std::shared_ptr<swss::ConsumerTable> g_redisGetConsumer; sai_status_t redis_generic_get( _In_ sai_object_type_t object_type, _In_ sai_object_id_t object_id, _In_ uint32_t attr_count, _Out_ sai_attribute_t *attr_list) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); std::string str_object_id = sai_serialize_object_id(object_id); return internal_redis_generic_get( object_type, str_object_id, attr_count, attr_list); } sai_status_t internal_redis_generic_get( _In_ sai_object_type_t object_type, _In_ const std::string &serialized_object_id, _In_ uint32_t attr_count, _Out_ sai_attribute_t *attr_list) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); /* * Since user may reuse buffers, then oid list buffers maybe not cleared * and contain som garbage, let's clean them so we send all oids as null to * syncd. */ clear_oid_values(object_type, attr_count, attr_list); std::vector<swss::FieldValueTuple> entry = SaiAttributeList::serialize_attr_list( object_type, attr_count, attr_list, false); std::string str_object_type = sai_serialize_object_type(object_type); std::string key = str_object_type + ":" + serialized_object_id; SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("generic get key: %s, fields: %lu", key.c_str(), entry.size()); if (g_record) { recordLine("g|" + key + "|" + joinFieldValues(entry)); } // get is special, it will not put data // into asic view, only to message queue // 寫入本次get事件 g_asicState->set(key, entry, "get"); // wait for response // 建立臨時 select swss::Select s; // 添加事件 s.addSelectable(g_redisGetConsumer.get()); //循環等待syncd的應答 while (true) { SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("wait for response"); swss::Selectable *sel; //阻塞等待,時間爲GET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT int result =, GET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); //只處理應答狀況OBJECT if (result == swss::Select::OBJECT) { swss::KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple kco; g_redisGetConsumer->pop(kco); const std::string &op = kfvOp(kco); const std::string &opkey = kfvKey(kco); SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("response: op = %s, key = %s", opkey.c_str(), op.c_str()); if (op != "getresponse") // ignore non response messages { continue; } sai_status_t status = internal_redis_get_process( object_type, attr_count, attr_list, kco); if (g_record) { const std::string &str_status = kfvKey(kco); const std::vector<swss::FieldValueTuple> &values = kfvFieldsValues(kco); // first serialized is status recordLine("G|" + str_status + "|" + joinFieldValues(values)); } SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("generic get status: %d", status); return status; } SWSS_LOG_ERROR("generic get failed due to SELECT operation result: %s", getSelectResultAsString(result).c_str()); break; } //超時和異常都返回SAI_STATUS_FAILURE if (g_record) { recordLine("G|SAI_STATUS_FAILURE"); } SWSS_LOG_ERROR("generic get failed to get response"); return SAI_STATUS_FAILURE; }
sai_switch_state_change_notification_fn on_switch_state_change_ntf = on_switch_state_change; sai_switch_shutdown_request_notification_fn on_switch_shutdown_request_ntf = on_switch_shutdown_request; sai_fdb_event_notification_fn on_fdb_event_ntf = on_fdb_event; sai_port_state_change_notification_fn on_port_state_change_ntf = on_port_state_change; sai_packet_event_notification_fn on_packet_event_ntf = on_packet_event; sai_queue_pfc_deadlock_notification_fn on_queue_deadlock_ntf = on_queue_deadlock;
void check_notifications_pointers( _In_ uint32_t attr_count, _In_ sai_attribute_t *attr_list) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); /* * This function should only be called on CREATE/SET api when object is * SWITCH. * * Notifications pointers needs to be corrected since those we receive from * sairedis are in sairedis memory space and here we are using those ones * we declared in syncd memory space. * * Also notice that we are using the same pointers for ALL switches. */ for (uint32_t index = 0; index < attr_count; ++index) { sai_attribute_t &attr = attr_list[index]; auto meta = sai_metadata_get_attr_metadata(SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SWITCH,; if (meta->attrvaluetype != SAI_ATTR_VALUE_TYPE_POINTER) { continue; } /* * Does not matter if pointer is valid or not, we just want the * previous value. */ sai_pointer_t prev = attr.value.ptr; if (prev == NULL) { /* * If pointer is NULL, then fine, let it be. */ continue; } switch ( { case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_SWITCH_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFY: attr.value.ptr = (void*)on_switch_state_change_ntf; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST_NOTIFY: attr.value.ptr = (void*)on_switch_shutdown_request_ntf; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_FDB_EVENT_NOTIFY: attr.value.ptr = (void*)on_fdb_event_ntf; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_PORT_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFY: attr.value.ptr = (void*)on_port_state_change_ntf; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_PACKET_EVENT_NOTIFY: attr.value.ptr = (void*)on_packet_event_ntf; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_QUEUE_PFC_DEADLOCK_NOTIFY: attr.value.ptr = (void*)on_queue_deadlock_ntf; break; default: SWSS_LOG_ERROR("pointer for %s is not handled, FIXME!", meta->attridname); continue; } /* * Here we translated pointer, just log it. */ SWSS_LOG_INFO("%s: %lp (orch) => %lp (syncd)", meta->attridname, prev, attr.value.ptr); } }
/* * Routine Description: * Set switch attribute value * * Arguments: * [in] switch_id Switch id * [in] attr - switch attribute * * Return Values: * SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS on success * Failure status code on error */ sai_status_t sai_set_switch_attribute(_In_ sai_object_id_t switch_id, _In_ const sai_attribute_t *attr) { SAI_LOG_ENTER(); sai_status_t status = SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_status_t switch_status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_uint64_t flags = 0; switch_api_device_info_t api_device_info; sai_packet_action_t sai_packet_action; switch_acl_action_t switch_packet_action; switch_packet_type_t switch_packet_type = SWITCH_PACKET_TYPE_UNICAST; bool cut_through = false; if (!attr) { status = SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; SAI_LOG_ERROR("null attribute: %s", sai_status_to_string(status)); return status; } memset(&api_device_info, 0x0, sizeof(api_device_info)); if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return status; } if (attr->id <= SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_ACL_STAGE_EGRESS) { // Unsupported SAI_LOG_DEBUG("Switch attribute set: %s", switch_attr_name[attr->id]); } switch (attr->id) { ...... case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_FDB_EVENT_NOTIFY: sai_switch_notifications.on_fdb_event = attr->value.ptr; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_PORT_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFY: sai_switch_notifications.on_port_state_change = attr->value.ptr; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_PACKET_EVENT_NOTIFY: sai_switch_notifications.on_packet_event = attr->value.ptr; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_SWITCH_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFY: sai_switch_notifications.on_switch_state_change = attr->value.ptr; break; case SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST_NOTIFY: sai_switch_notifications.on_switch_shutdown_request = attr->value.ptr; break; ...... default: SAI_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported Switch attribute: %d", attr->id); // Unsupported: Temporary hack till all attrs are supported switch_status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ...... }
sai_status_t sai_fdb_initialize(sai_api_service_t *sai_api_service) { SAI_LOG_DEBUG("initializing fdb"); sai_api_service->fdb_api = fdb_api; switch_uint16_t mac_event_flags = 0; mac_event_flags |= SWITCH_MAC_EVENT_LEARN | SWITCH_MAC_EVENT_AGE | SWITCH_MAC_EVENT_MOVE | SWITCH_MAC_EVENT_DELETE; switch_api_mac_notification_register( device, SWITCH_SAI_APP_ID, mac_event_flags, &sai_mac_notify_cb); switch_api_mac_table_set_learning_timeout(device, SAI_L2_LEARN_TIMEOUT); return SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS; } //初始化fdb的sai接口的時候,向驅動註冊了sai_mac_notify_cb回調函數。 static void sai_mac_notify_cb(const switch_device_t device, const uint16_t num_entries, const switch_api_mac_entry_t *mac_entry, const switch_mac_event_t mac_event, void *app_data) { SAI_LOG_ENTER(); sai_fdb_event_notification_data_t fdb_event[num_entries]; sai_attribute_t attr_lists[num_entries][2]; uint16_t entry = 0; //判斷回調函數是否爲空 if (!sai_switch_notifications.on_fdb_event) { return; } if (!mac_entry) { SAI_LOG_ERROR("invalid argument"); return; } if (!num_entries) { SAI_LOG_DEBUG("sai mac notify callback with null entries"); return; } for (entry = 0; entry < num_entries; entry++) { memset(&fdb_event[entry], 0, sizeof(fdb_event[entry])); fdb_event[entry].event_type = switch_mac_event_to_sai_fdb_event(mac_event); memcpy(fdb_event[entry].fdb_entry.mac_address, mac_entry[entry].mac.mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); fdb_event[entry].fdb_entry.switch_id = (((unsigned long)SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_DEVICE) << SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_SHIFT) | 0x1; fdb_event[entry].fdb_entry.bv_id = mac_entry[entry].network_handle; memset(attr_lists[entry], 0, sizeof(attr_lists[entry])); attr_lists[entry][0].id = SAI_FDB_ENTRY_ATTR_TYPE; attr_lists[entry][0].value.s32 = SAI_FDB_ENTRY_TYPE_DYNAMIC; attr_lists[entry][1].id = SAI_FDB_ENTRY_ATTR_BRIDGE_PORT_ID; attr_lists[entry][1].value.oid = mac_entry->handle; fdb_event[entry].attr_count = 2; if (fdb_event[entry].event_type == SAI_FDB_EVENT_FLUSHED) { // Overwriting now for SONiC to be able to process it correctly fdb_event[entry].event_type = SAI_FDB_EVENT_AGED; } fdb_event[entry].attr = attr_lists[entry]; } //調用syncd的回調函數 sai_switch_notifications.on_fdb_event(num_entries, fdb_event); SAI_LOG_EXIT(); return; }
std::shared_ptr<std::thread> ntf_process_thread; void startNotificationsProcessingThread() { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); runThread = true; ntf_process_thread = std::make_shared<std::thread>(ntf_process_function); } void ntf_process_function() { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); while (runThread) { cv.wait(ulock); // this is notifications processing thread context, which is different // from SAI notifications context, we can safe use g_mutex here, // processing each notification is under same mutex as processing main // events, counters and reinit swss::KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple item; while (tryDequeue(item))//從隊列中取出notify { processNotification(item);//處理notify } } } bool tryDequeue( _Out_ swss::KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple &item) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queue_mutex); SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); if (ntf_queue.empty()) { return false; } item = ntf_queue.front(); ntf_queue.pop(); return true; } void processNotification( _In_ const swss::KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple &item) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex); SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); std::string notification = kfvKey(item); std::string data = kfvOp(item); if (notification == "switch_state_change") { handle_switch_state_change(data); } else if (notification == "fdb_event") { handle_fdb_event(data); } else if (notification == "port_state_change") { handle_port_state_change(data); } else if (notification == "switch_shutdown_request") { handle_switch_shutdown_request(data); } else if (notification == "queue_deadlock") { handle_queue_deadlock(data); } else { SWSS_LOG_ERROR("unknow notification: %s", notification.c_str()); } } void handle_fdb_event( _In_ const std::string &data) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); uint32_t count; sai_fdb_event_notification_data_t *fdbevent = NULL; sai_deserialize_fdb_event_ntf(data, count, &fdbevent); process_on_fdb_event(count, fdbevent); sai_deserialize_free_fdb_event_ntf(count, fdbevent); } void process_on_fdb_event( _In_ uint32_t count, _In_ sai_fdb_event_notification_data_t *data) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("fdb event count: %d", count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { sai_fdb_event_notification_data_t *fdb = &data[i]; SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("fdb %u: type: %d", i, fdb->event_type); fdb->fdb_entry.switch_id = translate_rid_to_vid(fdb->fdb_entry.switch_id, SAI_NULL_OBJECT_ID); fdb->fdb_entry.bv_id = translate_rid_to_vid(fdb->fdb_entry.bv_id, fdb->fdb_entry.switch_id); translate_rid_to_vid_list(SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_FDB_ENTRY, fdb->fdb_entry.switch_id, fdb->attr_count, fdb->attr); /* * Currently because of bcrm bug, we need to install fdb entries in * asic view and currently this event don't have fdb type which is * required on creation. */ redisPutFdbEntryToAsicView(fdb); } std::string s = sai_serialize_fdb_event_ntf(count, data); send_notification("fdb_event", s); } void send_notification( _In_ std::string op, _In_ std::string data, _In_ std::vector<swss::FieldValueTuple> &entry) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); SWSS_LOG_INFO("%s %s", op.c_str(), data.c_str()); //寫入數據庫 notifications->send(op, data, entry); SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("notification send successfull"); } void send_notification( _In_ std::string op, _In_ std::string data) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); std::vector<swss::FieldValueTuple> entry; send_notification(op, data, entry); }
//啓動線程 sai_status_t sai_api_initialize( _In_ uint64_t flags, _In_ const sai_service_method_table_t* services) { ...... notification_thread = std::make_shared<std::thread>(std::thread(ntf_thread)); ...... } //線程主函數 void ntf_thread() { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); swss::Select s; s.addSelectable(g_redisNotifications.get()); s.addSelectable(&g_redisNotificationTrheadEvent); while (g_run) { swss::Selectable *sel; int result =; if (sel == &g_redisNotificationTrheadEvent) { // user requested shutdown_switch break; } if (result == swss::Select::OBJECT) { swss::KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple kco; std::string op; std::string data; std::vector<swss::FieldValueTuple> values; g_redisNotifications->pop(op, data, values); SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("notification: op = %s, data = %s", op.c_str(), data.c_str()); handle_notification(op, data, values); } } } void handle_fdb_event( _In_ const std::string &data) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("data: %s", data.c_str()); uint32_t count; sai_fdb_event_notification_data_t *fdbevent = NULL; sai_deserialize_fdb_event_ntf(data, count, &fdbevent); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_apimutex); // NOTE: this meta api must be under mutex since // it will access meta DB and notification comes // from different thread meta_sai_on_fdb_event(count, fdbevent); } if (on_fdb_event != NULL) { on_fdb_event(count, fdbevent); } sai_deserialize_free_fdb_event_ntf(count, fdbevent); }
std::mutex queue_mutex; std::queue<swss::KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple> ntf_queue; void on_fdb_event( _In_ uint32_t count, _In_ const sai_fdb_event_notification_data_t *data) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); std::string s = sai_serialize_fdb_event_ntf(count, data); enqueue_notification("fdb_event", s); } void enqueue_notification( _In_ std::string op, _In_ std::string data, _In_ std::vector<swss::FieldValueTuple> &entry) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); SWSS_LOG_INFO("%s %s", op.c_str(), data.c_str()); swss::KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple item(op, data, entry); // this is notification context, so we need to protect queue std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queue_mutex); //壓入隊列 ntf_queue.push(item); cv.notify_all(); } void enqueue_notification( _In_ std::string op, _In_ std::string data) { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); std::vector<swss::FieldValueTuple> entry; enqueue_notification(op, data, entry); }