ZeroMq 下載地址:http://zeromq.org/distro:microsoft-windowsbash
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/ParlAI.git cd ParlAI python setup.py develop
UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 1270: illega 解決方法:我把setup.py代碼稍加修改了。 都是utf-8的 我這裏很疑惑 去掉: with open('LICENSE') as f: license = f.read() with open('requirements.txt') as f: reqs = f.read() 初始化: license='', long_description='',
「error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required.. 解決辦法: 手工安裝 pip install pyzmq
AttributeError: module 'parlai.tasks.babi.agents' has no attribute 'create_agents' TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] 因爲鏈接方在一段時間後沒有正確答覆或鏈接的主機沒 有反應,鏈接嘗試失敗。 解決辦法: 安裝ZeroMq
F:\py\parlai\ParlAI>python examples/display_data.py -t babi:task1k:1 [no_images:False] [download_path:f:\py\parlai\parlai\downloads] [task:babi:task1k:1] [datatype:train] [batchsize:1] [num_examples:10] [numthreads:1] [parlai_home:f:\py\parlai\parlai] [datapath:f:\py\parlai\parlai\data] [creating task(s): babi:task1k:1] [building data: f:\py\parlai\parlai\data\bAbI] 100% [....................................................] 19212062 / 19212062 unpacking babi.tar.gz [DialogTeacher initializing.] [loading fbdialog data:f:\py\parlai\parlai\data\bAbI\tasks_1-20_v1-2\en-valid-n sf\qa1_train.txt] [babi:task1k:1]: Mary travelled to the garden. Daniel went to the office. Where is Daniel? [labels: office] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: office ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Where is Daniel? [labels: kitchen] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: kitchen ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: Mary went back to the hallway. Daniel went to the bedroom. Where is Daniel? [labels: bedroom] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: bedroom ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: Mary moved to the bathroom. Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Where is Mary? [labels: bathroom] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: bathroom ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: John journeyed to the garden. Sandra went to the garden. Where is Sandra? [labels: garden] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: garden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: Mary travelled to the bedroom. Daniel travelled to the office. Where is Mary? [labels: bedroom] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: bedroom ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Mary travelled to the hallway. Where is Mary? [labels: hallway] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: hallway ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Mary travelled to the kitchen. Where is Daniel? [labels: hallway] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: hallway ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: John journeyed to the garden. Daniel went to the bathroom. Where is Sandra? [labels: kitchen] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: kitchen ~~ [babi:task1k:1]: Daniel moved to the garden. John went to the kitchen. Where is Daniel? [labels: garden] [cands: garden|kitchen|office|bedroom|bathroom|hallway] [RepeatLabelAgent]: garden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~