1 .alert{position: fixed;left: 50%;top: 50%;background-color: #ffffff;z-index: 2147000001;width:400px; 2 border-radius: 5px;font-weight: bold;color: #535e66;box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #eee,-1px -1px 4px #eee;margin-top:-9rem;margin-left:-200px;} 3 .alert h3{text-indent:2rem;border-bottom:1px solid #eef0f1;margin:0;padding:1rem 0;} 4 .alert p{padding: 2rem 5rem;height: 5rem;overflow: hidden;margin:0;border-bottom:1px solid #eef0f1;} 5 .alert .a-close{display: block;cursor: pointer;width: 12px;height: 12px;position: absolute;top: 1.2rem;right: 1.5rem;background: url(../img/icons.png) -48px -96px no-repeat;} 6 .alert .a-close:after{display: block;content: ""; clear: both;} 7 .alert .btn{display: inline-block;cursor: pointer;width: 4.5rem;height: 1.8rem;line-height: 1.8rem;text-align: center;color: #FFFFFF; 8 border-radius: 5px;margin:0.5rem;} 9 .alert .panelFooter{width:11rem;float:right;} 10 .alert .a-confirm{background-color: #0095d9;} 11 .alert .cancel{background-color: #546a79;} 12 .alert .right{float:right} 13 14 @media only screen and (min-width: 100px) and (max-width: 640px) { 15 .alert{width:80%;margin-left:-40%;} 16 .alert h3{text-indent: 1rem;} 17 .alert p{padding:1rem;} 18 .alert .a-close{right: 1rem;} 19 }
1 //原型式繼承 2 function inheritobject(o){ 3 //聲明一個過渡函數對象 4 function F(){ 5 } 6 //過渡原型對象繼承父對象 7 F.prototype=o; 8 //返回過渡對象的一個實列,該實例的原型繼承了父對象 9 return new F(); 10 } 11 12 /* 13 *寄生式繼承 繼承原型 14 * 傳遞參數subclass 子類 15 * 傳遞參數superclass 父類 16 * */ 17 function inheritPrototype(subclass,superclass){ 18 //複製一份父類的原型副本保存在變量中 19 var p=inheritobject(superclass.prototype); 20 //修正由於重寫子類原型致使子類的constructor屬性被修改 21 p.constructor=subclass; 22 //設置子類原型 23 subclass.prototype=p; 24 }
1 var Alert = function(data){ 2 if(!data) return; 3 this.content=data.content; 4 this.panel =document.createElement("div");//提示框面板 5 this.contentNode=document.createElement("p"); 6 this.panelFooter=document.createElement("div"); 7 this.confirmBtn=document.createElement("span"); 8 this.closeBtn=document.createElement("b"); 9 this.panel.className="alert"; 10 this.panelFooter.className="panelFooter"; 11 this.confirmBtn.className="btn a-confirm"; 12 this.closeBtn.className="a-close"; 13 this.confirmBtn.innerHTML=data.confirm || '確認'; 14 this.contentNode.innerHTML=this.content; 15 this.success=data.success || function(){}; 16 this.fail=data.fail || function(){}; 17 } 18 Alert.prototype={ 19 init :function(){ 20 this.panel.appendChild(this.closeBtn); 21 this.panel.appendChild(this.contentNode); 22 this.panelFooter.appendChild(this.confirmBtn); 23 this.panel.appendChild(this.panelFooter); 24 document.body.appendChild(this.panel); 25 this.bindEvent(); 26 this.show(); 27 }, 28 bindEvent : function(){ 29 var me = this; 30 this.closeBtn.onclick = function(){ 31 me.fail(); 32 me.hide(); 33 } 34 this.confirmBtn.onclick = function(){ 35 me.success(); 36 me.hide(); 37 } 38 }, 39 hide : function(){ 40 this.panel.style.display ="none"; 41 }, 42 show :function(){ 43 this.panel.style.display='block'; 44 } 45 }
1 //右側按鈕提示框 2 var RightAlert =function(data){ 3 Alert.call(this,data); 4 this.panelFooter.className = this.panelFooter.className + ' right'; 5 } 6 inheritPrototype(RightAlert,Alert);
標題提示框類 :繼承基本提示框類,拓展需求,添加一個提示框標題測試
1 //標題提示框類 2 var TitleAlert=function(data){ 3 Alert.call(this,data); 4 this.title = data.title; 5 this.titleNode = document.createElement("h3"); 6 this.titleNode.innerHTML = this.title; 7 } 8 inheritPrototype(TitleAlert,Alert); 9 TitleAlert.prototype.init =function(){ 10 this.panel.insertBefore(this.titleNode,this.panel.firstChild); 11 Alert.prototype.init.call(this); 12 13 }
1 //繼承類也可做爲模板 2 var CancelAlert = function(data){ 3 //繼承標題提示框構造函數 4 TitleAlert.call(this,data); 5 //取消按鈕文案 6 this.cancel = data.cancel; 7 this.cancelBtn = document.createElement('span'); 8 this.cancelBtn.className='btn cancel'; 9 this.cancelBtn.innerHTML = this.cancel || '取消'; 10 } 11 inheritPrototype(CancelAlert,TitleAlert); 12 CancelAlert.prototype.init = function(){ 13 TitleAlert.prototype.init.call(this); 14 this.panelFooter.appendChild(this.cancelBtn); 15 } 16 CancelAlert.prototype.bindEvent = function(){ 17 var me=this; 18 TitleAlert.prototype.bindEvent.call(me); 19 this.cancelBtn.onclick = function(){ 20 me.fail(); 21 me.hide(); 22 } 23 }
1 new CancelAlert({ 2 title : '提示', 3 content : '提示內容', 4 success : function(){ 5 console.log('ok'); 6 }, 7 fail : function(){ 8 console.log("cancel"); 9 } 10 }).init();