【本文目標】 經過本文學習,能夠實現區塊鏈私募,基金會員工期權(代幣)激勵時鎖倉必定時間,逐步釋放的方法。git
【前置條件】 1)已經完成了一個ERC20的代幣,本文以做者接觸的CLB爲樣例。 2) 懂得在REMIX調試SOLIDITY語言,不熟悉的參考文章Solidity語言編輯器REMIX指導大全。github
這個實現歸納講包括3步: 1)發佈ERC20代幣智能合約 2)配置鎖倉合約參數, 發佈鎖倉的智能合約 3)把要鎖倉的ERC20代幣轉入鎖倉智能合約編輯器
/** * @title TokenVesting * @dev A token holder contract that can release its token balance gradually like a * typical vesting scheme, with a cliff and vesting period. Optionally revocable by the * owner. */ contract TokenVesting is Ownable { using SafeMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for Colorbay; event Released(uint256 amount); event Revoked(); // beneficiary of tokens after they are released address public beneficiary; uint256 public cliff; uint256 public start; uint256 public duration; bool public revocable; mapping (address => uint256) public released; mapping (address => bool) public revoked; /** * @dev Creates a vesting contract that vests its balance of any ERC20 token to the * _beneficiary, gradually in a linear fashion until _start + _duration. By then all * of the balance will have vested. * @param _beneficiary address of the beneficiary to whom vested tokens are transferred * @param _cliff duration in seconds of the cliff in which tokens will begin to vest * @param _start the time (as Unix time) at which point vesting starts * @param _duration duration in seconds of the period in which the tokens will vest * @param _revocable whether the vesting is revocable or not */ constructor( address _beneficiary, uint256 _start, uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration, bool _revocable ) public { require(_beneficiary != address(0)); require(_cliff <= _duration); beneficiary = _beneficiary; revocable = _revocable; duration = _duration; cliff = _start.add(_cliff); start = _start; } /** * @notice Transfers vested tokens to beneficiary. * @param _token Colorbay token which is being vested */ function release(Colorbay _token) public { uint256 unreleased = releasableAmount(_token); require(unreleased > 0); released[_token] = released[_token].add(unreleased); _token.safeTransfer(beneficiary, unreleased); emit Released(unreleased); } /** * @notice Allows the owner to revoke the vesting. Tokens already vested * remain in the contract, the rest are returned to the owner. * @param _token ERC20 token which is being vested */ function revoke(Colorbay _token) public onlyOwner { require(revocable); require(!revoked[_token]); uint256 balance = _token.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 unreleased = releasableAmount(_token); uint256 refund = balance.sub(unreleased); revoked[_token] = true; _token.safeTransfer(owner, refund); emit Revoked(); } /** * @dev Calculates the amount that has already vested but hasn't been released yet. * @param _token Colorbay token which is being vested */ function releasableAmount(Colorbay _token) public view returns (uint256) { return vestedAmount(_token).sub(released[_token]); } /** * @dev Calculates the amount that has already vested. * @param _token ERC20 token which is being vested */ function vestedAmount(Colorbay _token) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 currentBalance = _token.balanceOf(this); uint256 totalBalance = currentBalance.add(released[_token]); if (block.timestamp < cliff) { return 0; } else if (block.timestamp >= start.add(duration) || revoked[_token]) { return totalBalance; } else { return totalBalance.mul(block.timestamp.sub(start)).div(duration); } } }
address _beneficiary:接受通證投放的收益帳戶;測試
uint256 _start: 起始時間(Unix time),提示從什麼時刻開始計時;
uint256 _cliff: 單位爲秒(s),斷崖時間,例如「鎖倉4年,1年以後一次性解凍25%」中的1年
uint256 _duration: 單位爲秒(s),持續鎖倉時間,例如「鎖倉4年,1年以後一次性解凍25%」中的4年;
bool _revocable: 是否可回收 (例如公司給了員工張三 10K 代幣鎖倉4年,張三在工做一年的時候離職了,剩餘的部分公司是否可回收)
若是 _cliff=半年 ,_duration=1年 具體解凍狀況以下: Month 1: I get 0 tokens Month 2: I get 0 tokens Month 3: I get 0 tokens Month 4: I get 0 tokens Month 5: I get 0 tokens Month 6: I get 0 tokens --- End of cliff Month 7: I get 700 tokens (7/12th) Month 8: I get 100 tokens (8/12th) Month 9: I get 100 tokens (9/12th) Month 10: I get 100 tokens (10/12th) Month 11: I get 100 tokens (11/12th) Month 12: I get 100 tokens (12/12th)
1] 管理員帳號發佈一個ERC20的ColorBay代幣合約
管理員地址: 0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c
代幣合約信息以下: (1) decimals = 18; (2) totalSupply() = 10億; (3) symbol = CLB (4) paused = false (5) owner = 0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c (6) contract address = 0x692a70d2e424a56d2c6c27aa97d1a86395877b3a
2] 管理員帳號轉發500萬給員工激勵專用帳號用於期權激勵專用
管理員地址: 0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c
員工激勵專用帳號地址: 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c
轉帳操做:(記得去除500萬後面的",") transfer("0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c", "5000000,000000000000000000")
【結果驗證】 balanceOf("0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c") 檢查確認餘額爲500萬CLB。
3] 當前帳號切換到員工激勵專用帳號下建立期權激勵計劃
場景假設: 激勵計劃起始時間爲[2018.08.06 20:25],2分鐘內不得釋放,持續5分鐘(300s),支持回收未釋放的期權
員工激勵專用帳號地址: 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c
被員工李四的私人收益帳號地址: 0x4b0897b0513fdc7c541b6d9d7e929c4e5364d2db
調用函數: constructor("0x4b0897b0513fdc7c541b6d9d7e929c4e5364d2db", "1533558300", "120", "300", true)
期權激勵智能合約實例建立成功信息以下: (1) contract address = 0x0fdf4894a3b7c5a101686829063be52ad45bcfb7
4] 在CLB合約下,把CLB通證打給期權激勵智能合約地址
切換到員工激勵專用帳號 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c
執行轉帳操做,(記得去除100萬後面的",") transfer("0x0fdf4894a3b7c5a101686829063be52ad45bcfb7", "1000000,000000000000000000")
結果 balanceOf("0x0fdf4894a3b7c5a101686829063be52ad45bcfb7") 檢查確認餘額爲100萬,表示CLB代幣已經轉給期權激勵智能合約了。
5] [2018.08.06 17:31] 5分鐘(300s)後測試分配期權
執行期權是否操做 release("0x692a70d2e424a56d2c6c27aa97d1a86395877b3a")
切換到CLB合約下,查詢李四私人帳號 balanceOf("0x4b0897b0513fdc7c541b6d9d7e929c4e5364d2db") 檢查確認餘額爲100萬,轉帳成功。
6] 離職員工激勵計劃實施
場景假設 當前帳號切換到員工激勵專用帳號下建立期權激勵計劃,假定給員工王五作的激勵,起始時間爲[2018.08.06 21:00],2分鐘內不得釋放,持續5分鐘(300s),支持回收期權。王五在4分鐘的時候離職,公司收回未激勵代幣,打回到員工激勵專用帳號下。
員工激勵專用帳號: 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c
被員工王五私人收益帳號: 0x583031d1113ad414f02576bd6afabfb302140225
**執行操做: ** constructor("0x583031d1113ad414f02576bd6afabfb302140225", "1533560400", "120", "300", true)
期權激勵智能合約信息以下: contract address = 0x15e08fa9fe3e3aa3607ac57a29f92b5d8cb154a2
7] 在CLB合約下,通證打給期權激勵智能合約地址
切換到員工激勵專用帳號,在CLB合約下操做 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c
王五期權激勵智能合約實例地址: 0x15e08fa9fe3e3aa3607ac57a29f92b5d8cb154a2
具體操做(記得去除100萬後面的",") transfer("0x15e08fa9fe3e3aa3607ac57a29f92b5d8cb154a2", "1000000,000000000000000000")
查詢王五期權激勵智能合約的帳戶餘額: balanceOf("0x15e08fa9fe3e3aa3607ac57a29f92b5d8cb154a2") 檢查確認餘額爲100萬
查詢員工期權激勵智能合約的帳戶餘額: balanceOf("0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c") 檢查確認餘額爲300萬
8] [2018.08.06 21:03] 3分鐘(180s)後測試分配期權
2分鐘內操做release均會失敗回滾。21:03操做釋放函數: release("0x692a70d2e424a56d2c6c27aa97d1a86395877b3a")
切換到CLB合約下,查詢王五私人帳號 balanceOf("0x583031d1113ad414f02576bd6afabfb302140225") 檢查有76萬代幣釋放到王五收益帳戶。
9] [2018.08.06 21:05] 4分鐘(240s)後,李四離職,收回分配期權
1] 機構方私募爲 1.5 億枚, 上交易所後私募鎖倉三個月,以後逐月釋放 20%;
2] 基金會核心運做團隊持有 2 億枚, 鎖定一年, 兩年內逐步釋放;
3] 社區建設 1 億枚, 海外社區核心團隊, 鎖定一年,兩年內逐步釋放。
1] 私募總額1.5億枚,2018.09.01上交易所,私募鎖倉三個月到2018.12.01到期,以後逐月釋放狀況
[2019.01.01 - 20%, 3000萬枚; 2019.02.01 - 20%, 3000萬枚; 2019.03.01 - 20%, 3000萬枚; 2019.04.01 20%, 3000萬枚; 2019.05.01 20%, 3000萬枚; ]
2] 基金會核心運做團隊 2億枚,2018.09.01上交易所,鎖定一年到2019.09.01, 兩年內按月逐步釋放;
[2019.10.01 - 2億1/24, 約833萬枚; ...; 2020.10.01 - 2億1/24, 約833萬枚;]
3] 海外社區核心團隊 1 億枚,2018.09.01上交易所,鎖定一年到2019.09.01,兩年內逐步釋放;
[2019.10.01 - 1億1/24, 約416萬枚; ...; 2020.10.01 - 1億1/24, 約416萬枚;]
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