
Work with cURL easily from your CodeIgniter application.php


Contributor philsturgeon
Email : Log in to view
Author Website http://philsturgeon.co.uk/
Repository Type : git
Number of Installs : 10,474

Get the Latest

  • 1.3.0Pushed October 1st, 2013
    php tools\spark install -v1.3.0 curlOr download this version manually: Get curl-1.3.0.zip



CodeIgniter-cURL is a CodeIgniter library which makes it easy to do simple cURL requests and makes more complicated cURL requests easier too.git


  1. PHP 5.1+
  2. CodeIgniter 1.7.x - 2.0-dev
  3. PHP 5 (configured with cURL enabled)
  4. libcurl


  • POST/GET/PUT/DELETE requests over HTTP
  • HTTP Authentication
  • Follows redirects
  • Returns error string
  • Provides debug information
  • Proxy support
  • Cookies





Simple calls

These do it all in one line of code to make life easy. They return the body of the page, or FALSE on fail.cookie

// Simple call to remote URL
echo $this->curl->simple_get('http://example.com/');

// Simple call to CI URI
$this->curl->simple_post('controller/method', array('foo'=>'bar'));

// Set advanced options in simple calls
// Can use any of these flags http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-setopt.php

$this->curl->simple_get('http://example.com', array(CURLOPT_PORT => 8080));
$this->curl->simple_post('http://example.com', array('foo'=>'bar'), array(CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE => 10));

Advanced calls

These methods allow you to build a more complex request.session

原文地址:http://getsparks.org/packages/curl/showCI的REST實現:http://tech.chinaunix.net/a2011/0420/1180/000001180783.shtml// Start session (also wipes existing/previous sessions)

// Option & Options
$this->curl->option(CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, 10);
$this->curl->options(array(CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE => 10));

// More human looking options
$this->curl->option('buffersize', 10);

// Login to HTTP user authentication
$this->curl->http_login('username', 'password');

// Post - If you do not use post, it will just run a GET request
$post = array('foo'=>'bar');

// Cookies - If you do not use post, it will just run a GET request
$vars = array('foo'=>'bar');

// Proxy - Request the page through a proxy server
// Port is optional, defaults to 80
$this->curl->proxy('http://example.com', 1080);

// Proxy login
$this->curl->proxy_login('username', 'password');

// Execute - returns responce
echo $this->curl->execute();

// Debug data ------------------------------------------------

// Errors
$this->curl->error_code; // int

// Information
$this->curl->info; // array