Shed Skin, 已經時隔六年之久。Shed Skin是一個受限的Python to C++ 編譯器(Python 2.4-2.6)。此時此刻,其開發工做仍處於急速進展當中。Shed Skin 已經在GSOC 和GHOP 項目中派上用場。它如今已經可以生成拓展模塊;後者可被用在更大的Python程序中。Shed Skin 樣例程序之一,一個半成品的C64 仿真器,如今能夠在較快的PC上在一分鐘以內編譯完成。目前爲止總共已經有64個不小的樣例程序。正如對靜態編譯器所要求的那樣,許多狀況下,
Shed Skin 性能都比PyPy要好。不過咱們固然得認可,PyPy限制更少些,並且一樣也在急速地成長。
Shed Skin 6 Years Later
posted by mark dufour on Mon 16th Jan 2012 13:32 UTC

It has been 6 years since we
last mentioned
Shed Skin, a restricted-Python to C++ compiler (Python 2.4-2.6). In the meantime, development has continued at a rapid pace. Shed Skin has taken part in the GSOC and GHOP projects. It is now able to generate extension modules, which can be used in larger Python programs. Its type inference engine has become orders of magnitude faster. One of the Shed Skin example programs, a work-in-progress C64 emulator is now compiled in under a minute on a fast PC. In total there are 64 non-trivial example programs. As may be expected from a static compiler,
performance is better than when using PyPy in many cases. Though of course we have to mention that PyPy is much less restricted, and also improving at a rapid pace.