微信號 & QQ:862251340
我推薦的資源包括但不限於書籍,課程,講座,博客和一些 Jupyter 筆記。在我看來,多種類型的文件學習對本身是由幫助的。但一次性看的太多可能會讓你很是不適應。爲了解決這個不適應,我建議天天學習幾小時是一個比較好的方案。好比:github
1.1 Machine Learning with Python,來自 CognitiveClass.ai編程
1.2 Intro to Machine Learning,來自 Udacity微信
1.3 Machine Learning,來自 Udacity機器學習
1.4 Principles of Machine Learning,來自 EDXide
1.5 Machine Learning Crash Course,來自 Berkeley學習
2.1 Python for Data Analysis – Wes Mckineyui
2.2 Python Machine Learning – Sebastian Raschka
2.3 Introduction to Machine Learning with Python – Andreas Muller and Sarah Guido
跟着本書配套的,還有一個 YouTube 視頻,請點擊這裏。
2.4 書籍列表,來自 Github
3.1 Luis Serrano –A friendly Introduction to Machine Learning
3.2 Roshan – Machine Learning – Video Series
3.3 Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (Scipy 2016) – Part 1 and Part 2
3.4 Machine Learning with Python – Sentdex Playlist
3.5 Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn – Cristi Vlad Playlist
3.6 Machine Learning APIs by Example – Google Developers
3.7 Practical Introduction to Machine Learning – Same Hames
3.8 Machine Learning Recipes – with Josh Gordon
4.1 Machine Learning 101 – from BigML
4.2 Learning Machine Learning – EliteDataScience
4.3 Top-down learning path: Machine Learning for Software Engineers
4.4 Machine Learning Mastery – by Dr. Jason Brownlee
微信號 & QQ:862251340
CoderPai 是一個專一於算法實戰的平臺,從基礎的算法到人工智能算法都有設計。若是你對算法實戰感興趣,請快快關注咱們吧。加入AI實戰微信羣,AI實戰QQ羣,ACM算法微信羣,ACM算法QQ羣。長按或者掃描以下二維碼,關注 「CoderPai」 微信號(coderpai)