Hive metastore源碼閱讀(三)

  上次寫了hive metastore的partition的生命週期,可是簡略歸納了下alter_partition的操做,這裏補一下alter_partition,由於隨着項目的深刻,發現它涉及的地方較多,好比insert into 時若是路徑存在狀況下會調用alter_partition,調用insert overwrite語句時,也會調用該方法,java


 1   public void alterPartition(String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart)
 2       throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException {
 3     try {
 4       // Remove the DDL time so that it gets refreshed
 5       if (newPart.getParameters() != null) {
 6         newPart.getParameters().remove(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME);
 7       }
 8       newPart.checkValidity();
 9       getMSC().alter_partition(dbName, tblName, newPart.getTPartition());
11     } catch (MetaException e) {
12       throw new HiveException("Unable to alter partition. " + e.getMessage(), e);
13     } catch (TException e) {
14       throw new HiveException("Unable to alter partition. " + e.getMessage(), e);
15     }
16   }


  1  public Partition alterPartition(final RawStore msdb, Warehouse wh, final String dbname,
  2       final String name, final List<String> part_vals, final Partition new_part)
  3       throws InvalidOperationException, InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException,
  4       MetaException {
  5     boolean success = false;
  7     Path srcPath = null;
  8     Path destPath = null;
  9     FileSystem srcFs = null;
 10     FileSystem destFs = null;
 11     Partition oldPart = null;
 12     String oldPartLoc = null;
 13     String newPartLoc = null;
 15     // Set DDL time to now if not specified
 16     if (new_part.getParameters() == null ||
 17         new_part.getParameters().get(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME) == null ||
 18         Integer.parseInt(new_part.getParameters().get(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME)) == 0) {
 19       new_part.putToParameters(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME, Long.toString(System
 20           .currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
 21     }
 23     Table tbl = msdb.getTable(dbname, name);
 24     //alter partition
 25     if (part_vals == null || part_vals.size() == 0) {
 26       try {
 27         oldPart = msdb.getPartition(dbname, name, new_part.getValues());
 28         if (MetaStoreUtils.requireCalStats(hiveConf, oldPart, new_part, tbl)) {
 29           MetaStoreUtils.updatePartitionStatsFast(new_part, wh, false, true);
 30         }
 31         updatePartColumnStats(msdb, dbname, name, new_part.getValues(), new_part);
 32         msdb.alterPartition(dbname, name, new_part.getValues(), new_part);
 33       } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
 34         throw new InvalidOperationException("alter is not possible");
 35       } catch (NoSuchObjectException e){
 36         //old partition does not exist
 37         throw new InvalidOperationException("alter is not possible");
 38       }
 39       return oldPart;
 40     }


  一、經過Table tbl = msdb.getTable(dbname, name); get到該表的整個元數據的封裝信息。spa

  二、隨後oldPart = msdb.getPartition(dbname, name, new_part.getValues());,經過dbName、tableName、Values獲取partition的元數據信息,Values即是新的partition分區結構eg:(2017-09-11),隨後調用MetaStoreUtils.requireCalStats(hiveConf, oldPart, new_part, tbl),進行元數據存在校驗,若是不存在,則調用updatePartitionStatsFast進行更新(這裏就再也不詳細說明,由於我不知道里面StatsSetupConst的配置參數是幹嗎的哈哈哈哈哈~尷尬~一步步來嘛)debug


 1   private void updatePartColumnStats(RawStore msdb, String dbName, String tableName,
 2       List<String> partVals, Partition newPart) throws MetaException, InvalidObjectException {
 3     dbName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(dbName);
 4     tableName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(tableName);
 5     String newDbName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(newPart.getDbName());
 6     String newTableName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(newPart.getTableName());
 8     Table oldTable = msdb.getTable(dbName, tableName);
 9     if (oldTable == null) {
10       return;
11     }
13     try {
14       String oldPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(oldTable.getPartitionKeys(), partVals);
15       String newPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(oldTable.getPartitionKeys(), newPart.getValues());
16       if (!dbName.equals(newDbName) || !tableName.equals(newTableName)
17           || !oldPartName.equals(newPartName)) {
18         msdb.deletePartitionColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName, oldPartName, partVals, null);
19       } else {
20         Partition oldPartition = msdb.getPartition(dbName, tableName, partVals);
21         if (oldPartition == null) {
22           return;
23         }
24         if (oldPartition.getSd() != null && newPart.getSd() != null) {
25         List<FieldSchema> oldCols = oldPartition.getSd().getCols();
26           if (!MetaStoreUtils.areSameColumns(oldCols, newPart.getSd().getCols())) {
27             updatePartColumnStatsForAlterColumns(msdb, oldPartition, oldPartName, partVals, oldCols, newPart);
28           }
29         }
30       }
31     } catch (NoSuchObjectException nsoe) {
32       LOG.debug("Could not find db entry." + nsoe);
33       //ignore
34     } catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
35       throw new InvalidObjectException("Invalid input to update partition column stats." + iie);
36     }
37   }

  五、Table oldTable = msdb.getTable(dbName, tableName);這裏獲取oldTable的全部元數據信息,隨後經過makePartName拼接新老partition的partName(eg:/dt=2017-09-11/hour/1)用於新老partition的hdfs的路徑對比,由於alterPartition操做,多是經過alter table、table rename等操做執行的,因此若是老的dbName、tableName、以及partition Name與新的不一樣,那麼就須要將元數據中相似於meta_partition的數據清空。隨後經過客戶端從新建立partition。orm

  六、若是是相同的,那麼說明修改是partition的列信息,經過MetaStoreUtils.areSameColumns(oldCols, newPart.getSd().getCols())進行校驗(內部方法再也不把代碼貼出來了)對象


 private void updatePartColumnStatsForAlterColumns(RawStore msdb, Partition oldPartition,
      String oldPartName, List<String> partVals, List<FieldSchema> oldCols, Partition newPart)
          throws MetaException, InvalidObjectException {
    String dbName = oldPartition.getDbName();
    String tableName = oldPartition.getTableName();
    try {
      List<String> oldPartNames = Lists.newArrayList(oldPartName);
      List<String> oldColNames = new ArrayList<String>(oldCols.size());
      for (FieldSchema oldCol : oldCols) {
      List<FieldSchema> newCols = newPart.getSd().getCols();
      List<ColumnStatistics> partsColStats = msdb.getPartitionColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName,
          oldPartNames, oldColNames);
      assert (partsColStats.size() <= 1);
      for (ColumnStatistics partColStats : partsColStats) { //actually only at most one loop
        List<ColumnStatisticsObj> statsObjs = partColStats.getStatsObj();
        for (ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj : statsObjs) {
          boolean found =false;
          for (FieldSchema newCol : newCols) {
            if (statsObj.getColName().equals(newCol.getName())
                && statsObj.getColType().equals(newCol.getType())) {
              found = true;
          if (!found) {
            msdb.deletePartitionColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName, oldPartName, partVals,
    } catch (NoSuchObjectException nsoe) {
      LOG.debug("Could not find db entry." + nsoe);
    } catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
      throw new InvalidObjectException
      ("Invalid input to update partition column stats in alter table change columns" + iie);


  好的,如今至關於將全部old的不一致的數據刪除,下來咱們回到以前的alterPartition中來,隨後調用alterPartition(dbname, name, new_part.getValues(), new_part)將新的partition數據註冊到元數據中。以上,只是當調用rename_partition時,par_vals爲null的狀況下,對oldPart所進行的操做,那麼不爲null時呢?是否是很絕望?咱們慢慢折磨哈哈。。。


  九、對錶的類型進行判斷,若是該表爲內部表,則將原有的oldPart的table所在storage路徑,也就是hdfs路徑賦給newPart,這裏注意的是否是partition的location路徑,是storage的location路徑。隨之調用deletePartitionColumnStatistics直接刪除原有partition meta信息。


 1        try {
 2           destPath = new Path(wh.getTablePath(msdb.getDatabase(dbname), name),
 3             Warehouse.makePartName(tbl.getPartitionKeys(), new_part.getValues()));
 4           destPath = constructRenamedPath(destPath, new Path(new_part.getSd().getLocation()));
 5         } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
 6           LOG.debug(e);
 7           throw new InvalidOperationException(
 8             "Unable to change partition or table. Database " + dbname + " does not exist"
 9               + " Check metastore logs for detailed stack." + e.getMessage());
10         }
11         if (destPath != null) {
12           newPartLoc = destPath.toString();
13           oldPartLoc = oldPart.getSd().getLocation();
15           srcPath = new Path(oldPartLoc);
17 "srcPath:" + oldPartLoc);
18 "descPath:" + newPartLoc);
19           srcFs = wh.getFs(srcPath);
20           destFs = wh.getFs(destPath);
21           // check that src and dest are on the same file system
22           if (!FileUtils.equalsFileSystem(srcFs, destFs)) {
23             throw new InvalidOperationException("table new location " + destPath
24               + " is on a different file system than the old location "
25               + srcPath + ". This operation is not supported");
26           }
27           try {
28             srcFs.exists(srcPath); // check that src exists and also checks
29             if (newPartLoc.compareTo(oldPartLoc) != 0 && destFs.exists(destPath)) {
30               throw new InvalidOperationException("New location for this table "
31                 + tbl.getDbName() + "." + tbl.getTableName()
32                 + " already exists : " + destPath);
33             }
34           } catch (IOException e) {
35             throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to access new location "
36               + destPath + " for partition " + tbl.getDbName() + "."
37               + tbl.getTableName() + " " + new_part.getValues());
38           }
39           new_part.getSd().setLocation(newPartLoc);
40           if (MetaStoreUtils.requireCalStats(hiveConf, oldPart, new_part, tbl)) {
41             MetaStoreUtils.updatePartitionStatsFast(new_part, wh, false, true);
42           }
43           String oldPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(tbl.getPartitionKeys(), oldPart.getValues());
44           try {
45             //existing partition column stats is no longer valid, remove
46             msdb.deletePartitionColumnStatistics(dbname, name, oldPartName, oldPart.getValues(), null);


  相關的操做仍是蠻多的,這裏知識大體的分析了下,邊看源碼邊寫, 若有錯誤之處,還望各位大神之處,謝謝~ 碎覺~~明天去做死的幹活咯~ 
