




SQL> declare
2 v_sid v$session.sid%type; --定義以下兩個type類型,用於接收cursor
v_serial# v$session.serial#%type;
3 4 cursor cur_session is select sid,serial# from v$session where program ='plsqldev.exe'; --#定義cursor
5 begin
6 open cur_session; --打開cusor
7 loop --打開遊標立刻開始循環,由於cursor是一條條取數據的
8 fetch cur_session into v_sid,v_serial#; --把遊標的數據放入上面定義的type變量中
9 --根據以上的type變量及遊標生成批量殺session的動態sql腳本,並執行
10 execute immediate 'alter system kill session '''||v_sid||','||v_serial#||''' immediate';
11 exit when cur_session%notfound; --要加個異常處理,否則永遠是死循環
12 dbms_output.put_line('cursor date have been fetched ending');
13 end loop; --loop也有成雙匹配出現
14 close cur_session; --遊標處理完後,關閉遊標
15 end;
16 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00030: User session ID does not exist.
ORA-06512: at line 10session


明顯殺會話時候,會話不存在。再執行相似的PL/SQL 塊oop

SQL> SET serverout ON
2 v_ename EMP.ENAME%TYPE;
3 v_salary EMP.SAL%TYPE;
4 CURSOR c_emp IS SELECT ename,sal FROM emp;
6 OPEN c_emp;
7 loop
8 exit when c_emp%notfound;
9 FETCH c_emp INTO v_ename,v_salary;
10 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of Employee: '|| v_ename ||' is '|| v_salary);
11 end loop;
12 CLOSE c_emp;
13 END ;
14 /
Salary of Employee: SMITH is 800
Salary of Employee: ALLEN is 1600
Salary of Employee: WARD is 1250
Salary of Employee: JONES is 2975
Salary of Employee: MARTIN is 1250
Salary of Employee: BLAKE is 2850
Salary of Employee: CLARK is 2450
Salary of Employee: SCOTT is 3000
Salary of Employee: KING is 5000
Salary of Employee: TURNER is 1500
Salary of Employee: ADAMS is 1100
Salary of Employee: JAMES is 4400
Salary of Employee: FORD is 3000
Salary of Employee: MILLER is 1300
Salary of Employee: MILLER is 1300fetch



調整PL/SQL 塊語句,將exit when cur_session%notfound;  放在fetch 以後,也就是要循環執行的語句以前就解決了.net


v_sid v$session.sid%type; --定義以下兩個type類型,用於接收cursor
v_serial# v$session.serial#%type;
cursor cur_session is select sid,serial# from v$session where program ='plsqldev.exe'; --#定義cursor
open cur_session; --打開cusor
loop --打開遊標立刻開始循環,由於cursor是一條條取數據的
fetch cur_session into v_sid,v_serial#; --把遊標的數據放入上面定義的type變量中
exit when cur_session%notfound; --要加個異常處理,否則永遠是死循環
execute immediate 'alter system kill session '''||v_sid||','||v_serial#||''' immediate';
dbms_output.put_line('cursor date have been fetched ending');
end loop; --loop也有成雙匹配出現
close cur_session; --遊標處理完後,關閉遊標


SQL> select sid,serial#,status from v$session where program ='plsqldev.exe';blog

---------- ---------- --------
26         27         INACTIVE
1159       189        INACTIVEget

SQL> declare
2 v_sid v$session.sid%type; --定義以下兩個type類型,用於接收cursor
3 v_serial# v$session.serial#%type;
4 cursor cur_session is select sid,serial# from v$session where program ='plsqldev.exe'; --#定義cursor
5 begin
6 open cur_session; --打開cusor
7 loop --打開遊標立刻開始循環,由於cursor是一條條取數據的
8 fetch cur_session into v_sid,v_serial#; --把遊標的數據放入上面定義的type變量中
9 exit when cur_session%notfound; --要加個異常處理,否則永遠是死循環
10 --根據以上的type變量及遊標生成批量殺session的動態sql腳本,並執行
11 execute immediate 'alter system kill session '''||v_sid||','||v_serial#||''' immediate';
12 dbms_output.put_line('cursor date have been fetched ending');
13 end loop; --loop也有成雙匹配出現
14 close cur_session; --遊標處理完後,關閉遊標
15 end;
16 /
cursor date have been fetched ending
cursor date have been fetched endingit

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select sid,serial#,status from v$session where program ='plsqldev.exe';

no rows selected
