
2018年12月24日 ARMON DADGARhtml

隨着2018年末的臨近, 這是一個反思過去一年的好機會。對於HashiCorp來講, 今年是激動人心的一年, 有許多里程碑。咱們想花點時間感謝咱們的用戶、客戶、合做夥伴和員工使之成爲可能。app

咱們能夠強調不少事情, 但爲了保持簡短, 如下是咱們選擇的一些:ide

主要產品交付里程碑。 HashiCorp Terraform 向 0.12進軍而 Terraform 企業版則已顯著成熟, 變得更易於使用, 功能更加完整。 Vault 達到了 1.0 里程碑, 並且咱們在企業版中添加了主要的新功能。咱們在 Consul 企業版中提供了 Consul Connect和多數據中心功能,以構建其做爲服務網格的功能。咱們還宣佈了對 Nomad 的重大更新並正在被大規模採用。Packer 供了許多更新, 是新的 Microsoft 圖像生成服務的基礎. Vagrant 繼續進步並與 Vagrant Cloud 更緊密地集成。還有許多其餘更新----太多以致於很難一一列舉----幫助咱們的工具繼續保持處於行業的前沿, 並使它們的技術被認爲是世界級的。工具

將 OSS 社區增長一倍。 用戶和從業者纔是咱們真正的大後方。去年, 咱們的 OSS 下載量增長了一倍多 (從 2, 200萬增長到 4, 500多萬次), 增長了新的貢獻者, 並擴大了咱們的社區足跡。這能成爲現實是由於咱們的工具備效, 解決了實際問題, 因此被用戶所接受。ui

添加數百個新客戶。 雖然 OSS 社區在使用方面處於領先地位, 但正是付費客戶使 Hashicorp 成爲可能。在過去的一年裏, 咱們的年收入顯著增加, 並增長了數百名客戶。目前, Hashicorp 在《財富》500強企業中擁有 50多位, 在全球2000年全球納稅客戶中遠遠超過100人。這是爲公司的成長提供資金, 也使咱們可以繼續投資讓咱們的產品更好地爲每一個人服務。this

擴大與雲合做夥伴和其餘方面的強有力夥伴關係。 今年, 咱們繼續與主要的雲供應商、各類技術合做夥伴以及使用 Hashicorp 工具幫助客戶遷移到雲的系統集成商密切合做。值得注意的是, 今年咱們與 AWSMicrosoft Azure,和 Google Cloud 合做, 提供聯合產品和上市活動, 包括支持 Kubernetes。HashiCorp合做夥伴計劃目前包括北美、歐洲、中東和非洲地區以及亞太地區的38個經銷商、117家系統集成商和45個技術合做夥伴。google

員工人數從150人增長到350人以上。 咱們團隊的增加是由須要有更多的人幫助客戶和用戶需求有機驅動的。這是成長的最好理由, 但一年增長 2 0 0多人不是什麼小壯舉!咱們要感謝每個人認真對待咱們的原則並繼續鼓勵彼此精益求精。這些原則對咱們來講意義重大。隨着咱們的不斷髮展, 咱們但願繼續營造一個善良、誠實的環境。rest

阿姆斯特丹 HashiDays 和舊金山 HashiConf 。 這是咱們的兩個旗艦活動, 今年比以往任什麼時候候都更大, 也更好。這些會議使咱們可以將咱們的用戶、客戶、媒體和分析師彙集在一塊兒, 分享最佳實踐、製做故事和我的觀點。咱們 回顧了阿姆斯特丹 HashiDays,併爲那些錯過的人提供了舊金山 HashiConf 視頻excel

結束D輪融資。 咱們 宣佈了D輪 融資的結果, 籌集了1億美圓, 使咱們可以繼續負責任地投資於公司, 甚至領先於客戶的需求。這使得開源產品實現了更多的創新, 同時提高了咱們的支持、完成和現場組織, 使咱們可以做爲當 Global 2000 須要採用雲模型時值得信賴的合做夥伴。orm

咱們能夠分享的更新還有那麼多, 但看到全部的進展真的很難以想象。看到圍繞着公司、咱們的用戶、咱們的客戶和咱們的合做夥伴的活力和勢頭, 咱們感到很興奮, 咱們期待着看到咱們可以在2019年共同取得怎樣的成就。感謝你們成爲此次旅程的一部分。

【原文】2018 Year In Review



As we approach the end of 2018, it is a good opportunity to reflect on the past year. It’s been an exciting year for HashiCorp, with many milestones. We’d like to take a moment to thank our users, customers, partners, and employees for making it possible.

There are many things we could highlight, but in the interest of keeping things brief, here are a few that we’ve chosen:

Major product delivery milestones. HashiCorp Terraform marches towards 0.12 while Terraform Enterprise has matured dramatically and become easier to use and more feature complete. Vault hit the 1.0 milestone, and we added major new features to the Enterprise version. We shipped Consul Connect, and multi-data center capabilities in Consul Enterprise, building out its capabilities as a service mesh. We also announced major updates for Nomad and it is being adopted at scale. Packer shipped many updates and is the foundation of the new Microsoft image builder service. Vagrant continues to improve and get more tightly integrated with Vagrant Cloud as well. There were many other updates -- too many to list -- that have helped continue to keep our tools at the leading edge of the industry, and to cause them to be considered world-class in their craftsmanship.

Doubling the OSS community. The end users and practitioners are the true north for us. In the last year, we’ve more than doubled our OSS downloads (from 22 million to over 45 million), added new contributors, and expanded our community footprint. This is possible because the tools work, solve real problems, and are embraced by end users.

Adding hundreds of new customers. While the OSS community leads in adoption, it's the paying customers that make HashiCorp possible. In the last year, we’ve significantly grown our annual revenues and added hundreds of customers. HashiCorp now counts more than 50 of the Fortune 500 and well over 100 of the Global 2000 among its paying customers. This is funding the growth of the company, and allows us to continue to invest in making our products better for everyone.

Expanding strong partnerships with the cloud partners and beyond. This year we continued our close collaboration with the major cloud vendors, a wide variety of technology partners, and the system integrators who help our customers with their move to cloud using HashiCorp tools. Notably, we worked with AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud to deliver joint product and go-to-market activities throughout the year, including support for initiatives around Kubernetes. The HashiCorp Partner Program now includes 38 resellers, 117 system integrators, and 45 technology partners in North America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific.

Growing from 150 to 350+ employees. Our growth is organically driven by the need to have more people to help with customer and user demand. This is the best reason to grow, but it's no small feat to add 200+ new people in a year! We want to thank everyone for taking our principles seriously and continuing to encourage excellence in each other. The principles mean so much to us. As we continue to grow we want to continue to foster a kind and honest environment.

HashiDays Amsterdam and HashiConf San Francisco. These were two of our flagship events, and this year they were bigger, and better, than ever. The conferences allow us to bring our users, customers, press, and analysts together and share best practices, production stories, and personal perspectives. We recapped HashiDays Amsterdam, and provided the videos for HashiConf San Francisco for those who missed it.

Closing the Series D funding. We announced our Series D funding, raising $100M that allows us to continue to invest responsibly in the company even ahead of customer demand. This enables more innovation in the open source products, while growing our support, success and field organization that allow us to deliver as a trusted partner to the Global 2000 as they adopt the cloud model.

There are so many more updates we could share, but it’s really amazing to see all the progress. It’s exciting to see the energy and momentum around the company, our users, our customers, and our partners, and we are looking forward to seeing what we can achieve together in 2019. Thank you all for being a part of this journey.
