Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)是由 Marshall Greenblatt 在2008年創辦的開源項目,致力於基於Google Chromium項目開發一個Web控件。 CEF目前已支持多種編程語言和操做系統,能方便地集成到現有或者新的應用程序中,設計上,它追求高性能的同時,也追求易於使用,它的基本框架經過原生庫提供C和C++的編程接口,這些接口將宿主程序與Chromium與WebKit的實現細節隔離,能讓瀏覽器與應用程序無縫集成,並支持自定義插件、協議、Javascript對象與擴展。宿主程序還能根據須要控制資源加載、頁面跳轉、上下文菜單、打印等等。這些好處都是在支持Google Chrome同等效率與HTML5技術可用的基本上提供的。如今不少主流的客戶端都使用了CEF來顯示Web頁面:網易雲音樂、QQ、豌豆莢等(安裝目錄下能夠找到libcef.dll)。chrome
首先從cef_cookie.h 源碼中看到CefCookieManager 這個類:編程
// Visit all cookies on the IO thread. The returned cookies are ordered by // longest path, then by earliest creation date. Returns false if cookies // cannot be accessed. /// /*--cef()--*/ virtual bool VisitAllCookies(CefRefPtr<CefCookieVisitor> visitor) =0; /// // Visit a subset of cookies on the IO thread. The results are filtered by the // given url scheme, host, domain and path. If |includeHttpOnly| is true // HTTP-only cookies will also be included in the results. The returned // cookies are ordered by longest path, then by earliest creation date. // Returns false if cookies cannot be accessed. /// /*--cef()--*/ virtual bool VisitUrlCookies(const CefString& url, bool includeHttpOnly, CefRefPtr<CefCookieVisitor> visitor) =0;
1 class CefCookieVisitor : public virtual CefBase { 2 public: 3 /// 4 // Method that will be called once for each cookie. |count| is the 0-based 5 // index for the current cookie. |total| is the total number of cookies. 6 // Set |deleteCookie| to true to delete the cookie currently being visited. 7 // Return false to stop visiting cookies. This method may never be called if 8 // no cookies are found. 9 /// 10 /*--cef()--*/ 11 virtual bool Visit(const CefCookie& cookie, int count, int total, 12 bool& deleteCookie) =0; 13 };
class CCookieVisitor : public CefCookieVisitor { public: CCookieVisitor() {}; ~CCookieVisitor() {}; bool Visit(const CefCookie& cookie, int count, int total, bool& deleteCookie); //這是一個宏 //全部的框架類從CefBase繼承,實例指針由CefRefPtr管理,CefRefPtr經過調用AddRef()和Release()方法自動管理引用計數。 IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(CookieVisitor); };
CefRefPtr<CCookieVisitor> m_CookieVisitor; m_CookieVisitor(new CCookieVisitor());
//如下代碼執行 即回調Visit框架
CefRefPtr<CefCookieManager> cefCookieManager = CefCookieManager::GetGlobalManager(nullptr);dom
if (cefCookieManager)
cefCookieManager->VisitUrlCookies(url ,true , m_visitor);
回調進行讀取,count爲當前cookie total爲總數。具體看CefCookieVisitor的註釋,接下來即可以Visit讀取到數據性能
1 bool CookieVisitor::Visit(const CefCookie & cookie, int count, int total, bool & deleteCookie) 2 { 3 if (count == total) 4 { 5 return false; 6 } 7 if ( && cookie.value.str) 8 { 9 string strName =; 10 string strValue = cookie.value.str; 11 } 12 return true; 13 }
備註:CEF遠程調試地址 chrome://inspect/#devices url