windows 下共享內存使用方法示例

windows下共享內存使用方法較 linux 而言微微複雜linux

  • 示例實現的功能

    有一個視頻文件,一塊內存區域 ;ios

    程序 A,將該視頻寫入該內存區域 ;windows

    程序 B,從該內存區域讀取該視頻 ;app


  • 代碼模塊實現

  程序 A:main.hide

 1 #ifndef MAIN_H  2 #define MAIN_H
 3 #include <tchar.h>
 4 #include <fstream>
 5 #include <math.h>
 6 #include <Windows.h>
 8 #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 9 #include<opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
10 #include<opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
11 #include<iostream>
13 using namespace std; 14 using namespace cv; 15 
16 #define IMGWIDTH 1920
17 #define IMGHEIGHT 1080
19 #define FRAME_SIZE IMGWIDTH*IMGHEIGHT    //每幀圖像(單通道)的大小
20 #define BUF_SIZE FRAME_SIZE*5              //設定共享內存總大小(圖像頭信息 + RGB圖像數據信息);
21 TCHAR shareZoneName[] = TEXT("share_Image");    //共享內存的名字
23 #define ORIGINAL_IMAGE_HEAD (char*)pBuf+FRAME_SIZE*0 //圖像頭信息首地址
24 #define ORIGINAL_IMAGE_DATA (char*)pBuf+FRAME_SIZE*2 //圖像數據信息首地址
26 HANDLE hMapFile;    //這塊共享內存的句柄
27 LPCTSTR pBuf;        //這塊共享內存的首地址
29 typedef struct
30 { 31     int width;         //圖像寬度
32     int height;        //圖像的高度
33     int frame_no;     //該幀圖像的幀序號
34 }imgInfHead;          //自定義的一個圖像頭結構體
36 #endif

  程序 A: main.cppui

 1 #include"main.hpp"
 3 using namespace std;  4 using namespace cv;  5 
 6 // 建立共享內存, 經過句柄 hMapFile,獲取共享內存首地址 pBuf
 7 int createFileMapping()  8 {  9     hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( 10         INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,    // use paging file
11         NULL,                    // default security
12         PAGE_READWRITE,          // read/write access
13         0,                       // maximum object size (high-order DWORD)
14         BUF_SIZE,                // maximum object size (low-order DWORD)
15         shareZoneName);          // name of mapping object
17     if (hMapFile == NULL) 18  { 19         printf("Could not create file mapping object (%d).\n", 20  GetLastError()); 21         return 1; 22  } 23     
25     pBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile,   // handle to map object
26         FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,                  // read/write permission
27         0, 28         0, 29  BUF_SIZE); 30 
31     if (pBuf == NULL) 32  { 33         printf("Could not map view of file (%d).\n", 34  GetLastError()); 35 
36  CloseHandle(hMapFile); 37 
38         return 1; 39  } 40     return 0; 41 } 42 
43 //將 圖像頭 和 圖像數據信息 寫入到共享內存中
44 void copyToMemory(IplImage* IplImageOriginal, int frame_no) 45 { 46     if (IplImageOriginal->imageData == NULL) 47  { 48         cout << "fail copy to memory!" << endl; 49         return; 50  } 51 
52  imgInfHead img_inf_head_original; 53 
54     img_inf_head_original.width = IplImageOriginal->width; 55     img_inf_head_original.height = IplImageOriginal->height; 56     img_inf_head_original.frame_no = frame_no; 57     
58     memcpy(ORIGINAL_IMAGE_HEAD, &img_inf_head_original, sizeof(imgInfHead));    //在 共享內存 中保存圖像頭信息
59     memcpy(ORIGINAL_IMAGE_DATA, IplImageOriginal->imageData, 
          IplImageOriginal->width*IplImageOriginal->height*IplImageOriginal->nChannels); //在 共享內存 中保存圖像信息 60 } 61 62 int main() 63 { 64 VideoCapture capture("VIDEO.mp4"); 65 66 if (!capture.isOpened()) 67 { 68 std::cout << "open video failed...!" << endl; 69 return 0; 70 } 71 72 createFileMapping(); //建立共享內存 73 74 Mat Image; 75 int frame_no = 1; 76 IplImage* IplImageOrigal = cvCreateImage(Size(IMGWIDTH, IMGHEIGHT), 8, 3); 77 78 while ( true ) 79 { 80 Image ); 81 82 if ( Image.empty() ) 83 { 84 std::cout << "OVER!" << endl; 85 break; 86 } 87 88 IplImageOrigal = &IplImage(Image); 89 copyToMemory(IplImageOrigal, frame_no); 90 91 frame_no++; 92 } 93 94 CloseHandle(hMapFile); 95 return 0; 96 }



  程序 B:main.hspa

 1 #ifndef MAIN_H  2 #define MAIN_H
 4 #include <tchar.h>
 5 #include <fstream>
 6 #include <math.h>
 7 #include <Windows.h>
 9 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
10 #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
11 #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
13 #include <string.h>
14 #include <iostream>
16 using namespace std; 17 using namespace cv; 18 
19 //單幀圖像長寬
20 #define IMGWIDTH 1920
21 #define IMGHEIGHT 1080
23 #define FRAME_SIZE IMGWIDTH*IMGHEIGHT         //單幀大小
24 #define BUF_SIZE FRAME_SIZE*5                 //設定共享內存總大小
25 #define ORIGINAL_IMAGE_HEAD (char*)pBuf+FRAME_SIZE*0     //圖像頭首地址 
26 #define ORIGINAL_IMAGE_DATA (char*)pBuf+FRAME_SIZE*2      //圖像數據首地址
28 TCHAR shareZoneName_getSrcImg[] = TEXT("share_Image"); 29 HANDLE hMapFile;  //共享內存 句柄
30 LPCTSTR pBuf;     //共享內存 所映射到的 首地址
32 typedef struct
33 { 34     int width; 35     int height; 36     int frame_no; 37 }imgInfHead;    //自定義的一個圖像頭結構體
39 #endif

  程序 B:main.cppcode

 1 #include "main.h"
 3 //打開共享內存(經過 共享內存 名稱獲取對應共享內存句柄,並獲取共享內存首地址)
 4 int openFileMapping()  5 {  6     hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(  7         FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,       // read/write access
 8         FALSE,                        // do not inherit the name
 9         shareZoneName_getSrcImg); // name of mapping object
11     if (hMapFile == NULL) 12  { 13         printf("Could not open file mapping object (%d).\n", GetLastError()); 14         return 1; 15  } 16 
17     pBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile,   // handle to map object
18         FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,                  // read/write permission
19         0, 20         0, 21  BUF_SIZE); 22 
23     if (pBuf == NULL) 24  { 25         printf("Could not map view of file (%d).\n", GetLastError()); 26  CloseHandle(hMapFile); 27         return 1; 28  } 29     return 0; 30 } 31 
32 //將共享內存中的圖像讀取
33 int copyImageFromMemory(IplImage* &IplImageoOrignal, int* frame_no_adrr) 34 { 35  imgInfHead img_inf_head_orginal; 36 
37     memcpy(&img_inf_head_orginal, ORIGINAL_IMAGE_HEAD, sizeof(imgInfHead)); 38     *frame_no_adrr = img_inf_head_orginal.frame_no;                             //獲取該幀圖像的 幀序號
40     IplImageoOrignal = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img_inf_head_orginal.width, img_inf_head_orginal.height), 8, 3); 41     int channels = IplImageoOrignal->nChannels; 42 
43     memcpy(IplImageoOrignal->imageData, ORIGINAL_IMAGE_DATA, img_inf_head_orginal.width*img_inf_head_orginal.height*channels); 44     return 0; 45 } 46 
47 int main() 48 { 49     IplImage* IplImageOriginal; 50     int frame_no; 51     
54  Mat image_result; 55     while (true) 56  { 57         int flag_accept = openFileMapping(); 58         if (flag_accept) 59  { 60             continue; 61  } 62 
63         int flag_bad = copyImageFromMemory(IplImageOriginal, &frame_no); 64         if (flag_bad) 65  { 66             cout << "複製失敗" << endl; 67             continue; 68  } 69 
70         Mat(IplImageOriginal).copyTo(image_result); // 轉成Mat類型
71         if (image_result.empty()) 72  { 73             cvReleaseImage(&IplImageOriginal); 74             continue; 75  } 76 
77         //將幀序號顯示在圖片上
78  std::stringstream ss; 79         std::string frame_no_s; 80         ss << frame_no; 81         ss >> frame_no_s; 82         putText(image_result, frame_no_s, cv::Point(0, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2.0, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 8, 10); 83 
84         imshow("readShareMemImg", image_result); 85         waitKey(1); 86  } 87     
88  CloseHandle(hMapFile); 89     return 0; 90 }



