命令行:yo easy-ui5 project, 遇到錯誤消息:web
you don't seem to have a generator with the name "easy-ui5" installed.
先用 npm install generator-easy-ui5 進行安裝:npm
而後從新執行 yo easy-ui5 project:app
Create a new OpenUI5/SAPUI5 project:webapp
在 On which platform would you like to host the application? 裏,選擇 SAP Launchpad service:ui
成功建立的 SAP UI5 資源:spa
咱們的 SAP UI5 應用資源文件就在 webapp 文件夾裏:命令行
A Cloud Foundry tasks which uploads the static web resources to the HTML5 application repository service during deploy-time.
一個 CloudFoundry 任務,在用戶部署 SAP UI5 時,將靜態的 web resources 上傳到 HTML5 應用倉庫服務去。server
You might miss the folders dist and mta_archieves as they will be created later during the build step.
dist 和 mta_archieves 在 build 階段會動態建立。
This project leverages the UI5 tooling framework for development. This tool belt can help you to start a local web server and is extendable so you can integrate mocked destinations and a live-reload feature when files are updated. The great thing is, you don’t have to worry about this for now. The easy-ui5 generator already installed these two tasks for you. Additional UI5 tooling tasks can be found on npm.com.
進入到 tutorial.myUI5App 目錄下,執行腳本 npm start:
遇到這個 address already in use 的錯誤消息,一般都是由於本地還有一個運行的 Visual Studio Code 在本地運行 SAP UI5 應用:
最後看到的本地 Fiori Launchpad sandbox:
將 i18n_en.properties 文件的內容替換成以下字符串: