streamsets Executors 說明



  • Amazon S3 - Creates new Amazon S3 objects for the specified content, copies objects within a bucket, or adds tags to existing Amazon S3 objects.
  • Email - Sends custom email to the configured recipients upon receiving an event.
  • HDFS File Metadata - Changes file metadata, creates an empty file, or removes a file or directory in HDFS or a local file system upon receiving an event record.
  • Hive Query - Runs user-defined Hive or Impala queries upon receiving an event record.
  • JDBC Query - Runs a user-defined SQL query upon receiving an event record.
  • MapR FS File Metadata - Changes file metadata, creates an empty file, or removes a file or directory in MapR FS upon receiving an event record.
  • MapReduce - Starts the specified MapReduce job upon receiving an event record.
  • Pipeline Finisher - Stops and transitions the pipeline to a Finished state upon receiving an event record.
  • Shell - Executes a shell script upon receiving an event record.
  • Spark - Starts the specified Spark application upon receiving an event record.

