
 無心中在國外論壇發現一個gif動畫類,我使用它來製做了一個動態驗證碼 ;xcode

一:首先新建一個類庫 cookie



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Common.Gif

    #region Java
 * Class AnimatedGifEncoder - Encodes a GIF file consisting of one or
 * more frames.
 * <pre>
 * Example:
 *    AnimatedGifEncoder e = new AnimatedGifEncoder();
 *    e.start(outputFileName);
 *    e.setDelay(1000);   // 1 frame per sec
 *    e.addFrame(image1);
 *    e.addFrame(image2);
 *    e.finish();
 * </pre>
 * No copyright asserted on the source code of this class.  May be used
 * for any purpose, however, refer to the Unisys LZW patent for restrictions
 * on use of the associated LZWEncoder class.  Please forward any corrections
 * to kweiner@fmsware.com.
 * @author Kevin Weiner, FM Software
 * @version 1.03 November 2003

    public class AnimatedGifEncoder
        protected int width; // image size
        protected int height;
        protected Color transparent = Color.Empty; // transparent color if given
        protected int transIndex; // transparent index in color table
        protected int repeat = -1; // no repeat
        protected int delay = 0; // frame delay (hundredths)
        protected bool started = false; // ready to output frames
        //	protected BinaryWriter bw;
        //protected FileStream fs;
        protected Stream fs;

        protected Image image; // current frame
        protected byte[] pixels; // BGR byte array from frame
        protected byte[] indexedPixels; // converted frame indexed to palette
        protected int colorDepth; // number of bit planes
        protected byte[] colorTab; // RGB palette
        protected bool[] usedEntry = new bool[256]; // active palette entries
        protected int palSize = 7; // color table size (bits-1)
        protected int dispose = -1; // disposal code (-1 = use default)
        protected bool closeStream = false; // close stream when finished
        protected bool firstFrame = true;
        protected bool sizeSet = false; // if false, get size from first frame
        protected int sample = 10; // default sample interval for quantizer

         * Sets the delay time between each frame, or changes it
         * for subsequent frames (applies to last frame added).
         * @param ms int delay time in milliseconds
        public void SetDelay(int ms)
            delay = (int)Math.Round(ms / 10.0f);

         * Sets the GIF frame disposal code for the last added frame
         * and any subsequent frames.  Default is 0 if no transparent
         * color has been set, otherwise 2.
         * @param code int disposal code.
        public void SetDispose(int code)
            if (code >= 0)
                dispose = code;

         * Sets the number of times the set of GIF frames
         * should be played.  Default is 1; 0 means play
         * indefinitely.  Must be invoked before the first
         * image is added.
         * @param iter int number of iterations.
         * @return
        public void SetRepeat(int iter)
            if (iter >= 0)
                repeat = iter;

         * Sets the transparent color for the last added frame
         * and any subsequent frames.
         * Since all colors are subject to modification
         * in the quantization process, the color in the final
         * palette for each frame closest to the given color
         * becomes the transparent color for that frame.
         * May be set to null to indicate no transparent color.
         * @param c Color to be treated as transparent on display.
        public void SetTransparent(Color c)
            transparent = c;

         * Adds next GIF frame.  The frame is not written immediately, but is
         * actually deferred until the next frame is received so that timing
         * data can be inserted.  Invoking <code>finish()</code> flushes all
         * frames.  If <code>setSize</code> was not invoked, the size of the
         * first image is used for all subsequent frames.
         * @param im BufferedImage containing frame to write.
         * @return true if successful.
        public bool AddFrame(Image im)
            if ((im == null) || !started)
                return false;
            bool ok = true;
                if (!sizeSet)
                    // use first frame's size
                    SetSize(im.Width, im.Height);
                image = im;
                GetImagePixels(); // convert to correct format if necessary
                AnalyzePixels(); // build color table & map pixels
                if (firstFrame)
                    WriteLSD(); // logical screen descriptior
                    WritePalette(); // global color table
                    if (repeat >= 0)
                        // use NS app extension to indicate reps
                WriteGraphicCtrlExt(); // write graphic control extension
                WriteImageDesc(); // image descriptor
                if (!firstFrame)
                    WritePalette(); // local color table
                WritePixels(); // encode and write pixel data
                firstFrame = false;
            catch (IOException e)
                ok = false;

            return ok;

         * Flushes any pending data and closes output file.
         * If writing to an OutputStream, the stream is not
         * closed.
        public bool Finish()
            if (!started) return false;
            bool ok = true;
            started = false;
                fs.WriteByte(0x3b); // gif trailer
                if (closeStream)
            catch (IOException e)
                ok = false;

            // reset for subsequent use
            transIndex = 0;
            fs = null;
            image = null;
            pixels = null;
            indexedPixels = null;
            colorTab = null;
            closeStream = false;
            firstFrame = true;

            return ok;

         * Sets frame rate in frames per second.  Equivalent to
         * <code>setDelay(1000/fps)</code>.
         * @param fps float frame rate (frames per second)
        public void SetFrameRate(float fps)
            if (fps != 0f)
                delay = (int)Math.Round(100f / fps);

         * Sets quality of color quantization (conversion of images
         * to the maximum 256 colors allowed by the GIF specification).
         * Lower values (minimum = 1) produce better colors, but slow
         * processing significantly.  10 is the default, and produces
         * good color mapping at reasonable speeds.  Values greater
         * than 20 do not yield significant improvements in speed.
         * @param quality int greater than 0.
         * @return
        public void SetQuality(int quality)
            if (quality < 1) quality = 1;
            sample = quality;

         * Sets the GIF frame size.  The default size is the
         * size of the first frame added if this method is
         * not invoked.
         * @param w int frame width.
         * @param h int frame width.
        public void SetSize(int w, int h)
            if (started && !firstFrame) return;
            width = w;
            height = h;
            if (width < 1) width = 320;
            if (height < 1) height = 240;
            sizeSet = true;

         * Initiates GIF file creation on the given stream.  The stream
         * is not closed automatically.
         * @param os OutputStream on which GIF images are written.
         * @return false if initial write failed.
        public bool Start(Stream os)
            if (os == null) return false;
            bool ok = true;
            closeStream = false;
            fs = os;
                WriteString("GIF89a"); // header
            catch (IOException e)
                ok = false;
            return started = ok;

         * Initiates writing of a GIF file with the specified name.
         * @param file String containing output file name.
         * @return false if open or initial write failed.
        public bool Start(String file)
            bool ok = true;
                //			bw = new BinaryWriter( new FileStream( file, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None ) );
                fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
                ok = Start(fs);
                closeStream = true;
            catch (IOException e)
                ok = false;
            return started = ok;

         * Analyzes image colors and creates color map.
        protected void AnalyzePixels()
            int len = pixels.Length;
            int nPix = len / 3;
            indexedPixels = new byte[nPix];
            NeuQuant nq = new NeuQuant(pixels, len, sample);
            // initialize quantizer
            colorTab = nq.Process(); // create reduced palette
            // convert map from BGR to RGB
            //			for (int i = 0; i < colorTab.Length; i += 3) 
            //			{
            //				byte temp = colorTab[i];
            //				colorTab[i] = colorTab[i + 2];
            //				colorTab[i + 2] = temp;
            //				usedEntry[i / 3] = false;
            //			}
            // map image pixels to new palette
            int k = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < nPix; i++)
                int index =
                    nq.Map(pixels[k++] & 0xff,
                    pixels[k++] & 0xff,
                    pixels[k++] & 0xff);
                usedEntry[index] = true;
                indexedPixels[i] = (byte)index;
            pixels = null;
            colorDepth = 8;
            palSize = 7;
            // get closest match to transparent color if specified
            if (transparent != Color.Empty)
                transIndex = FindClosest(transparent);

         * Returns index of palette color closest to c
        protected int FindClosest(Color c)
            if (colorTab == null) return -1;
            int r = c.R;
            int g = c.G;
            int b = c.B;
            int minpos = 0;
            int dmin = 256 * 256 * 256;
            int len = colorTab.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; )
                int dr = r - (colorTab[i++] & 0xff);
                int dg = g - (colorTab[i++] & 0xff);
                int db = b - (colorTab[i] & 0xff);
                int d = dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db;
                int index = i / 3;
                if (usedEntry[index] && (d < dmin))
                    dmin = d;
                    minpos = index;
            return minpos;

         * Extracts image pixels into byte array "pixels"
        protected void GetImagePixels()
            int w = image.Width;
            int h = image.Height;
            //		int type = image.GetType().;
            if ((w != width)
                || (h != height)
                // create new image with right size/format
                Image temp =
                    new Bitmap(width, height);
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(temp);
                g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0);
                image = temp;
                improve performance: use unsafe code 
            pixels = new Byte[3 * image.Width * image.Height];
            int count = 0;
            Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(image);
            for (int th = 0; th < image.Height; th++)
                for (int tw = 0; tw < image.Width; tw++)
                    Color color = tempBitmap.GetPixel(tw, th);
                    pixels[count] = color.R;
                    pixels[count] = color.G;
                    pixels[count] = color.B;

            //		pixels = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();

         * Writes Graphic Control Extension
        protected void WriteGraphicCtrlExt()
            fs.WriteByte(0x21); // extension introducer
            fs.WriteByte(0xf9); // GCE label
            fs.WriteByte(4); // data block size
            int transp, disp;
            if (transparent == Color.Empty)
                transp = 0;
                disp = 0; // dispose = no action
                transp = 1;
                disp = 2; // force clear if using transparent color
            if (dispose >= 0)
                disp = dispose & 7; // user override
            disp <<= 2;

            // packed fields
            fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(0 | // 1:3 reserved
                disp | // 4:6 disposal
                0 | // 7   user input - 0 = none
                transp)); // 8   transparency flag

            WriteShort(delay); // delay x 1/100 sec
            fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(transIndex)); // transparent color index
            fs.WriteByte(0); // block terminator

         * Writes Image Descriptor
        protected void WriteImageDesc()
            fs.WriteByte(0x2c); // image separator
            WriteShort(0); // image position x,y = 0,0
            WriteShort(width); // image size
            // packed fields
            if (firstFrame)
                // no LCT  - GCT is used for first (or only) frame
                // specify normal LCT
                fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(0x80 | // 1 local color table  1=yes
                    0 | // 2 interlace - 0=no
                    0 | // 3 sorted - 0=no
                    0 | // 4-5 reserved
                    palSize)); // 6-8 size of color table

         * Writes Logical Screen Descriptor
        protected void WriteLSD()
            // logical screen size
            // packed fields
            fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(0x80 | // 1   : global color table flag = 1 (gct used)
                0x70 | // 2-4 : color resolution = 7
                0x00 | // 5   : gct sort flag = 0
                palSize)); // 6-8 : gct size

            fs.WriteByte(0); // background color index
            fs.WriteByte(0); // pixel aspect ratio - assume 1:1

         * Writes Netscape application extension to define
         * repeat count.
        protected void WriteNetscapeExt()
            fs.WriteByte(0x21); // extension introducer
            fs.WriteByte(0xff); // app extension label
            fs.WriteByte(11); // block size
            WriteString("NETSCAPE" + "2.0"); // app id + auth code
            fs.WriteByte(3); // sub-block size
            fs.WriteByte(1); // loop sub-block id
            WriteShort(repeat); // loop count (extra iterations, 0=repeat forever)
            fs.WriteByte(0); // block terminator

         * Writes color table
        protected void WritePalette()
            fs.Write(colorTab, 0, colorTab.Length);
            int n = (3 * 256) - colorTab.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

         * Encodes and writes pixel data
        protected void WritePixels()
            LZWEncoder encoder =
                new LZWEncoder(width, height, indexedPixels, colorDepth);

         *    Write 16-bit value to output stream, LSB first
        protected void WriteShort(int value)
            fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(value & 0xff));
            fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte((value >> 8) & 0xff));

         * Writes string to output stream
        protected void WriteString(String s)
            char[] chars = s.ToCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)




#region .NET Disclaimer/Info
// gOODiDEA, uland.com
// $Header :		$  
// $Author :		$
// $Date   :		$
// $Revision:		$
// $History:		$  

#region Java
 * Class GifDecoder - Decodes a GIF file into one or more frames.
 * <br><pre>
 * Example:
 *    GifDecoder d = new GifDecoder();
 *    d.read("sample.gif");
 *    int n = d.getFrameCount();
 *    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 *       BufferedImage frame = d.getFrame(i);  // frame i
 *       int t = d.getDelay(i);  // display duration of frame in milliseconds
 *       // do something with frame
 *    }
 * </pre>
 * No copyright asserted on the source code of this class.  May be used for
 * any purpose, however, refer to the Unisys LZW patent for any additional
 * restrictions.  Please forward any corrections to kweiner@fmsware.com.
 * @author Kevin Weiner, FM Software; LZW decoder adapted from John Cristy's ImageMagick.
 * @version 1.03 November 2003
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;

namespace Common.Gif
	public class GifDecoder 

		 * File read status: No errors.
		public static readonly int STATUS_OK = 0;

		 * File read status: Error decoding file (may be partially decoded)
		public static readonly int STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR = 1;

		 * File read status: Unable to open source.
		public static readonly int STATUS_OPEN_ERROR = 2;

		protected Stream inStream;
		protected int status;

		protected int width; // full image width
		protected int height; // full image height
		protected bool gctFlag; // global color table used
		protected int gctSize; // size of global color table
		protected int loopCount = 1; // iterations; 0 = repeat forever

		protected int[] gct; // global color table
		protected int[] lct; // local color table
		protected int[] act; // active color table

		protected int bgIndex; // background color index
		protected int bgColor; // background color
		protected int lastBgColor; // previous bg color
		protected int pixelAspect; // pixel aspect ratio

		protected bool lctFlag; // local color table flag
		protected bool interlace; // interlace flag
		protected int lctSize; // local color table size

		protected int ix, iy, iw, ih; // current image rectangle
		protected Rectangle lastRect; // last image rect
		protected Image image; // current frame
		protected Bitmap bitmap;
		protected Image lastImage; // previous frame

		protected byte[] block = new byte[256]; // current data block
		protected int blockSize = 0; // block size

		// last graphic control extension info
		protected int dispose = 0;
		// 0=no action; 1=leave in place; 2=restore to bg; 3=restore to prev
		protected int lastDispose = 0;
		protected bool transparency = false; // use transparent color
		protected int delay = 0; // delay in milliseconds
		protected int transIndex; // transparent color index

		protected static readonly int MaxStackSize = 4096;
		// max decoder pixel stack size

		// LZW decoder working arrays
		protected short[] prefix;
		protected byte[] suffix;
		protected byte[] pixelStack;
		protected byte[] pixels;

		protected ArrayList frames; // frames read from current file
		protected int frameCount;

		public class GifFrame 
			public GifFrame( Image im, int del) 
				image = im;
				delay = del;
			public Image image;
			public int delay;

		 * Gets display duration for specified frame.
		 * @param n int index of frame
		 * @return delay in milliseconds
		public int GetDelay(int n) 
			delay = -1;
			if ((n >= 0) && (n < frameCount)) 
				delay = ((GifFrame) frames[n]).delay;
			return delay;

		 * Gets the number of frames read from file.
		 * @return frame count
		public int GetFrameCount() 
			return frameCount;

		 * Gets the first (or only) image read.
		 * @return BufferedImage containing first frame, or null if none.
		public Image GetImage() 
			return GetFrame(0);

		 * Gets the "Netscape" iteration count, if any.
		 * A count of 0 means repeat indefinitiely.
		 * @return iteration count if one was specified, else 1.
		public int GetLoopCount() 
			return loopCount;

		 * Creates new frame image from current data (and previous
		 * frames as specified by their disposition codes).
		int [] GetPixels( Bitmap bitmap )
			int [] pixels = new int [ 3 * image.Width * image.Height ];
			int count = 0;
			for (int th = 0; th < image.Height; th++)
				for (int tw = 0; tw < image.Width; tw++)
					Color color = bitmap.GetPixel(tw, th);
					pixels[count] = color.R;
					pixels[count] = color.G;
					pixels[count] = color.B;
			return pixels;

		void SetPixels( int [] pixels )
			int count = 0;
			for (int th = 0; th < image.Height; th++)
				for (int tw = 0; tw < image.Width; tw++)
					Color color = Color.FromArgb( pixels[count++] );
					bitmap.SetPixel( tw, th, color );

		protected void SetPixels() 
			// expose destination image's pixels as int array
			//		int[] dest =
			//			(( int ) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
			int[] dest = GetPixels( bitmap );

			// fill in starting image contents based on last image's dispose code
			if (lastDispose > 0) 
				if (lastDispose == 3) 
					// use image before last
					int n = frameCount - 2;
					if (n > 0) 
						lastImage = GetFrame(n - 1);
						lastImage = null;

				if (lastImage != null) 
					//				int[] prev =
					//					((DataBufferInt) lastImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
					int[] prev = GetPixels( new Bitmap( lastImage ) );
					Array.Copy(prev, 0, dest, 0, width * height);
					// copy pixels

					if (lastDispose == 2) 
						// fill last image rect area with background color
						Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage( image );
						Color c = Color.Empty;
						if (transparency) 
							c = Color.FromArgb( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); 	// assume background is transparent
							c = Color.FromArgb( lastBgColor ) ;
							//						c = new Color(lastBgColor); // use given background color
						Brush brush = new SolidBrush( c );
						g.FillRectangle( brush, lastRect );

			// copy each source line to the appropriate place in the destination
			int pass = 1;
			int inc = 8;
			int iline = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < ih; i++) 
				int line = i;
				if (interlace) 
					if (iline >= ih) 
						switch (pass) 
							case 2 :
								iline = 4;
							case 3 :
								iline = 2;
								inc = 4;
							case 4 :
								iline = 1;
								inc = 2;
					line = iline;
					iline += inc;
				line += iy;
				if (line < height) 
					int k = line * width;
					int dx = k + ix; // start of line in dest
					int dlim = dx + iw; // end of dest line
					if ((k + width) < dlim) 
						dlim = k + width; // past dest edge
					int sx = i * iw; // start of line in source
					while (dx < dlim) 
						// map color and insert in destination
						int index = ((int) pixels[sx++]) & 0xff;
						int c = act[index];
						if (c != 0) 
							dest[dx] = c;
			SetPixels( dest );

		 * Gets the image contents of frame n.
		 * @return BufferedImage representation of frame, or null if n is invalid.
		public Image GetFrame(int n) 
			Image im = null;
			if ((n >= 0) && (n < frameCount)) 
				im = ((GifFrame) frames[n] ).image;
			return im;

		 * Gets image size.
		 * @return GIF image dimensions
		public Size GetFrameSize() 
			return new Size(width, height);

		 * Reads GIF image from stream
		 * @param BufferedInputStream containing GIF file.
		 * @return read status code (0 = no errors)
		public int Read( Stream inStream ) 
			if ( inStream != null) 
				this.inStream = inStream;
				if (!Error()) 
					if (frameCount < 0) 
						status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;
				status = STATUS_OPEN_ERROR;
			return status;

		 * Reads GIF file from specified file/URL source  
		 * (URL assumed if name contains ":/" or "file:")
		 * @param name String containing source
		 * @return read status code (0 = no errors)
		public int Read(String name) 
			status = STATUS_OK;
				name = name.Trim().ToLower();
				status = Read( new FileInfo( name ).OpenRead() );
			catch (IOException e) 
				status = STATUS_OPEN_ERROR;

			return status;

		 * Decodes LZW image data into pixel array.
		 * Adapted from John Cristy's ImageMagick.
		protected void DecodeImageData() 
			int NullCode = -1;
			int npix = iw * ih;
			int available, 

			if ((pixels == null) || (pixels.Length < npix)) 
				pixels = new byte[npix]; // allocate new pixel array
			if (prefix == null) prefix = new short[MaxStackSize];
			if (suffix == null) suffix = new byte[MaxStackSize];
			if (pixelStack == null) pixelStack = new byte[MaxStackSize + 1];

			//  Initialize GIF data stream decoder.

			data_size = Read();
			clear = 1 << data_size;
			end_of_information = clear + 1;
			available = clear + 2;
			old_code = NullCode;
			code_size = data_size + 1;
			code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1;
			for (code = 0; code < clear; code++) 
				prefix[code] = 0;
				suffix[code] = (byte) code;

			//  Decode GIF pixel stream.

			datum = bits = count = first = top = pi = bi = 0;

			for (i = 0; i < npix;) 
				if (top == 0) 
					if (bits < code_size) 
						//  Load bytes until there are enough bits for a code.
						if (count == 0) 
							// Read a new data block.
							count = ReadBlock();
							if (count <= 0)
							bi = 0;
						datum += (((int) block[bi]) & 0xff) << bits;
						bits += 8;

					//  Get the next code.

					code = datum & code_mask;
					datum >>= code_size;
					bits -= code_size;

					//  Interpret the code

					if ((code > available) || (code == end_of_information))
					if (code == clear) 
						//  Reset decoder.
						code_size = data_size + 1;
						code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1;
						available = clear + 2;
						old_code = NullCode;
					if (old_code == NullCode) 
						pixelStack[top++] = suffix[code];
						old_code = code;
						first = code;
					in_code = code;
					if (code == available) 
						pixelStack[top++] = (byte) first;
						code = old_code;
					while (code > clear) 
						pixelStack[top++] = suffix[code];
						code = prefix[code];
					first = ((int) suffix[code]) & 0xff;

					//  Add a new string to the string table,

					if (available >= MaxStackSize)
					pixelStack[top++] = (byte) first;
					prefix[available] = (short) old_code;
					suffix[available] = (byte) first;
					if (((available & code_mask) == 0)
						&& (available < MaxStackSize)) 
						code_mask += available;
					old_code = in_code;

				//  Pop a pixel off the pixel stack.

				pixels[pi++] = pixelStack[top];

			for (i = pi; i < npix; i++) 
				pixels[i] = 0; // clear missing pixels


		 * Returns true if an error was encountered during reading/decoding
		protected bool Error() 
			return status != STATUS_OK;

		 * Initializes or re-initializes reader
		protected void Init() 
			status = STATUS_OK;
			frameCount = 0;
			frames = new ArrayList();
			gct = null;
			lct = null;

		 * Reads a single byte from the input stream.
		protected int Read() 
			int curByte = 0;
				curByte = inStream.ReadByte();
			catch (IOException e) 
			return curByte;

		 * Reads next variable length block from input.
		 * @return number of bytes stored in "buffer"
		protected int ReadBlock() 
			blockSize = Read();
			int n = 0;
			if (blockSize > 0) 
					int count = 0;
					while (n < blockSize) 
						count = inStream.Read(block, n, blockSize - n);
						if (count == -1) 
						n += count;
				catch (IOException e) 

				if (n < blockSize) 
					status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;
			return n;

		 * Reads color table as 256 RGB integer values
		 * @param ncolors int number of colors to read
		 * @return int array containing 256 colors (packed ARGB with full alpha)
		protected int[] ReadColorTable(int ncolors) 
			int nbytes = 3 * ncolors;
			int[] tab = null;
			byte[] c = new byte[nbytes];
			int n = 0;
				n = inStream.Read(c, 0, c.Length );
			catch (IOException e) 
			if (n < nbytes) 
				tab = new int[256]; // max size to avoid bounds checks
				int i = 0;
				int j = 0;
				while (i < ncolors) 
					int r = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff;
					int g = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff;
					int b = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff;
					tab[i++] = ( int ) ( 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b );
			return tab;

		 * Main file parser.  Reads GIF content blocks.
		protected void ReadContents() 
			// read GIF file content blocks
			bool done = false;
			while (!(done || Error())) 
				int code = Read();
				switch (code) 

					case 0x2C : // image separator

					case 0x21 : // extension
						code = Read();
					switch (code) 
						case 0xf9 : // graphics control extension

						case 0xff : // application extension
							String app = "";
							for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) 
								app += (char) block[i];
							if (app.Equals("NETSCAPE2.0")) 
								Skip(); // don't care

						default : // uninteresting extension

					case 0x3b : // terminator
						done = true;

					case 0x00 : // bad byte, but keep going and see what happens

					default :
						status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;

		 * Reads Graphics Control Extension values
		protected void ReadGraphicControlExt() 
			Read(); // block size
			int packed = Read(); // packed fields
			dispose = (packed & 0x1c) >> 2; // disposal method
			if (dispose == 0) 
				dispose = 1; // elect to keep old image if discretionary
			transparency = (packed & 1) != 0;
			delay = ReadShort() * 10; // delay in milliseconds
			transIndex = Read(); // transparent color index
			Read(); // block terminator

		 * Reads GIF file header information.
		protected void ReadHeader() 
			String id = "";
			for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) 
				id += (char) Read();
			if (!id.StartsWith("GIF")) 

			if (gctFlag && !Error()) 
				gct = ReadColorTable(gctSize);
				bgColor = gct[bgIndex];

		 * Reads next frame image
		protected void ReadImage() 
			ix = ReadShort(); // (sub)image position & size
			iy = ReadShort();
			iw = ReadShort();
			ih = ReadShort();

			int packed = Read();
			lctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1 - local color table flag
			interlace = (packed & 0x40) != 0; // 2 - interlace flag
			// 3 - sort flag
			// 4-5 - reserved
			lctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 - local color table size

			if (lctFlag) 
				lct = ReadColorTable(lctSize); // read table
				act = lct; // make local table active
				act = gct; // make global table active
				if (bgIndex == transIndex)
					bgColor = 0;
			int save = 0;
			if (transparency) 
				save = act[transIndex];
				act[transIndex] = 0; // set transparent color if specified

			if (act == null) 
				status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; // no color table defined

			if (Error()) return;

			DecodeImageData(); // decode pixel data

			if (Error()) return;


			// create new image to receive frame data
			//		image =
			//			new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);

			bitmap = new Bitmap( width, height );
			image = bitmap;
			SetPixels(); // transfer pixel data to image

			frames.Add(new GifFrame(bitmap, delay)); // add image to frame list

			if (transparency) 
				act[transIndex] = save;


		 * Reads Logical Screen Descriptor
		protected void ReadLSD() 

			// logical screen size
			width = ReadShort();
			height = ReadShort();

			// packed fields
			int packed = Read();
			gctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1   : global color table flag
			// 2-4 : color resolution
			// 5   : gct sort flag
			gctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 : gct size

			bgIndex = Read(); // background color index
			pixelAspect = Read(); // pixel aspect ratio

		 * Reads Netscape extenstion to obtain iteration count
		protected void ReadNetscapeExt() 
				if (block[0] == 1) 
					// loop count sub-block
					int b1 = ((int) block[1]) & 0xff;
					int b2 = ((int) block[2]) & 0xff;
					loopCount = (b2 << 8) | b1;
			} while ((blockSize > 0) && !Error());

		 * Reads next 16-bit value, LSB first
		protected int ReadShort() 
			// read 16-bit value, LSB first
			return Read() | (Read() << 8);

		 * Resets frame state for reading next image.
		protected void ResetFrame() 
			lastDispose = dispose;
			lastRect = new Rectangle(ix, iy, iw, ih);
			lastImage = image;
			lastBgColor = bgColor;
			//		int dispose = 0;
			bool transparency = false;
			int delay = 0;
			lct = null;

		 * Skips variable length blocks up to and including
		 * next zero length block.
		protected void Skip() 
			} while ((blockSize > 0) && !Error());



#region .NET Disclaimer/Info
// gOODiDEA, uland.com
// $Header :		$  
// $Author :		$
// $Date   :		$
// $Revision:		$
// $History:		$  

#region Java
//  Adapted from Jef Poskanzer's Java port by way of J. M. G. Elliott.
//  K Weiner 12/00
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Common.Gif
	public class LZWEncoder 

		private static readonly int EOF = -1;

		private int imgW, imgH;
		private byte[] pixAry;
		private int initCodeSize;
		private int remaining;
		private int curPixel;

		// GIFCOMPR.C       - GIF Image compression routines
		// Lempel-Ziv compression based on 'compress'.  GIF modifications by
		// David Rowley (mgardi@watdcsu.waterloo.edu)

		// General DEFINEs

		static readonly int BITS = 12;

		static readonly int HSIZE = 5003; // 80% occupancy

		// GIF Image compression - modified 'compress'
		// Based on: compress.c - File compression ala IEEE Computer, June 1984.
		// By Authors:  Spencer W. Thomas      (decvax!harpo!utah-cs!utah-gr!thomas)
		//              Jim McKie              (decvax!mcvax!jim)
		//              Steve Davies           (decvax!vax135!petsd!peora!srd)
		//              Ken Turkowski          (decvax!decwrl!turtlevax!ken)
		//              James A. Woods         (decvax!ihnp4!ames!jaw)
		//              Joe Orost              (decvax!vax135!petsd!joe)

		int n_bits; // number of bits/code
		int maxbits = BITS; // user settable max # bits/code
		int maxcode; // maximum code, given n_bits
		int maxmaxcode = 1 << BITS; // should NEVER generate this code

		int[] htab = new int[HSIZE];
		int[] codetab = new int[HSIZE];

		int hsize = HSIZE; // for dynamic table sizing

		int free_ent = 0; // first unused entry

		// block compression parameters -- after all codes are used up,
		// and compression rate changes, start over.
		bool clear_flg = false;

		// Algorithm:  use open addressing double hashing (no chaining) on the
		// prefix code / next character combination.  We do a variant of Knuth's
		// algorithm D (vol. 3, sec. 6.4) along with G. Knott's relatively-prime
		// secondary probe.  Here, the modular division first probe is gives way
		// to a faster exclusive-or manipulation.  Also do block compression with
		// an adaptive reset, whereby the code table is cleared when the compression
		// ratio decreases, but after the table fills.  The variable-length output
		// codes are re-sized at this point, and a special CLEAR code is generated
		// for the decompressor.  Late addition:  construct the table according to
		// file size for noticeable speed improvement on small files.  Please direct
		// questions about this implementation to ames!jaw.

		int g_init_bits;

		int ClearCode;
		int EOFCode;

		// output
		// Output the given code.
		// Inputs:
		//      code:   A n_bits-bit integer.  If == -1, then EOF.  This assumes
		//              that n_bits =< wordsize - 1.
		// Outputs:
		//      Outputs code to the file.
		// Assumptions:
		//      Chars are 8 bits long.
		// Algorithm:
		//      Maintain a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will
		// fit in it exactly).  Use the VAX insv instruction to insert each
		// code in turn.  When the buffer fills up empty it and start over.

		int cur_accum = 0;
		int cur_bits = 0;

		int [] masks =
			0xFFFF };

		// Number of characters so far in this 'packet'
		int a_count;

		// Define the storage for the packet accumulator
		byte[] accum = new byte[256];

		public LZWEncoder(int width, int height, byte[] pixels, int color_depth) 
			imgW = width;
			imgH = height;
			pixAry = pixels;
			initCodeSize = Math.Max(2, color_depth);
		// Add a character to the end of the current packet, and if it is 254
		// characters, flush the packet to disk.
		void Add(byte c, Stream outs)
			accum[a_count++] = c;
			if (a_count >= 254)
		// Clear out the hash table

		// table clear for block compress
		void ClearTable(Stream outs)
			free_ent = ClearCode + 2;
			clear_flg = true;

			Output(ClearCode, outs);
		// reset code table
		void ResetCodeTable(int hsize) 
			for (int i = 0; i < hsize; ++i)
				htab[i] = -1;
		void Compress(int init_bits, Stream outs)
			int fcode;
			int i /* = 0 */;
			int c;
			int ent;
			int disp;
			int hsize_reg;
			int hshift;

			// Set up the globals:  g_init_bits - initial number of bits
			g_init_bits = init_bits;

			// Set up the necessary values
			clear_flg = false;
			n_bits = g_init_bits;
			maxcode = MaxCode(n_bits);

			ClearCode = 1 << (init_bits - 1);
			EOFCode = ClearCode + 1;
			free_ent = ClearCode + 2;

			a_count = 0; // clear packet

			ent = NextPixel();

			hshift = 0;
			for (fcode = hsize; fcode < 65536; fcode *= 2)
			hshift = 8 - hshift; // set hash code range bound

			hsize_reg = hsize;
			ResetCodeTable(hsize_reg); // clear hash table

			Output(ClearCode, outs);

			outer_loop : while ((c = NextPixel()) != EOF) 
							 fcode = (c << maxbits) + ent;
							 i = (c << hshift) ^ ent; // xor hashing

							 if (htab[i] == fcode) 
								 ent = codetab[i];
							 else if (htab[i] >= 0) // non-empty slot
								 disp = hsize_reg - i; // secondary hash (after G. Knott)
								 if (i == 0)
									 disp = 1;
									 if ((i -= disp) < 0)
										 i += hsize_reg;

									 if (htab[i] == fcode) 
										 ent = codetab[i];
										 goto outer_loop;
								 } while (htab[i] >= 0);
						 	Output(ent, outs);
							 ent = c;
							 if (free_ent < maxmaxcode) 
								 codetab[i] = free_ent++; // code -> hashtable
								 htab[i] = fcode;
			// Put out the final code.
			Output(ent, outs);
			Output(EOFCode, outs);
		public void Encode( Stream os)
			os.WriteByte( Convert.ToByte( initCodeSize) ); // write "initial code size" byte

			remaining = imgW * imgH; // reset navigation variables
			curPixel = 0;

			Compress(initCodeSize + 1, os); // compress and write the pixel data

			os.WriteByte(0); // write block terminator
		// Flush the packet to disk, and reset the accumulator
		void Flush(Stream outs)
			if (a_count > 0) 
				outs.WriteByte( Convert.ToByte( a_count ));
				outs.Write(accum, 0, a_count);
				a_count = 0;
		int MaxCode(int n_bits) 
			return (1 << n_bits) - 1;
		// Return the next pixel from the image
		private int NextPixel() 
			if (remaining == 0)
				return EOF;


			int temp = curPixel + 1;
			if ( temp < pixAry.GetUpperBound( 0 ))
				byte pix = pixAry[curPixel++];

				return pix & 0xff;
			return 0xff;
		void Output(int code, Stream outs)
			cur_accum &= masks[cur_bits];

			if (cur_bits > 0)
				cur_accum |= (code << cur_bits);
				cur_accum = code;

			cur_bits += n_bits;

			while (cur_bits >= 8) 
				Add((byte) (cur_accum & 0xff), outs);
				cur_accum >>= 8;
				cur_bits -= 8;

			// If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size,
			// then increase it, if possible.
			if (free_ent > maxcode || clear_flg) 
				if (clear_flg) 
					maxcode = MaxCode(n_bits = g_init_bits);
					clear_flg = false;
					if (n_bits == maxbits)
						maxcode = maxmaxcode;
						maxcode = MaxCode(n_bits);

			if (code == EOFCode) 
				// At EOF, write the rest of the buffer.
				while (cur_bits > 0) 
					Add((byte) (cur_accum & 0xff), outs);
					cur_accum >>= 8;
					cur_bits -= 8;


  4:最後新建一個NeuQuant類 (這樣gif類庫完成)ide


#region .NET Disclaimer/Info
// gOODiDEA, uland.com
// $Header :		$  
// $Author :		$
// $Date   :		$
// $Revision:		$
// $History:		$  

#region Java
/* NeuQuant Neural-Net Quantization Algorithm
 * ------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) 1994 Anthony Dekker
 * NEUQUANT Neural-Net quantization algorithm by Anthony Dekker, 1994.
 * See "Kohonen neural networks for optimal colour quantization"
 * in "Network: Computation in Neural Systems" Vol. 5 (1994) pp 351-367.
 * for a discussion of the algorithm.
 * Any party obtaining a copy of these files from the author, directly or
 * indirectly, is granted, free of charge, a full and unrestricted irrevocable,
 * world-wide, paid up, royalty-free, nonexclusive right and license to deal
 * in this software and documentation files (the "Software"), including without
 * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons who receive
 * copies from any such party to do so, with the only requirement being
 * that this copyright notice remain intact.

// Ported to Java 12/00 K Weiner

using System;

namespace Common.Gif
	public class NeuQuant 
		protected static readonly int netsize = 256; /* number of colours used */
		/* four primes near 500 - assume no image has a length so large */
		/* that it is divisible by all four primes */
		protected static readonly int prime1 = 499;
		protected static readonly int prime2 = 491;
		protected static readonly int prime3 = 487;
		protected static readonly int prime4 = 503;
		protected static readonly int minpicturebytes = ( 3 * prime4 );
		/* minimum size for input image */
		/* Program Skeleton
		   [select samplefac in range 1..30]
		   [read image from input file]
		   pic = (unsigned char*) malloc(3*width*height);
		   [write output image header, using writecolourmap(f)]
		   write output image using inxsearch(b,g,r)      */

		/* Network Definitions
		   ------------------- */
		protected static readonly int maxnetpos = (netsize - 1);
		protected static readonly int netbiasshift = 4; /* bias for colour values */
		protected static readonly int ncycles = 100; /* no. of learning cycles */

		/* defs for freq and bias */
		protected static readonly int intbiasshift = 16; /* bias for fractions */
		protected static readonly int intbias = (((int) 1) << intbiasshift);
		protected static readonly int gammashift = 10; /* gamma = 1024 */
		protected static readonly int gamma = (((int) 1) << gammashift);
		protected static readonly int betashift = 10;
		protected static readonly int beta = (intbias >> betashift); /* beta = 1/1024 */
		protected static readonly int betagamma =
			(intbias << (gammashift - betashift));

		/* defs for decreasing radius factor */
		protected static readonly int initrad = (netsize >> 3); /* for 256 cols, radius starts */
		protected static readonly int radiusbiasshift = 6; /* at 32.0 biased by 6 bits */
		protected static readonly int radiusbias = (((int) 1) << radiusbiasshift);
		protected static readonly int initradius = (initrad * radiusbias); /* and decreases by a */
		protected static readonly int radiusdec = 30; /* factor of 1/30 each cycle */

		/* defs for decreasing alpha factor */
		protected static readonly int alphabiasshift = 10; /* alpha starts at 1.0 */
		protected static readonly int initalpha = (((int) 1) << alphabiasshift);

		protected int alphadec; /* biased by 10 bits */

		/* radbias and alpharadbias used for radpower calculation */
		protected static readonly int radbiasshift = 8;
		protected static readonly int radbias = (((int) 1) << radbiasshift);
		protected static readonly int alpharadbshift = (alphabiasshift + radbiasshift);
		protected static readonly int alpharadbias = (((int) 1) << alpharadbshift);

		/* Types and Global Variables
		-------------------------- */

		protected byte[] thepicture; /* the input image itself */
		protected int lengthcount; /* lengthcount = H*W*3 */

		protected int samplefac; /* sampling factor 1..30 */

		//   typedef int pixel[4];                /* BGRc */
		protected int[][] network; /* the network itself - [netsize][4] */

		protected int[] netindex = new int[256];
		/* for network lookup - really 256 */

		protected int[] bias = new int[netsize];
		/* bias and freq arrays for learning */
		protected int[] freq = new int[netsize];
		protected int[] radpower = new int[initrad];
		/* radpower for precomputation */

		/* Initialise network in range (0,0,0) to (255,255,255) and set parameters
		   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		public NeuQuant(byte[] thepic, int len, int sample) 

			int i;
			int[] p;

			thepicture = thepic;
			lengthcount = len;
			samplefac = sample;

			network = new int[netsize][];
			for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) 
				network[i] = new int[4];
				p = network[i];
				p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (i << (netbiasshift + 8)) / netsize;
				freq[i] = intbias / netsize; /* 1/netsize */
				bias[i] = 0;
		public byte[] ColorMap() 
			byte[] map = new byte[3 * netsize];
			int[] index = new int[netsize];
			for (int i = 0; i < netsize; i++)
				index[network[i][3]] = i;
			int k = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < netsize; i++) 
				int j = index[i];
				map[k++] = (byte) (network[j][0]);
				map[k++] = (byte) (network[j][1]);
				map[k++] = (byte) (network[j][2]);
			return map;
		/* Insertion sort of network and building of netindex[0..255] (to do after unbias)
		   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		public void Inxbuild() 

			int i, j, smallpos, smallval;
			int[] p;
			int[] q;
			int previouscol, startpos;

			previouscol = 0;
			startpos = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) 
				p = network[i];
				smallpos = i;
				smallval = p[1]; /* index on g */
				/* find smallest in i..netsize-1 */
				for (j = i + 1; j < netsize; j++) 
					q = network[j];
					if (q[1] < smallval) 
					{ /* index on g */
						smallpos = j;
						smallval = q[1]; /* index on g */
				q = network[smallpos];
				/* swap p (i) and q (smallpos) entries */
				if (i != smallpos) 
					j = q[0];
					q[0] = p[0];
					p[0] = j;
					j = q[1];
					q[1] = p[1];
					p[1] = j;
					j = q[2];
					q[2] = p[2];
					p[2] = j;
					j = q[3];
					q[3] = p[3];
					p[3] = j;
				/* smallval entry is now in position i */
				if (smallval != previouscol) 
					netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + i) >> 1;
					for (j = previouscol + 1; j < smallval; j++)
						netindex[j] = i;
					previouscol = smallval;
					startpos = i;
			netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + maxnetpos) >> 1;
			for (j = previouscol + 1; j < 256; j++)
				netindex[j] = maxnetpos; /* really 256 */
		/* Main Learning Loop
		   ------------------ */
		public void Learn() 

			int i, j, b, g, r;
			int radius, rad, alpha, step, delta, samplepixels;
			byte[] p;
			int pix, lim;

			if (lengthcount < minpicturebytes)
				samplefac = 1;
			alphadec = 30 + ((samplefac - 1) / 3);
			p = thepicture;
			pix = 0;
			lim = lengthcount;
			samplepixels = lengthcount / (3 * samplefac);
			delta = samplepixels / ncycles;
			alpha = initalpha;
			radius = initradius;

			rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;
			if (rad <= 1)
				rad = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < rad; i++)
				radpower[i] =
					alpha * (((rad * rad - i * i) * radbias) / (rad * rad));

			//fprintf(stderr,"beginning 1D learning: initial radius=%d\n", rad);

			if (lengthcount < minpicturebytes)
				step = 3;
			else if ((lengthcount % prime1) != 0)
				step = 3 * prime1;
				if ((lengthcount % prime2) != 0)
					step = 3 * prime2;
					if ((lengthcount % prime3) != 0)
						step = 3 * prime3;
						step = 3 * prime4;

			i = 0;
			while (i < samplepixels) 
				b = (p[pix + 0] & 0xff) << netbiasshift;
				g = (p[pix + 1] & 0xff) << netbiasshift;
				r = (p[pix + 2] & 0xff) << netbiasshift;
				j = Contest(b, g, r);

				Altersingle(alpha, j, b, g, r);
				if (rad != 0)
					Alterneigh(rad, j, b, g, r); /* alter neighbours */

				pix += step;
				if (pix >= lim)
					pix -= lengthcount;

				if (delta == 0)
					delta = 1;
				if (i % delta == 0) 
					alpha -= alpha / alphadec;
					radius -= radius / radiusdec;
					rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;
					if (rad <= 1)
						rad = 0;
					for (j = 0; j < rad; j++)
						radpower[j] =
							alpha * (((rad * rad - j * j) * radbias) / (rad * rad));
			//fprintf(stderr,"finished 1D learning: readonly alpha=%f !\n",((float)alpha)/initalpha);
		/* Search for BGR values 0..255 (after net is unbiased) and return colour index
		   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		public int Map(int b, int g, int r) 

			int i, j, dist, a, bestd;
			int[] p;
			int best;

			bestd = 1000; /* biggest possible dist is 256*3 */
			best = -1;
			i = netindex[g]; /* index on g */
			j = i - 1; /* start at netindex[g] and work outwards */

			while ((i < netsize) || (j >= 0)) 
				if (i < netsize) 
					p = network[i];
					dist = p[1] - g; /* inx key */
					if (dist >= bestd)
						i = netsize; /* stop iter */
						if (dist < 0)
							dist = -dist;
						a = p[0] - b;
						if (a < 0)
							a = -a;
						dist += a;
						if (dist < bestd) 
							a = p[2] - r;
							if (a < 0)
								a = -a;
							dist += a;
							if (dist < bestd) 
								bestd = dist;
								best = p[3];
				if (j >= 0) 
					p = network[j];
					dist = g - p[1]; /* inx key - reverse dif */
					if (dist >= bestd)
						j = -1; /* stop iter */
						if (dist < 0)
							dist = -dist;
						a = p[0] - b;
						if (a < 0)
							a = -a;
						dist += a;
						if (dist < bestd) 
							a = p[2] - r;
							if (a < 0)
								a = -a;
							dist += a;
							if (dist < bestd) 
								bestd = dist;
								best = p[3];
			return (best);
		public byte[] Process() 
			return ColorMap();
		/* Unbias network to give byte values 0..255 and record position i to prepare for sort
		   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		public void Unbiasnet() 

			int i, j;

			for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) 
				network[i][0] >>= netbiasshift;
				network[i][1] >>= netbiasshift;
				network[i][2] >>= netbiasshift;
				network[i][3] = i; /* record colour no */
		/* Move adjacent neurons by precomputed alpha*(1-((i-j)^2/[r]^2)) in radpower[|i-j|]
		   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		protected void Alterneigh(int rad, int i, int b, int g, int r) 

			int j, k, lo, hi, a, m;
			int[] p;

			lo = i - rad;
			if (lo < -1)
				lo = -1;
			hi = i + rad;
			if (hi > netsize)
				hi = netsize;

			j = i + 1;
			k = i - 1;
			m = 1;
			while ((j < hi) || (k > lo)) 
				a = radpower[m++];
				if (j < hi) 
					p = network[j++];
						p[0] -= (a * (p[0] - b)) / alpharadbias;
						p[1] -= (a * (p[1] - g)) / alpharadbias;
						p[2] -= (a * (p[2] - r)) / alpharadbias;
					catch (Exception e) 
					} // prevents 1.3 miscompilation
				if (k > lo) 
					p = network[k--];
						p[0] -= (a * (p[0] - b)) / alpharadbias;
						p[1] -= (a * (p[1] - g)) / alpharadbias;
						p[2] -= (a * (p[2] - r)) / alpharadbias;
					catch (Exception e) 
		/* Move neuron i towards biased (b,g,r) by factor alpha
		   ---------------------------------------------------- */
		protected void Altersingle(int alpha, int i, int b, int g, int r) 

			/* alter hit neuron */
			int[] n = network[i];
			n[0] -= (alpha * (n[0] - b)) / initalpha;
			n[1] -= (alpha * (n[1] - g)) / initalpha;
			n[2] -= (alpha * (n[2] - r)) / initalpha;
		/* Search for biased BGR values
		   ---------------------------- */
		protected int Contest(int b, int g, int r) 

			/* finds closest neuron (min dist) and updates freq */
			/* finds best neuron (min dist-bias) and returns position */
			/* for frequently chosen neurons, freq[i] is high and bias[i] is negative */
			/* bias[i] = gamma*((1/netsize)-freq[i]) */

			int i, dist, a, biasdist, betafreq;
			int bestpos, bestbiaspos, bestd, bestbiasd;
			int[] n;

			bestd = ~(((int) 1) << 31);
			bestbiasd = bestd;
			bestpos = -1;
			bestbiaspos = bestpos;

			for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) 
				n = network[i];
				dist = n[0] - b;
				if (dist < 0)
					dist = -dist;
				a = n[1] - g;
				if (a < 0)
					a = -a;
				dist += a;
				a = n[2] - r;
				if (a < 0)
					a = -a;
				dist += a;
				if (dist < bestd) 
					bestd = dist;
					bestpos = i;
				biasdist = dist - ((bias[i]) >> (intbiasshift - netbiasshift));
				if (biasdist < bestbiasd) 
					bestbiasd = biasdist;
					bestbiaspos = i;
				betafreq = (freq[i] >> betashift);
				freq[i] -= betafreq;
				bias[i] += (betafreq << gammashift);
			freq[bestpos] += beta;
			bias[bestpos] -= betagamma;
			return (bestbiaspos);




using Common.Gif;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;

namespace Common.Tools
    public class VerificationCode
        private AnimatedGifEncoder coder = new AnimatedGifEncoder();
        // private Stream stream = new MemoryStream();

        private char[] _identifyingCode;
        private int _defaultIdentifyingCodeLen = 4;
        private string _availableLetters = @"的一是在了不和有大這主中人上爲們地個用工時要動國產以我到他會做來分生對於學下級就年階義發成部民可出能方進同行面說種過命度革而多子後自社加小機也經力線本電高量長黨得實家定深法表着水理化爭現所二起政三好十戰無農使性前等反體合鬥路圖把結第里正新開論之物從當兩些還天資事隊批如應形想制心樣幹都向變關點育重其思與間內去因件日利相由壓員氣業代全組數果期導平各基或月毛然問比展那它最及外沒看治提五解系林者米羣頭意只明四道馬認次文通但條較克又公孔領軍流入接席位情運器並飛原油放立題質指建區驗活衆很教決特此常石強極土少已根共直團統式轉別造切九你取西持總料連任志觀調七麼山程百報更見必真保熱委手改管處己將修支識病象幾先老光專什六型具示覆安帶每東增則完風回南廣勞輪科北打積車計給節作務被整聯步類集號列溫裝即毫知軸研單色堅據速防史拉世設達爾場織歷花受求傳口斷況採精金界品判參層止邊清至萬確究書術狀廠須離再目海交權且兒青才證低越際八試規斯近注辦布門鐵需走議縣兵固除般引齒千勝細影濟白格效置推空配刀葉率述今選養德話查差半敵始片施響收華覺備名紅續均藥標記難存測士身緊液派準斤角降維板許破述技消底牀田勢端感往神便賀村構照容非搞亞磨族火段算適講按值美態黃易彪服早班麥削信排臺聲該擊素張密害侯草何樹肥繼右屬市嚴徑螺檢左頁抗蘇顯苦英快稱壞移約巴材省黑武培著河帝僅針怎植京助升王眼她抓含苗副雜普談圍食射源例致酸舊卻充足短劃劑宣環落首尺波承粉踐府魚隨考刻靠夠滿夫失包住促枝局菌杆周護巖師舉曲春元超負砂封換太模貧減陽揚江析畝木言球朝醫校古呢稻宋聽惟輸滑站另衛字鼓剛寫劉微略範供阿塊某功套友限項餘倒卷創律雨讓骨遠幫初皮播優佔死毒圈偉季訓控激找叫雲互跟裂糧粒母練塞鋼頂策雙留誤礎吸阻故寸盾晚絲女散焊功株親院冷徹彈錯散商視藝滅版烈零室輕血倍缺釐泵察絕富城衝噴壤簡否柱李望盤磁雄似困鞏益洲脫投送奴側潤蓋揮距觸星鬆送獲興獨官混紀依未突架寬冬章溼偏紋吃執閥礦寨責熟穩奪硬價努翻奇甲預職評讀背協損棉侵灰雖矛厚羅泥闢告卵箱掌氧恩愛停曾溶營終綱孟錢待盡俄縮沙退陳討奮械載胞幼哪剝迫旋徵槽倒握擔仍呀鮮吧卡粗介鑽逐弱腳怕鹽末陰豐編印蜂急拿擴傷飛露核緣遊振操央伍域甚迅輝異序免紙夜鄉久隸缸夾念蘭映溝乙嗎儒殺汽磷艱晶插埃燃歡鐵補咱芽永瓦傾陣碳演威附牙芽永瓦斜灌歐獻順豬洋腐請透司危括脈宜笑若尾束壯暴企菜穗楚漢愈綠拖牛份染既秋遍鍛玉夏療尖殖井費州訪吹榮銅沿替滾客召旱悟刺腦措貫藏敢令隙爐殼硫煤迎鑄粘探臨薄旬善福縱擇禮願伏殘雷延煙句純漸耕跑澤慢栽魯赤繁境潮橫掉錐希池敗船假亮謂託夥哲懷割擺貢呈勁財儀沉煉麻罪祖息車穿貨銷齊鼠抽畫飼龍庫守築房歌寒喜哥洗蝕廢納腹乎錄鏡婦惡脂莊擦險贊鍾搖典柄辯竹谷賣亂虛橋奧伯趕垂途額壁網截野遺靜謀弄掛課鎮妄盛耐援扎慮鍵歸符慶聚繞摩忙舞遇索顧膠羊湖釘仁音跡碎伸燈避泛亡答勇頻皇柳哈揭甘諾概憲濃島襲誰洪謝炮澆斑訊懂靈蛋閉孩釋乳巨徒私銀伊景坦累勻黴杜樂勒隔彎績招紹胡呼痛峯零柴簧午跳居尚丁秦稍追梁折耗鹼殊崗挖氏刃劇堆赫荷胸衡勤膜篇登駐案刊秧緩凸役剪川雪鏈漁啦臉戶洛孢勃盟買楊宗焦賽旗濾硅炭股坐蒸凝竟陷槍黎救冒暗洞犯筒您宋弧爆謬塗味津臂障褐陸啊健尊豆拔莫抵桑坡縫警挑污冰柬嘴啥飯塑寄趙喊墊康遵牧遭幅園腔訂香肉弟屋敏恢忘衣孫齡嶺騙休借丹渡耳刨虎筆稀昆浪薩茶滴淺擁穴覆倫娘噸浸袖珠雌媽紫戲塔錘震歲貌潔剖牢鋒疑霸閃埔猛訴刷狠忽災鬧喬唐漏聞沈熔氯荒莖男凡搶像漿旁玻亦忠唱蒙予紛捕鎖尤乘烏智淡允叛畜俘摸鏽掃畢璃寶芯爺鑑祕淨蔣鈣肩騰枯拋軌堂拌爸循誘祝勵肯酒繩窮塘燥泡袋朗喂鋁軟渠顆慣貿糞綜牆趨彼屆墨礙啓逆卸航霧冠丙街萊貝輻腸付吉滲瑞驚頓擠秒懸姆爛森糖聖凹陶詞遲蠶億矩";

        private Random random = new Random();

        private int _frameCount = 4;
        private int _delay = 900;
        private int _noiseCount = 15;

        private int _width = 150, _height = 60;
        public int Width
            get { return _width; }

        public int Height
            get { return _height; }

        public string IdentifyingCode
            get { return new string(_identifyingCode); }

        public VerificationCode(int width, int height)
            _width = width < 1 ? 1 : width;
            _height = height < 1 ? 1 : height;
            coder.SetSize(Width, Height);

        private void GenerateIdentifyingCode(int codeLength)
            if (codeLength < 1)
                codeLength = _defaultIdentifyingCodeLen;

            List<char> codes = new List<char>();

            for (int i = 0; i < codeLength; i++)
                codes.Add(_availableLetters[random.Next(0, _availableLetters.Length)]);

            _identifyingCode = new char[codes.Count];


        public Stream Create(Stream stream)
            return stream;

        public MemoryStream Create()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            return stream;

        private void Process()


            Brush br = Brushes.White;
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
            Font f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 14, FontStyle.Bold);

            for (int i = 0; i < _frameCount; i++)
                Image im = new Bitmap(Width, Height);
                Graphics ga = Graphics.FromImage(im);

                ga.FillRectangle(br, rect);

                int fH = (int)f.GetHeight();
                int fW = (int)ga.MeasureString(IdentifyingCode, f).Width;


                ga.DrawString(IdentifyingCode, f, SystemBrushes.Desktop, new PointF(random.Next(1, Width - 1 - fW), random.Next(1, Height - 1 - fH)));

        private void AddNoise(Graphics ga)

            Pen pen = new Pen(SystemColors.GrayText);

            Point[] ps = new Point[_noiseCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < _noiseCount; i++)
                ps[i] = new Point(random.Next(1, Width - 1), random.Next(1, Height - 1));

            ga.DrawLines(pen, ps);

        public void Create(string path)
            //coder.Start(path);用它的這個方法,比用 stream 生成的要大!
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "image/Gif";
            var stream = Create();



 public void Index()
            Response.ContentType = "image/Gif";
            using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream())
                VerificationCode va = new VerificationCode(105, 30);
                var s = va.Create(m);
                string code = Common.DEncrypt.DESEncrypt.Encrypt(va.IdentifyingCode.ToLower());
                var cookie = new HttpCookie("cheakcode", code);
                if (Request.Url.Host.ToLower() != "localhost")
                    cookie.Domain = Request.Url.Host;
                cookie.HttpOnly = false;

  3: 運行結果圖ui

