacks.length != this.callbackTypes.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("Lengths of callback and callback types array must be the same"); .......... .......... ......... }
protected Object create(Object key) { try { Class gen = null; synchronized (this.source) { ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader(); Map cache2 = null; cache2 = (Map)this.source.cache.get(loader); if (cache2 == null) { cache2 = new HashMap(); cache2.put(NAME_KEY, new HashSet()); this.source.cache.put(loader, cache2); } else if (this.useCache) { Reference ref = (Reference)cache2.get(key); gen = (Class)(ref == null ? null : ref.get()); } if (gen == null) { Object save = CURRENT.get(); CURRENT.set(this); try { this.key = key; if (this.attemptLoad) { try { gen = loader.loadClass(getClassName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {} } if (gen == null) { b = this.strategy.generate(this); String className = ClassNameReader.getClassName(new ClassReader(b)); getClassNameCache(loader).add(className); gen = ReflectUtils.defineClass(className, b, loader); } if (this.useCache) { cache2.put(key, new WeakReference(gen)); } byte[] b = firstInstance(gen); CURRENT.set(save);return b; } finally { CURRENT.set(save); } } } return firstInstance(gen); //省去了異常捕獲的代碼塊
若是usecache爲爲true代表該代理類已經在cache中了,直接返回引用便可。不然經過 this.strategy.generate(this);方法生成該代理類的字節碼,而後經過經過類加載器加載該字節碼生成class類型,最後經過firstInstance方法生成代理類的實例返回。
//代碼不少,此處貼出部分 public class ClassA$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$64984e8e extends ClassA implements Factory { final void CGLIB$sayHello$0() { super.sayHello(); } public final void sayHello() { CGLIB$CALLBACK_0; if(CGLIB$CALLBACK_0 != null) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: JVM INSTR pop ; CGLIB$BIND_CALLBACKS(this); CGLIB$CALLBACK_0; _L2: JVM INSTR dup ; JVM INSTR ifnull 37; goto _L3 _L4 _L3: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_21; _L4: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_37; this; CGLIB$sayHello$0$Method; CGLIB$emptyArgs; CGLIB$sayHello$0$Proxy; intercept(); return; super.sayHello(); return; } final void CGLIB$welcome$1() { super.welcome(); } public final void welcome() { CGLIB$CALLBACK_0; if(CGLIB$CALLBACK_0 != null) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: JVM INSTR pop ; CGLIB$BIND_CALLBACKS(this); CGLIB$CALLBACK_0; _L2: JVM INSTR dup ; JVM INSTR ifnull 37; goto _L3 _L4 _L3: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_21; _L4: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_37; this; CGLIB$welcome$1$Method; CGLIB$emptyArgs; CGLIB$welcome$1$Proxy; intercept(); return; super.welcome(); return; } .... .... }
因爲cglib已經中止維護好多年,致使參考文檔不多,學習難度很大,此篇文章也是做者研讀jdk和網上優秀博文總結,不當之處,望你們指出,學習 !學習!