# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Created by FizLin on 2017/07/23/-下午10:59 mail: https://github.com/Fiz1994 信號量 maxconnections = 5 ... pool_sema = BoundedSemaphore(value=maxconnections) Once spawned, worker threads call the semaphore’s acquire and release methods when they need to connect to the server: pool_sema.acquire() conn = connectdb() ... use connection ... conn.close() pool_sema.release() """ import threading import time import random sites = ["https://www.baidu.com/", "https://github.com/Fiz1994", "https://stackoverflow.com/", "https://www.sogou.com/", "http://english.sogou.com/?b_o_e=1&ie=utf8&fr=common_index_nav&query="] * 20 sites_index = 0 maxconnections = 2 pool_sema = threading.BoundedSemaphore(value=maxconnections) def test(): with pool_sema: global sites_index, sites url = str(sites[sites_index]) k = random.randint(10, 20) print("爬去: " + url + " 須要時間 : " + str(k)) sites_index += 1 # print(url) time.sleep(k) print('退出 ', url) for i in range(100): threading.Thread(target=test).start()