. ├── bin │ ├── linux_amd64 │ │ ├── input │ │ ├── my.ini │ │ ├── result.log │ │ ├── result.txt │ │ └── wc │ └── windows │ ├── wc32.exe │ └── wc64.exe ├── image │ └── whole_flow_chart.png ├── readme.md └── src ├── function.c ├── wc.c └── wc.h
wc.exe -c file.c //返回文件 file.c 的字符數shell
wc.exe -w file.c //返回文件 file.c 的單詞總數windows
wc.exe -l file.c //返回文件 file.c 的總行數markdown
wc.exe -o outputFile.txt file.c //將結果輸出到指定文件outputFile.txtapp
wc.exe -h //顯示幫助信息
例: wc.exe --word --charater file.c
例: wc.exe -wc file.c
wc.exe -w -c file.c
c語言的main函數中有兩個參數:int main (int argc, char
argc 一個整數,表明有多少個命令行參數,在此注意兩個點
一、 參數間是用空格格開的;
好比,由於單複數的關係,有一行/個 單詞/字母,應該是不一樣的表達(是否有s)
void lines_searching(FILE *fp, bool out_to_files){ int line = 0; int ch = 0; while(!feof(fp)){ ch = fgetc(fp); //putchar(ch); if(ch == '\n') line++; else continue; }//of while loop //printf("line is %d\n",line); output_to_sdo(line, "line", out_to_files); }//of character_searching function
void words_searching(FILE *fp, bool out_to_files){ int letter =0; int word = 0; bool is_word = FALSE; while(!feof(fp)){ letter = fgetc(fp); if((letter >= 'a' && letter <= 'z') || (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z' ) || (letter == '\'')){ if(!is_word) //if if_word is false, it means this is a brand new word is_word = TRUE; }//of if else{ if(is_word){ word ++; is_word = FALSE; }//of if else continue; }//of else }//of while loop output_to_sdo(word, "word", out_to_files); }//of words_searching function
letter != '\n' || letter != '\t' || letter != ' '
void output_to_sdo(int number, char* name, bool out_to_files){ char result_fp_name[50];//the name of the result files char result[50]; //printf("%s\n",specific_file); if(number == 0) sprintf(result, "No %s in the file\n", name); else if(number == 1) sprintf(result, "1 %s in the file\n", name); else sprintf(result, "%d %ss in the file\n",number,name); printf("%s", result); if(out_to_files){ strcpy(result_fp_name, specific_file); }//of if else{ strcpy(result_fp_name, "result.txt"); }//of else FILE *result_fp = fopen(result_fp_name,"w"); fputs(result, result_fp); fclose(result_fp); }//of function output_to_fdo
1.1 -h
1.1 -o
輸入條件 | 有效等價類 | 無效等價類 |
選項 | -h (1)/ -w(2) / -l(3) / -c(4) / -o out(5) / -w -c(6) | -a(7) / -p(8) / -h -w(9) |
參數 | 文件(10) | 沒有文件(11) |
I loved you. But you didn't love me. I felt sad. But you seemed to feel happy. So I begun to hate you.
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ cat result.in Usage: wc.exe [OPTIONS]... [FILE] --character -c calculate the numbers of characters in the file --word -w calculate the numbers of words in the file --line -l calculate the numbers of lines in the file --outtofile=x -o x transfer the result to the specific file
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -h input Wrong Parameter!
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w input 23 words in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -w input 23 input
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w nothing Fail to Open the File! seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -w nothing wc: nothing: No such file or directory
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -l input 5 lines in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -l input 5 input
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -l nothing Fail to Open the File! seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -l nothing wc: nothing: No such file or directory
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -c input 104 characters in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -c input 103 input
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -c nothing Fail to Open the File! seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -c nothing wc: nothing: No such file or directory
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w -o result.log input 23 words in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ cat result.log 23 words in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -w input > result.log seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ cat result.log 23 input
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w -h Fail to Open the File! seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w -h nohting Fail to Open the File! seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w -h input Wrong Parameter! 23 words in the file
for(int i = 1; i < argc-1; i++){ if(argv[i][0] == '-'){ switch(argv[i][1]){ case 'c': print_characters = TRUE; break; case 'l': print_lines = TRUE; break; case 'w': print_words = TRUE; break; case 'o': out_to_files = TRUE; strcpy(specific_file,argv[i+1]); //printf("%s\n",specific_file); break; case 'h'://add a case to detect -h printf("-h parameter should work alone!\n"); exit(0); default: printf("Wrong Parameter!\n"); }//of switch }//of if }//of for loop
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/src$ ./a.out -h input -h parameter should work alone!
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ printf "I hate you\nYou hate me\n" I hate you You hate me seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ printf "I hate you\nYou hate me\n" > my.ini seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -c my.ini 24 characters in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -c my.ini 23 my.ini
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ echo "I really made a mistake??" > my.ini seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -c my.ini 27 characters in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -c my.ini 26 my.ini
while(!feof(fp)){ fgetc(fp); character ++; }//of while loop
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w my.ini 5 words in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -w my.ini 5 my.ini seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./wc -w input 23 words in the file seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ wc -w input 23 input
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/src$ ./a.out -c input input, character number:23
#!/bin/sh #Author: seven #date: 2018/09/27 #aim: an automatic script to test the program #a function to print test result #function will receive 2 parameters, #first is the type of the test, #second is whether the test tested as expected test_result_print(){ if [ $2 -eq 1 ] then echo `date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` " $1 test succeeded!" | tee -a test_log.txt else echo `date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` " $1 test met with failure!" | tee -a test_log.txt fi } compare_result_with_standard(){ if [ "$1" = "$2" ] then if_test_success=1 else if_test_success=0 fi } test_file_name="input" #Here is the test for ./wc -h #the ideal result is the usage of the program standard_result="Usage: wc.exe [OPTIONS]... [FILE] --character -c calculate the numbers of characters in the file --word -w calculate the numbers of words in the file --line -l calculate the numbers of lines in the file --outtofile=x -o x transfer the result to the specific file" result=`./wc -h` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -h" $if_test_success #Here is the test for ./wc -h input #the ideal result is to print "-h parameter should work alone!" standard_result="-h parameter should work alone!" result=`./wc -h input` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -h print" $if_test_success #Here is the test for wc -w input standard_result=`wc -w $test_file_name | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` result=`./wc -w $test_file_name | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -w input" $if_test_success #Here is the test for wc -w nothing standard_result="Fail to Open the File!" result=`./wc -w nothing` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -w nothing" $if_test_success #Here is the test for wc -l nothing standard_result="Fail to Open the File!" result=`./wc -l nothing` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -l nothing" $if_test_success #Here is the test for wc -c input standard_result=`wc -c $test_file_name | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` result=`./wc -c $test_file_name | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -c input" $if_test_success #Here is the test for wc -c nothing standard_result="Fail to Open the File!" result=`./wc -c nothing` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -c nothing" $if_test_success #Here is the test for wc -w -o result.log input standard_result=`wc -w $test_file_name | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` result=`./wc -w -o result.log $test_file_name | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -w -o result.log input in std output" $if_test_success result=`cat result.log | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` compare_result_with_standard "$result" "$standard_result" test_result_print "wc -w -o result.log input in outputfile" $if_test_success
seven@mylab:~/wordcount/bin/linux_amd64$ ./test.sh 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -h test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -h print test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -w input test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -w nothing test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -l nothing test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -c input test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -c nothing test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -w -o result.log input in std output test succeeded! 2018-09-27 16:11:58 wc -w -o result.log input in outputfile test succeeded!