Seata 是一款開源的分佈式事務解決方案,致力於提供高性能和簡單易用的分佈式事務服務。Seata 將爲用戶提供了 AT、TCC、SAGA 和 XA 事務模式,爲用戶打造一站式的分佈式解決方案。git
Transaction Coordinator(TC):事務協調器,維護全局事務的運行狀態,負責協調並驅動全局事務的提交或回滾redis
Transaction Manager(TM):控制全局事務的邊界,負責開啓一個全局事務,並最終發起全局提交或全局回滾的決議spring
Resource Manager(RM):控制分支事務,負責分支註冊、狀態彙報,並接受事務協調的指令,驅動分支(本地)事務的提交和回滾sql
一、TM 向 TC 申請開啓一個全局事務,全局事務建立成功並生成一個全局惟一的 XID;
二、XID 在微服務調用鏈路的上下文中傳播;
三、RM 向 TC 註冊分支事務,將其歸入 XID 對應的全局事務的管轄;
四、TM 向 TC 發起針對 XID 的全局提交或回滾決議;
五、TC 調度 XID 下管轄的所有分支事務完成提交或回滾請求。
本例下載的是 seata-server-1.2.0.tar.gz,並解壓
二、修改事務日誌存儲模式爲 db
及數據庫鏈接信息,即修改 conf目錄中 flie.conf 文件,以下:
1 ## transaction log store, only used in seata-server 2 store { 3 ## store mode: file、db 4 mode = "db" 5 6 ## file store property 7 file { 8 ## store location dir 9 dir = "sessionStore" 10 # branch session size , if exceeded first try compress lockkey, still exceeded throws exceptions 11 maxBranchSessionSize = 16384 12 # globe session size , if exceeded throws exceptions 13 maxGlobalSessionSize = 512 14 # file buffer size , if exceeded allocate new buffer 15 fileWriteBufferCacheSize = 16384 16 # when recover batch read size 17 sessionReloadReadSize = 100 18 # async, sync 19 flushDiskMode = async 20 } 21 22 ## database store property 23 db { 24 ## the implement of javax.sql.DataSource, such as DruidDataSource(druid)/BasicDataSource(dbcp) etc. 25 datasource = "druid" 26 ## mysql/oracle/postgresql/h2/oceanbase etc. 27 dbType = "mysql" 28 driverClassName = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" 29 url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata" 30 user = "admin" 31 password = "123456" 32 minConn = 5 33 maxConn = 30 34 globalTable = "global_table" 35 branchTable = "branch_table" 36 lockTable = "lock_table" 37 queryLimit = 100 38 maxWait = 5000 39 } 40 }
地址:https://github.com/seata/seata/tree/1.2.0/script/server/db 目錄 mysql.sql 中
1 -- -------------------------------- The script used when storeMode is 'db' -------------------------------- 2 -- the table to store GlobalSession data 3 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `global_table` 4 ( 5 `xid` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, 6 `transaction_id` BIGINT, 7 `status` TINYINT NOT NULL, 8 `application_id` VARCHAR(32), 9 `transaction_service_group` VARCHAR(32), 10 `transaction_name` VARCHAR(128), 11 `timeout` INT, 12 `begin_time` BIGINT, 13 `application_data` VARCHAR(2000), 14 `gmt_create` DATETIME, 15 `gmt_modified` DATETIME, 16 PRIMARY KEY (`xid`), 17 KEY `idx_gmt_modified_status` (`gmt_modified`, `status`), 18 KEY `idx_transaction_id` (`transaction_id`) 19 ) ENGINE = InnoDB 20 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; 21 22 -- the table to store BranchSession data 23 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `branch_table` 24 ( 25 `branch_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, 26 `xid` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, 27 `transaction_id` BIGINT, 28 `resource_group_id` VARCHAR(32), 29 `resource_id` VARCHAR(256), 30 `branch_type` VARCHAR(8), 31 `status` TINYINT, 32 `client_id` VARCHAR(64), 33 `application_data` VARCHAR(2000), 34 `gmt_create` DATETIME(6), 35 `gmt_modified` DATETIME(6), 36 PRIMARY KEY (`branch_id`), 37 KEY `idx_xid` (`xid`) 38 ) ENGINE = InnoDB 39 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; 40 41 -- the table to store lock data 42 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lock_table` 43 ( 44 `row_key` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, 45 `xid` VARCHAR(96), 46 `transaction_id` BIGINT, 47 `branch_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, 48 `resource_id` VARCHAR(256), 49 `table_name` VARCHAR(32), 50 `pk` VARCHAR(36), 51 `gmt_create` DATETIME, 52 `gmt_modified` DATETIME, 53 PRIMARY KEY (`row_key`), 54 KEY `idx_branch_id` (`branch_id`) 55 ) ENGINE = InnoDB 56 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8;
三、修改註冊中心,使用nacos做爲註冊中心,即修改 conf目錄中 registry.conf 文件,以下:
1 registry { 2 # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd三、sofa 3 type = "nacos" 4 5 nacos { 6 application = "seata-server" 7 serverAddr = "localhost:8848" 8 namespace = "" 9 cluster = "default" 10 username = "" 11 password = "" 12 } 13 }
四、啓動Nacos服務(參考:【SpringCloud】Spring Cloud Alibaba 之 Nacos註冊中心(二十七))、在啓動Seata服務
Seata服務啓動命令:sh ./bin/seata-server.sh
1 CREATE DATABASE seata_order; 2 3 USE seata_order; 4 5 CREATE TABLE `order` ( 6 `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 7 `user_id` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用戶id', 8 `product_id` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '產品id', 9 `count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '數量', 10 `money` decimal(11,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '金額', 11 `status` int(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '訂單狀態:0:建立中;1:已完結', 12 PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 13 ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
1 USE seata_storage; 2 3 CREATE TABLE `storage` ( 4 `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 5 `product_id` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '產品id', 6 `total` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '總庫存', 7 `used` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '已用庫存', 8 `residue` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '剩餘庫存', 9 PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 10 ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 11 12 INSERT INTO `seata_storage`.`storage` (`id`, `product_id`, `total`, `used`, `residue`) VALUES ('1', '1', '100', '0', '100');
1 CREATE DATABASE seata_account; 2 3 USE seata_account; 4 5 6 CREATE TABLE `account` ( 7 `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id', 8 `user_id` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用戶id', 9 `total` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '總額度', 10 `used` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '已用餘額', 11 `residue` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '剩餘可用額度', 12 PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 13 ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 14 15 INSERT INTO `seata_account`.`account` (`id`, `user_id`, `total`, `used`, `residue`) VALUES ('1', '1', '1000', '0', '1000');
1 -- for AT mode you must to init this sql for you business database. the seata server not need it. 2 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `undo_log` 3 ( 4 `branch_id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'branch transaction id', 5 `xid` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'global transaction id', 6 `context` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL COMMENT 'undo_log context,such as serialization', 7 `rollback_info` LONGBLOB NOT NULL COMMENT 'rollback info', 8 `log_status` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '0:normal status,1:defense status', 9 `log_created` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'create datetime', 10 `log_modified` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'modify datetime', 11 UNIQUE KEY `ux_undo_log` (`xid`, `branch_id`) 12 ) ENGINE = InnoDB 13 AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 14 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COMMENT ='AT transaction mode undo table';
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" 3 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 4 xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> 5 <parent> 6 <artifactId>test-springcloud</artifactId> 7 <groupId>com.test</groupId> 8 <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> 9 </parent> 10 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> 11 12 <artifactId>springcloud-seata-order9011</artifactId> 13 14 <dependencies> 15 16 <!-- seata--> 17 <dependency> 18 <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId> 19 <artifactId>spring-cloud-alibaba-seata</artifactId> 20 <exclusions> 21 <exclusion> 22 <groupId>io.seata</groupId> 23 <artifactId>seata-all</artifactId> 24 </exclusion> 25 </exclusions> 26 </dependency> 27 <dependency> 28 <groupId>io.seata</groupId> 29 <artifactId>seata-all</artifactId> 30 <version>1.2.0</version> 31 </dependency> 32 33 <!-- alibaba nacos discovery --> 34 <dependency> 35 <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId> 36 <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery</artifactId> 37 </dependency> 38 39 <dependency> 40 <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> 41 <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-openfeign</artifactId> 42 </dependency> 43 44 <!-- spring boot --> 45 <dependency> 46 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 47 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> 48 </dependency> 49 <dependency> 50 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 51 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId> 52 </dependency> 53 <dependency> 54 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 55 <artifactId>spring-boot-devtools</artifactId> 56 <scope>runtime</scope> 57 <optional>true</optional> 58 </dependency> 59 60 <dependency> 61 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 62 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-jdbc</artifactId> 63 </dependency> 64 65 <dependency> 66 <groupId>org.mybatis.spring.boot</groupId> 67 <artifactId>mybatis-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> 68 </dependency> 69 70 <!-- mysql --> 71 <dependency> 72 <groupId>mysql</groupId> 73 <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> 74 </dependency> 75 76 <dependency> 77 <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> 78 <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> 79 <optional>true</optional> 80 </dependency> 81 <dependency> 82 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 83 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> 84 <scope>test</scope> 85 </dependency> 86 87 </dependencies> 88 89 </project>
1 # 端口 2 server: 3 port: 9011 4 5 spring: 6 application: 7 name: seata-order-service 8 # 數據源基本配置 9 cloud: 10 nacos: 11 discovery: 12 server-addr: localhost:8848 13 alibaba: 14 seata: 15 # 此處的名稱必定要與 vgroup-mapping配置的參數保持一致 16 tx-service-group: my_order_tx_group 17 datasource: 18 driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver 19 url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_order?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&useSSL=true 20 username: admin 21 password: 123456 22 hikari: 23 connection-test-query: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL 24 minimum-idle: 1 25 maximum-pool-size: 10 26 pool-name: ${spring.application.name}-CP 27 idle-timeout: 10000 28 cachePrepStmts: true 29 prepStmtCacheSize: 250 30 prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: 2048 31 leakDetectionThreshold: 40000 32 33 ribbon: 34 ReadTimeout: 600000 35 ConnectTimeout: 600000 36 MaxAutoRetries: 0 37 MaxAutoRetriesNextServer: 1 38 39 # 餓加載開啓 Feign 預加載, 防止第一次請求超時 40 eager-load: 41 enabled: true 42 clients: seata-storage-service, storage-account-server 43 44 mybatis: 45 mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*Mapper.xml 46 # 全部entity別名類所在的包 47 type-aliases-pachage: com.test.springcloud.entities 48 49 logging: 50 level: 51 # root: debug 52 com.test.springcloud: debug
1 registry { 2 # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd三、sofa 3 type = "nacos" 4 5 nacos { 6 application = "seata-server" 7 serverAddr = "localhost:8848" 8 namespace = "" 9 cluster = "default" 10 username = "" 11 password = "" 12 } 13 eureka { 14 serviceUrl = "http://localhost:8761/eureka" 15 application = "default" 16 weight = "1" 17 } 18 redis { 19 serverAddr = "localhost:6379" 20 db = 0 21 password = "" 22 cluster = "default" 23 timeout = 0 24 } 25 zk { 26 cluster = "default" 27 serverAddr = "" 28 sessionTimeout = 6000 29 connectTimeout = 2000 30 username = "" 31 password = "" 32 } 33 consul { 34 cluster = "default" 35 serverAddr = "" 36 } 37 etcd3 { 38 cluster = "default" 39 serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379" 40 } 41 sofa { 42 serverAddr = "" 43 application = "default" 44 region = "DEFAULT_ZONE" 45 datacenter = "DefaultDataCenter" 46 cluster = "default" 47 group = "SEATA_GROUP" 48 addressWaitTime = "3000" 49 } 50 file { 51 name = "file.conf" 52 } 53 } 54 55 config { 56 # file、nacos 、apollo、zk、consul、etcd3 57 type = "file" 58 59 nacos { 60 serverAddr = "localhost:8848" 61 namespace = "" 62 group = "SEATA_GROUP" 63 username = "" 64 password = "" 65 } 66 consul { 67 serverAddr = "" 68 } 69 apollo { 70 appId = "seata-server" 71 apolloMeta = "" 72 namespace = "application" 73 } 74 zk { 75 serverAddr = "" 76 sessionTimeout = 6000 77 connectTimeout = 2000 78 username = "" 79 password = "" 80 } 81 etcd3 { 82 serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379" 83 } 84 file { 85 name = "file.conf" 86 } 87 }
1 transport { 2 # tcp udt unix-domain-socket 3 type = "TCP" 4 #NIO NATIVE 5 server = "NIO" 6 #enable heartbeat 7 heartbeat = true 8 # the client batch send request enable 9 enableClientBatchSendRequest = true 10 #thread factory for netty 11 threadFactory { 12 bossThreadPrefix = "NettyBoss" 13 workerThreadPrefix = "NettyServerNIOWorker" 14 serverExecutorThread-prefix = "NettyServerBizHandler" 15 shareBossWorker = false 16 clientSelectorThreadPrefix = "NettyClientSelector" 17 clientSelectorThreadSize = 1 18 clientWorkerThreadPrefix = "NettyClientWorkerThread" 19 # netty boss thread size,will not be used for UDT 20 bossThreadSize = 1 21 #auto default pin or 8 22 workerThreadSize = "default" 23 } 24 shutdown { 25 # when destroy server, wait seconds 26 wait = 3 27 } 28 serialization = "seata" 29 compressor = "none" 30 } 31 32 service { 33 #transaction service group mapping 34 vgroupMapping.my_order_tx_group = "default" 35 #only support when registry.type=file, please don't set multiple addresses 36 default.grouplist = "" 37 #degrade, current not support 38 enableDegrade = false 39 #disable seata 40 disableGlobalTransaction = false 41 } 42 43 client { 44 rm { 45 asyncCommitBufferLimit = 10000 46 lock { 47 retryInterval = 10 48 retryTimes = 30 49 retryPolicyBranchRollbackOnConflict = true 50 } 51 reportRetryCount = 5 52 tableMetaCheckEnable = false 53 reportSuccessEnable = false 54 } 55 tm { 56 commitRetryCount = 5 57 rollbackRetryCount = 5 58 } 59 undo { 60 dataValidation = true 61 logSerialization = "jackson" 62 logTable = "undo_log" 63 } 64 log { 65 exceptionRate = 100 66 } 67 }
注意其中的:vgroupMapping.my_order_tx_group = "default"配置
1 @EnableFeignClients 2 // 自動代理數據源 3 @EnableAutoDataSourceProxy 4 @EnableDiscoveryClient 5 @SpringBootApplication 6 public class SeataOrder9011 { 7 public static void main(String[] args) { 8 SpringApplication.run(SeataOrder9011.class, args); 9 } 10 }
1 @Slf4j 2 @RestController 3 public class OrderController { 4 @Autowired 5 private OrderService orderService; 6 7 @GetMapping("/order/create") 8 public CommonResult create(Order order) { 9 orderService.create(order); 10 return new CommonResult(1, "success"); 11 } 12 }
1 public interface OrderService { 2 3 // 新建訂單 4 public void create(Order order); 5 6 }
1 @Service 2 @Slf4j 3 public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService { 4 5 @Autowired 6 private OrderDao orderDao; 7 8 @Autowired 9 private StorageService storageService; 10 11 @Autowired 12 private AccountService accountService; 13 14 /** 15 * 建立訂單->調用庫存服務扣減庫存->調用帳戶服務扣減帳戶餘額->修改訂單狀態 16 */ 17 @GlobalTransactional(name = "my_test_tx_group",rollbackFor = Exception.class) 18 public void create(Order order) { 19 log.info("------->下單開始"); 20 //本應用建立訂單 21 orderDao.insert(order); 22 23 //遠程調用庫存服務扣減庫存 24 log.info("------->order-service中扣減庫存開始"); 25 storageService.decrease(order.getProductId(),order.getCount()); 26 log.info("------->order-service中扣減庫存結束:{}",order.getId()); 27 28 //遠程調用帳戶服務扣減餘額 29 log.info("------->order-service中扣減餘額開始"); 30 accountService.decrease(order.getUserId(),order.getMoney()); 31 log.info("------->order-service中扣減餘額結束"); 32 33 //修改訂單狀態爲已完成 34 log.info("------->order-service中修改訂單狀態開始"); 35 orderDao.update(order.getId(), order.getUserId(),0); 36 log.info("------->order-service中修改訂單狀態結束"); 37 38 log.info("------->下單結束"); 39 } 40 41 }
1 @FeignClient(value = "seata-storage-service") 2 public interface StorageService { 3 4 @PostMapping(value = "/storage/decrease") 5 CommonResult decrease(@RequestParam("productId") Long productId,@RequestParam("count") Integer count); 6 }
1 @FeignClient(value = "seata-account-service") 2 public interface AccountService { 3 4 @PostMapping(value = "/account/decrease") 5 void decrease(@RequestParam("userId") Long userId,@RequestParam("money") BigDecimal money); 6 7 }
1 @Mapper 2 public interface OrderDao { 3 // 新建訂單 4 public int insert(Order order); 5 6 // 更新訂單 從0修改成1 7 public Order update(@Param("id") Long id, @Param("userId") Long userId, @Param("status") Integer status); 8 }
1 @Data 2 @AllArgsConstructor 3 @NoArgsConstructor 4 public class CommonResult<T> { 5 6 private int code; 7 private String msg; 8 private T data; 9 10 public CommonResult(int code, String msg) { 11 this.code = code; 12 this.msg = msg; 13 } 14 }
1 @Data 2 @AllArgsConstructor 3 @NoArgsConstructor 4 public class Order { 5 private Long id; 6 private Long userId; 7 private Long productId; 8 private Integer count; 9 private BigDecimal money; 10 private Integer status; 11 12 }
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> 3 4 <mapper namespace="com.test.springcloud.dao.OrderDao"> 5 6 <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.test.springcloud.entities.Order" > 7 <id property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" column="id" /> 8 <result property="userId" jdbcType="BIGINT" column="user_id" /> 9 <result property="productId" jdbcType="BIGINT" column="product_id" /> 10 <result property="count" jdbcType="INTEGER" column="count" /> 11 <result property="money" jdbcType="DECIMAL" column="money" /> 12 <result property="status" jdbcType="INTEGER" column="status" /> 13 </resultMap> 14 15 <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.test.springcloud.entities.Order" useGeneratedKeys="true" 16 keyProperty="id"> 17 INSERT INTO `order` (id, user_id, product_id, count, money, status ) 18 values(null, #{userId}, #{productId}, #{count}, #{money}, 0) 19 </insert> 20 21 <select id="update" > 22 UPDATE `order` set status = 1 23 WHERE id = #{id} and status = #{status} and user_id = #{userId} 24 </select> 25 </mapper>
1 # 端口 2 server: 3 port: 9012 4 5 spring: 6 application: 7 name: seata-storage-service 8 # 數據源基本配置 9 cloud: 10 nacos: 11 discovery: 12 server-addr: localhost:8848 13 alibaba: 14 seata: 15 tx-service-group: my_storage_tx_group 16 datasource: 17 driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver 18 url: jdbc:mysql://localhost 3306/seata_storage?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&useSSL=true 19 username: admin 20 password: 123456 21 hikari: 22 connection-test-query: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL 23 minimum-idle: 1 24 maximum-pool-size: 10 25 pool-name: ${spring.application.name}-CP 26 idle-timeout: 10000 27 cachePrepStmts: true 28 prepStmtCacheSize: 250 29 prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: 2048 30 leakDetectionThreshold: 40000 31 32 feign.hystrix.enabled: true 33 hystrix: 34 command: 35 default: 36 circuitBreaker: 37 sleepWindowInMilliseconds: 30000 38 requestVolumeThreshold: 10 39 execution: 40 isolation: 41 strategy: SEMAPHORE 42 thread: 43 timeoutInMilliseconds: 100000 44 45 46 47 mybatis: 48 mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*Mapper.xml 49 # 全部entity別名類所在的包 50 type-aliases-pachage: com.test.springcloud.entities 51 52 logging: 53 level: 54 # root: debug 55 com.test.springcloud: debug
1 transport { 2 # tcp udt unix-domain-socket 3 type = "TCP" 4 #NIO NATIVE 5 server = "NIO" 6 #enable heartbeat 7 heartbeat = true 8 # the client batch send request enable 9 enableClientBatchSendRequest = true 10 #thread factory for netty 11 threadFactory { 12 bossThreadPrefix = "NettyBoss" 13 workerThreadPrefix = "NettyServerNIOWorker" 14 serverExecutorThread-prefix = "NettyServerBizHandler" 15 shareBossWorker = false 16 clientSelectorThreadPrefix = "NettyClientSelector" 17 clientSelectorThreadSize = 1 18 clientWorkerThreadPrefix = "NettyClientWorkerThread" 19 # netty boss thread size,will not be used for UDT 20 bossThreadSize = 1 21 #auto default pin or 8 22 workerThreadSize = "default" 23 } 24 shutdown { 25 # when destroy server, wait seconds 26 wait = 3 27 } 28 serialization = "seata" 29 compressor = "none" 30 } 31 32 service { 33 #transaction service group mapping 34 vgroupMapping.my_storage_tx_group = "default" 35 #only support when registry.type=file, please don't set multiple addresses 36 default.grouplist = "" 37 #degrade, current not support 38 enableDegrade = false 39 #disable seata 40 disableGlobalTransaction = false 41 } 42 43 client { 44 rm { 45 asyncCommitBufferLimit = 10000 46 lock { 47 retryInterval = 10 48 retryTimes = 30 49 retryPolicyBranchRollbackOnConflict = true 50 } 51 reportRetryCount = 5 52 tableMetaCheckEnable = false 53 reportSuccessEnable = false 54 } 55 tm { 56 commitRetryCount = 5 57 rollbackRetryCount = 5 58 } 59 undo { 60 dataValidation = true 61 logSerialization = "jackson" 62 logTable = "undo_log" 63 } 64 log { 65 exceptionRate = 100 66 } 67 }
注意其中的:vgroupMapping.my_storage_tx_group = "default"
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> 3 4 <mapper namespace="com.test.springcloud.dao.StorageDao"> 5 6 <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.test.springcloud.entities.Storage" > 7 <id property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" column="id" /> 8 <result property="productId" jdbcType="BIGINT" column="product_id" /> 9 <result property="total" jdbcType="INTEGER" column="total" /> 10 <result property="used" jdbcType="INTEGER" column="used" /> 11 <result property="residue" jdbcType="INTEGER" column="residue" /> 12 </resultMap> 13 14 <select id="decrease" > 15 UPDATE storage 16 set used = used + #{count}, 17 residue = residue - #{count} 18 WHERE product_id = #{productId} 19 </select> 20 </mapper>
注意其中的:vgroupMapping.my_account_tx_group = "default"
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> 3 4 <mapper namespace="com.test.springcloud.dao.AccountDao"> 5 6 <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.test.springcloud.entities.Account" > 7 <id property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" column="id" /> 8 <result property="userId" jdbcType="BIGINT" column="user_id" /> 9 <result property="total" jdbcType="DECIMAL" column="total" /> 10 <result property="used" jdbcType="DECIMAL" column="used" /> 11 <result property="residue" jdbcType="DECIMAL" column="residue" /> 12 </resultMap> 13 14 <select id="decrease" > 15 UPDATE account 16 set used = used + #{money}, 17 residue = residue - #{money} 18 WHERE user_id = #{userId} 19 </select> 20 </mapper>
三個服務分別註冊了 RM 和 TM,都用通道鏈接
1 @Service 2 @Slf4j 3 public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { 4 @Autowired 5 private AccountDao storageDao; 6 7 public void decrease(Long userId, BigDecimal money) { 8 log.info("------->account-service中扣減帳戶餘額開始"); 9 // 模擬業務異常,全局事務回滾 10 int n = 10/0; 11 storageDao.decrease(userId, money); 12 log.info("------->account-service中扣減帳戶餘額結束"); 13 } 14 }