環境debain 6.0
root@mdb:/etc/ganglia# apt-cache search ganglia
collectd-core - statistics collection and monitoring daemon (core system)
ganglia-monitor - cluster monitoring toolkit - node daemon
ganglia-webfrontend - cluster monitoring toolkit - web front-end
gmetad - cluster monitoring toolkit - Ganglia Meta-Daemon
libganglia1-dev - cluster monitoring toolkit - development libraries
libganglia1 - cluster monitoring toolkit - shared libraries
root@mdb:/etc/ganglia# apt-get install ganglia-monitor
root@mdb:/usr/lib64/ganglia# gmond -m
Cannot load modcpu.so metric module: modcpu.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load moddisk.so metric module: moddisk.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load modload.so metric module: modload.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load modmem.so metric module: modmem.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load modnet.so metric module: modnet.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load modproc.so metric module: modproc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load modsys.so metric module: modsys.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
heartbeat Last heartbeat (module core_metrics)
location Location of the machine (module core_metrics)
gexec gexec available (module core_metrics)
root@mdb:/etc/ganglia# ls /usr/lib64/ganglia/
modcpu.so moddisk.so modload.so modmem.so modmulticpu.so modnet.so modproc.so modpython.so modsys.so
vi /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf
modules {
module {
name = "core_metrics"
module {
name = "cpu_module"
path = "/usr/lib64/ganglia/modcpu.so"
module {
name = "disk_module"
path = "/usr/lib64/ganglia/moddisk.so"
module {
name = "load_module"
path = "/usr/lib64/ganglia/modload.so"
module {
name = "mem_module"
path = "/usr/lib64/ganglia/modmem.so"
module {
name = "net_module"
path = "/usr/lib64/ganglia/modnet.so"
module {
name = "proc_module"
path = "/usr/lib64/ganglia/modproc.so"
module {
name = "sys_module"
path = "/usr/lib64/ganglia/modsys.so"
root@mdb:/etc/ganglia# gmond -m
load_one One minute load average (module load_module)
os_release Operating system release date (module sys_module)
mem_total Total amount of memory displayed in KBs (module mem_module)
cpu_intr cpu_intr (module cpu_module)
proc_run Total number of running processes (module proc_module)
load_five Five minute load average (module load_module)
disk_free Total free disk space (module disk_module)
gexec gexec available (module core_metrics)
mem_cached Amount of cached memory (module mem_module)
mtu Network maximum transmission unit (module sys_module)
cpu_sintr cpu_sintr (module cpu_module)
pkts_in Packets in per second (module net_module)
location Location of the machine (module core_metrics)
bytes_in Number of bytes in per second (module net_module)
swap_total Total amount of swap space displayed in KBs (module mem_module)
bytes_out Number of bytes out per second (module net_module)
load_fifteen Fifteen minute load average (module load_module)
mem_free Amount of available memory (module mem_module)
os_name Operating system name (module sys_module)
boottime The last time that the system was started (module sys_module)
cpu_idle Percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request (module cpu_module)
cpu_aidle Percent of time since boot idle CPU (module cpu_module)
cpu_nice Percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with nice priority (module cpu_module)
cpu_user Percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level (module cpu_module)
sys_clock Time as reported by the system clock (module sys_module)
mem_buffers Amount of buffered memory (module mem_module)
cpu_system Percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level (module cpu_module)
part_max_used Maximum percent used for all partitions (module disk_module)
disk_total Total available disk space (module disk_module)
heartbeat Last heartbeat (module core_metrics)
mem_shared Amount of shared memory (module mem_module)
machine_type System architecture (module sys_module)
cpu_wio Percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request (module cpu_module)
cpu_num Total number of CPUs (module cpu_module)
proc_total Total number of processes (module proc_module)
cpu_speed CPU Speed in terms of MHz (module cpu_module)
pkts_out Packets out per second (module net_module)
swap_free Amount of available swap memory (module mem_module)