1.1 說明 #環境 centos + openresty # nginx.conf http: log_format main '$remote_addr $request_method "$region" $status ' '"$scheme://$host$request_uri" $body_bytes_sent "$request_body" ' '"$http_referer" $hitratio "$http_user_agent"'; access_log /root/test/src/access.log main; lua_shared_dict ipdb 45m; init_by_lua_file '/root/test/src/test/init.lua'; server: location /: set $hitratio ''; set $region ''; rewrite_by_lua_file '/root/test/src/main.lua'; location /pureip: internal; content_by_lua_file '/root/test/src/pureip.lua'; # ip庫格式 澳大利亞 福建省 澳大利亞 廣東省 日本 廣東省 日本 泰國 ...... 1.2 加載ip到共享內存 -- init.lua -- 2013.12.11 qing cao (lucifer) local cjson = require "cjson" local sfind = string.find local ssub = string.sub local tinsert = table.insert local ilines = io.lines local tonumber = tonumber local ipdb = ngx.shared.ipdb function string_split(source_str, split_char) local find_index, start_index, num, split_array = 1, 1, 1, {} while true do local find_index, _ = sfind(source_str, split_char, start_index) if not find_index then split_array[#split_array + 1] = ssub(source_str, start_index, #source_str) break end local sub_str = ssub(source_str, 1, find_index - 1) split_array[#split_array + 1] = sub_str source_str = ssub(source_str, find_index + 1, #source_str) num = num + 1 end return num, split_array end local ipTab = {} for i = 0, 255 do ipTab[i] = {} end for item in ilines("/root/test/src/iplist") do local _, arr = string_split(item, " ") _, _, startIpa, startIpb, startIpc, startIpd = sfind(arr[1], "(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)") startIpnum = startIpa*16777216 + startIpb*65536 + startIpc*256 + startIpd _, _, endIpa, endIpb, endIpc, endIpd = sfind(arr[2], "(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)") endIpnum = endIpa*16777216 + endIpb*65536 + endIpc*256 + endIpd tinsert(ipTab[tonumber(startIpa)], {startIpnum, endIpnum, arr[3]}) end for i = 0, 255 do local setInfo = cjson.encode(ipTab[i]) ipdb:set("group:" .. i, setInfo) end 1.3 賦值nginx變量 -- main.lua -- 2013.12.11 qing cao (lucifer) local cjson = require "cjson" local redis = require "resty.redis" redis.add_commands("expire", "exists", "del", "sadd", "srem", "smembers", "hmget") local unescape = ngx.unescape_uri local host = ngx.var.host local key_url = unescape(host .. ngx.var.request_uri) local red = redis:new() local ok, err = red:connect("", 6379) if not ok then ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err) return end local res, err = red:exists(key_url) if not res then ngx.say("failed to run exists: ", err) end ngx.var.hitratio = res local res = ngx.location.capture('/pureip').body ngx.var.region = string.sub(res, 1, #res-1) 1.4 二分查找地址 -- pureip.lua -- 2013.12.18 qing cao (lucifer) local cjson = require "cjson" local sfind = string.find local tonumber = tonumber local mfloor = math.floor local ipdb = ngx.shared.ipdb local ip = ngx.var.remote_addr local _, _, ipa, ipb, ipc, ipd = sfind(ip, "(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)") local ipnum = ipa*16777216 + ipb*65536 + ipc*256 + ipd local groupId = tonumber(ipa) local ipGroup = cjson.decode(ipdb:get("group:"..groupId)) --[[function search(tb, target) low, high = 1, #tb while low <= high do mid = mfloor((low+high)/2) if mid < target then low = mid elseif mid > target then high = mid else return mid end end end --]] function searchII(tb, target) low, high = 1, #tb while low <= high do mid = mfloor((low+high)/2) midval1,midval2 = tb[mid][1], tb[mid][2] if midval2 < target then low = mid elseif midval1 > target then high = mid else return mid end end end local mid = searchII(ipGroup, ipnum) ngx.print(ipGroup[mid][3]) 1.4 python寫本地日誌到mongodb #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 2013.12.17 qing cao (lucifer) import os import fileinput import re import urllib import subprocess import time def uaparse(useragent): keywordsmap = ['Firefox','Safari','Chrome','MSIE','Opera',] pattern = '|'.join(keywordsmap) cpat = re.compile(pattern) for m in cpat.finditer(useragent): return m.group() def getdomain(host): str = host.split(".") keyword = ['com', 'net', 'org', 'gov', 'edu', 'mil', 'biz', 'name', 'info', 'mobi'] pattern = '|'.join(keyword) cpat = re.compile(pattern) if len(str) >= 2: m = re.match(cpat, str[-2]) if m: return '.'.join(str[-3:]) else: return '.'.join(str[-2:]) def sourceparse(refer): keywordsour = ['/www\.baidu\.com\/s\?/','/www\.sogou\.com\/web\?/','/www\.soso\.com\/q\?/','/www\.google\.com\search\?/','/www\.so\.com\/s\?/'] pattern = '|'.join(keywordsour) cpat = re.compile(pattern) for m in cpat.finditer(refer): return m.group() ipP = r"?P<ip>[\d.]*"; methodP = r"?P<method>[a-zA-Z]*"; regionP = r"""?P<region>\" [^\"]*? \" """ statusP = r"?P<status>[\d]+"; urlP = r"""?P<url>\" [^\"]* \" """ bodyBytesSentP = r"?P<bodyByteSent>\d+" requestP = r"""?P<request>\" [^\"]*? \" """ referP = r"""?P<refer>\" [^\"]*? \" """ hitratioP = r"?P<hitratio>\d{1}" userAgentP = r"""?P<userAgent>\" [^\"]* \" """ nginxLogPattern = re.compile(r"(%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)" %(ipP, methodP, regionP, statusP, urlP, bodyBytesSentP, requestP, referP, hitratioP, userAgentP), re.VERBOSE) filename = "/root/test/src/access.log" file = open(filename, "r") st_size = os.stat(filename)[6] file.seek(st_size) while 1: where = file.tell() line = file.readline() if not line: time.sleep(1) file.seek(where) else: matchs = nginxLogPattern.match(line) if matchs != None: allGroup = matchs.groups() ip = allGroup[0] method = allGroup[1] region = allGroup[2] status = int(allGroup[3]) url = allGroup[4] proto, rest = urllib.splittype(url) host, rest = urllib.splithost(rest) domain = getdomain(host) bodyBytesSent = int(allGroup[5]) request = allGroup[6] refer = allGroup[7] lycos = sourceparse(refer) hitratio = int(allGroup[8]) userAgent = matchs.group("userAgent") browser = uaparse(userAgent) if browser == None: browser = "Other" mongo_cmd = '''db.access_log.insert({date: new Date,ip:"%s",method:"%s",region:%s,status:%d,url:%s,domain:"%s",body_bytes_sent:%d,refer:%s,hit:%d,browser:"%s",lycos:"%s"})''' %(ip,method,region,status,url,domain,bodyBytesSent,refer,hitratio,browser,lycos) shell_cmd = "mongo -uadmin -padmin --eval '%s' " % mongo_cmd ret = subprocess.Popen(shell_cmd, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) print ret.stdout.read() else: raise Exception