1 # coding=utf-8 2 """ 3 Created on 2015-09-04 @author: Eastmount 4 """ 5 6 import time 7 import re 8 import os 9 import sys 10 import codecs 11 from selenium import webdriver 12 from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys 13 import selenium.webdriver.support.ui as ui 14 from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains 15 16 #Open PhantomJS 17 driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path="G:\phantomjs-1.9.1-windows\phantomjs.exe") 18 #driver = webdriver.Firefox() 19 wait = ui.WebDriverWait(driver,10) 20 global info #全局變量 21 22 #Get the infobox of 5A tourist spots 23 def getInfobox(name): 24 try: 25 #create paths and txt files 26 global info 27 basePathDirectory = "Tourist_spots_5A" 28 if not os.path.exists(basePathDirectory): 29 os.makedirs(basePathDirectory) 30 baiduFile = os.path.join(basePathDirectory,"BaiduSpider.txt") 31 if not os.path.exists(baiduFile): 32 info = codecs.open(baiduFile,'w','utf-8') 33 else: 34 info = codecs.open(baiduFile,'a','utf-8') 35 36 #locate input notice: 1.visit url by unicode 2.write files 37 print name.rstrip('\n') #delete char '\n' 38 driver.get("http://baike.baidu.com/") 39 elem_inp = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//form[@id='searchForm']/input") 40 elem_inp.send_keys(name) 41 elem_inp.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) 42 info.write(name.rstrip('\n')+'\r\n') #codecs不支持'\n'換行 43 #print driver.current_url 44 time.sleep(5) 45 46 #load infobox 47 elem_name = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='basic-info']/dl/dt") 48 elem_value = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='basic-info']/dl/dd") 49 50 #create dictionary key-value 51 #字典是一種散列表結構,數據輸入後按特徵被散列,不記錄原來的數據,順序建議元組 52 elem_dic = dict(zip(elem_name,elem_value)) 53 for key in elem_dic: 54 print key.text,elem_dic[key].text 55 info.writelines(key.text+" "+elem_dic[key].text+'\r\n') 56 time.sleep(5) 57 58 except Exception,e: #'utf8' codec can't decode byte 59 print "Error: ",e 60 finally: 61 print '\n' 62 info.write('\r\n') 63 64 #Main function 65 def main(): 66 global info 67 #By function get information 68 source = open("Tourist_spots_5A_BD.txt",'r') 69 for name in source: 70 name = unicode(name,"utf-8") 71 if u'故宮' in name: #else add a '?' 72 name = u'北京故宮' 73 getInfobox(name) 74 print 'End Read Files!' 75 source.close() 76 info.close() 77 driver.close() 78 79 main()
主要經過從F盤中txt文件中讀取國家5A級景區的名字,再調用Phantomjs.exe瀏覽器依次訪問獲取InfoBox值。同時若是存在編碼問題「'ascii' codec can't encode characters」則可經過下面代碼設置編譯器utf-8編碼,代碼以下:windows
#設置編碼utf-8 import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') #顯示當前默認編碼方式 print sys.getdefaultencoding()
此時你仍然可能遇到「'ascii' codec can't encode characters」編碼問題。瀏覽器
1 import codecs 2 3 #用codecs提供的open方法來指定打開的文件的語言編碼,它會在讀取的時候自動轉換爲內部unicode 4 if not os.path.exists(baiduFile): 5 info = codecs.open(baiduFile,'w','utf-8') 6 else: 7 info = codecs.open(baiduFile,'a','utf-8') 8 9 #該方法不是io故換行是'\r\n' 10 info.writelines(key.text+":"+elem_dic[key].text+'\r\n')
elem_dic = dict(zip(elem_name,elem_value))
[python爬蟲] Selenium常見元素定位方法和操做的學習介紹
(By:Eastmount 2015-9-6 深夜2點半 http://blog.csdn.net/eastmount/)