高仿百思不得姐(敗家姐模塊)---cuzySdk IOS demo

Cuzy-iOS-demo:https://github.com/TheIndex/Cuzy-iOS-demo android

cuzysdk(www.cuzy.com) 是一個手機淘寶客sdk,經過使用cuzy,能夠獲取taobao平臺的推廣商品數據,移動開發者把推廣的商品數據呈現給用戶,用戶完成商品的購買,開發者從中獲取推廣費用,從而達到將流量變現的目的。 git

cuzySDK是一個移動開發者提供淘寶客模塊的平臺。開發者經過使用cuzy,能夠便捷的集成到各移動平臺,方便的刪選推薦物品,高效的轉換流量。 github

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iOS demo, that shows the capabilities of Cuzy SDK (淘寶客), that can be found on http://www.cuzy.com app

last update: 2013.6.5 fetch

===============version 1.0=============== this

  1. this is a IOS APP SDK for taobaoke (Also has a sdk for android) spa

  2. you can download the sdk at : http://cuzy.com/index/download_sdk .net

  3. Something Notable: 開發

    1).Copy the apropriate architecture's .a library and the apropriate resource bundle when you test. get

    2).You app's mainWindow's rootViewController should not be nil.

    3).Add -ObjC linker flag to your other link flag.


import "CuzyAdSDK.h"

@interface FrontViewController : UIViewController



  • (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [[CuzyAdSDK sharedAdSDK] setDelegate:self]; [[CuzyAdSDK sharedAdSDK] registerAppWithAppKey:@"cuzy key" andAppSecret:@"cuzy secret"]; }

  • (IBAction)showLayout1:(id)sender { [[CuzyAdSDK sharedAdSDK] fetchAppItemWithThemeID:nil orSearchKeywords:@"abcd"]; }

  • (IBAction)showLayout2:(id)sender { [[CuzyAdSDK sharedAdSDK] fetchAppItemWithThemeID:@"8" orSearchKeywords:@"abcde"]; }

  • (IBAction)getRawDataArray:(id)sender { NSArray* rawArray = [[CuzyAdSDK sharedAdSDK] fetchRawItemArraysWithThemeID:@"8" orSearchKeywords:@"adbc" withPageIndex:0];

    NSLog(@"the rawArray size is %d", rawArray.count); for (int i =0;i<[rawArray count]; i++) { CuzyTBKItem* tempItem = [rawArray objectAtIndex:i];




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