【設計模式】—— 命令模式Commond

  前言:【模式總覽】——————————by xingoohtml






  1 命令抽象成對象this

  2 在不一樣的時刻,指定或者排隊命令spa

  3 支持 Undo或者Redo等操做日誌

  4 修改日誌,當系統崩潰時,利用修改日誌執行撤銷code

  5 原語操做上構造一個高層系統(不理解)htm


  Invoker 命令的觸發者,觸發一個命令的執行。對象

/** * 命令的觸發者,發送命令 * @author xingoo * */
class Invoker{ private Commond commond; public Invoker(Commond commond) { this.commond = commond; } public void action(){ commond.excute(); } }

  Receiver 命令的接受者,針對命令,執行必定的操做。

/** * 命令的接受者,負責接收命令,進行處理 * @author xingoo * */
class Receiver{ public Receiver() { } public void action(){ System.out.println("Action of receiver!"); } }

  Commond 命令的抽象接口

/** * 命令接口,定義命令的統一接口 * @author xingoo * */
interface Commond{ public void excute(); }

  ConcreteCommond 具體的命令,關聯一個接收者對象,當命令執行時,執行這個接收者對應的操做。

/** * 具體的命令 * @author xingoo * */
class ConcreteCommond implements Commond{ private Receiver receiver; public ConcreteCommond(Receiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } public void excute() { receiver.action(); } }


 1 package com.xingoo.Commond;  2 /**  3  * 命令的觸發者,發送命令  4  * @author xingoo  5  *  6  */
 7 class Invoker{  8     private Commond commond;  9     
10     public Invoker(Commond commond) { 11         this.commond = commond; 12  } 13     
14     public void action(){ 15  commond.excute(); 16  } 17 } 18 /** 19  * 命令的接受者,負責接收命令,進行處理 20  * @author xingoo 21  * 22  */
23 class Receiver{ 24     
25     public Receiver() { 26         
27  } 28     
29     public void action(){ 30         System.out.println("Action of receiver!"); 31  } 32 } 33 /** 34  * 命令接口,定義命令的統一接口 35  * @author xingoo 36  * 37  */
38 interface Commond{ 39     public void excute(); 40 } 41 /** 42  * 具體的命令 43  * @author xingoo 44  * 45  */
46 class ConcreteCommond implements Commond{ 47     
48     private Receiver receiver; 49     
50     public ConcreteCommond(Receiver receiver) { 51         this.receiver = receiver; 52  } 53     
54     public void excute() { 55  receiver.action(); 56  } 57     
58 } 59 /** 60  * 客戶端調用者 61  * @author xingoo 62  * 63  */
64 public class Client { 65     public static void main(String[] args) { 66         Receiver receiver = new Receiver(); 67         Commond commond = new ConcreteCommond(receiver); 68         System.out.println("Commond register in here!"); 69         
70         try { 71             Thread.sleep(3000); 72         } catch (InterruptedException e) { 73             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
74  e.printStackTrace(); 75  } 76         
77         System.out.println("Commond excute in here!"); 78         Invoker invoker = new Invoker(commond); 79  invoker.action(); 80  } 81 }
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Commond register in here! Commond excute in here! Action of receiver!