Working with Multiple Resolutionsnode
A common scenario when creating apps or games is to target multiple devices with different screen sizes. CocosBuilder provides advanced tools for supporting multiple resolutions and relative positioning. You can use the same file to have support for iPhone and iPad and a multitude of Android devices (if you are using cocos2d-x).less
When creating a new file you select the resolutions that you want to support natively. Each resolution setting has a number of properties, such as width, height, resource extension and global scale.ide
當建立一個文件時選擇你想支持的分辨率。每個分辨率的設置都有一些對應的屬性,好比寬度,高度,資源後綴(resource extension)和縮放係數。工具
CocosBuilder's resolution settings only reflects what is displayed in CocosBuilder, and are not exported to your ccbi-files. However, the default settings in CocosBuilder corresponds to the default settings in cocos2d. If you make changes to the default settings, please be aware that you may also need to make corresponding changes in your code when loading the file.佈局
If you need to edit the resolutions after a document has been created you can do so by selecting Edit Resolutions… in the View menu.this
當文檔創建後,你還想對分辨率進行編輯,你能夠在View菜單中選擇Edit Resolutions…spa
Selecting the Right Resources
An important aspect of getting the multiple resolution support to work satisfactory is to select the correct resources for the correct display. The Resource extension determines which resources are selected for a particular resolution. For instance, for the ipad hd setting the resources with the -ipad extension are selected first hand, if no such resource is found resources with the -hd extension is used. If none of the listed extensions are found for a particular resource, the fallback is the resource without an extension. You place all your images, with the different resolution extensions, in a directory within your projects resource path.
爲了使你的應用或遊戲完美地支持多分辨率,最爲重要的一步是根據分辨率選擇合適的資源文件。資源後綴(resource extension)指的是爲特定的分辨率指定特定的資源。好比,對於ipad hd來講,以-ipad爲後綴的文件將被優先選擇,若是沒有這個文件,那麼就使用以-hd問後綴的文件,若是仍是沒有,則使用不加任何後綴的文件。你的全部帶有不一樣後綴的圖片文件放置在你的項目資源路徑下。(注:Cocos2d-x的新版本已經把不一樣尺寸的圖片放在了不一樣的文件夾中,好比小尺寸的放在iphone文件夾中,大尺寸的放在ipad文件夾中,可是文件名是同樣的,不會帶任何後綴)
The project view will only list resources without a resolution extension. Resources with an extension are hidden.
Supporting Retina Display
CocosBuilder works entirely with points and not pixels. This means that you will only be seeing non-retina display layouts inside CocosBuilder. When you load the ccbi-files in cocos2d, cocos2d will select the -hd or -ipadhd (for retina iPad) resources. This is the reason why you won't have the option to select -ipadhd as an extension when editing your resolution settings.
CocosBuilder使用的是點而不是像素。這代表了在CocosBuilder中你只能看到非Retina的顯示方式。當你在cocos2d中加載ccbi文件時,cocos2d會選擇以-hd或者-ipadhd(iPad retina)爲後綴的資源文件。這就是爲何當你修改你的分辨率設置的時候不用去選擇-ipadhd的選項。
Content Sizes
內容尺寸(Content Sizes)
By default cocos2d only supports absolute sizes for setting the contentSize of a node. Included with CCBReader is an extension which allows setting the contentSize relatively to the nodes parent. (If you want to use this feature programmatically, include the CCNode+CCBRelativePositioning.h file.)
There are six different options for setting the size of a node in CocosBuilder:
1.Absolute: This sets the size to an absolute value (in points).
2.Percentage of container size: This sets the content size to a percentage of its parents content size. If it is the root node of the ccb-file it will (by default) be a percentage of the devices screen size.
3.Relative container size: This option will calculate the nodes content size by subtracting the width/height values that you enter with the width/height value of the parent node. It can also be seen as an inset of the parents content size.
4.Horizontal percentage of container, fixed height: The width is set as a percentage, while the height is absolute (points).
5.Vertical percentage of container, fixed width: The height is set as a percentage, while the width is absolute (points).
5. 豎直方向使用容器百分比,寬度固定值:高度設置爲百分比,寬度是絕對值(單位:點)。
6.Multiply by resolution scale: This option multiplies the value that you enter by the resolution scale factor which is specified for the current resolution.
Relative Positioning
All relative positioning in CocosBuilder is in relation to the position and content size of a nodes parent. In particular, if you are using the percentage option it will only work if the parent node has a size.
1.Absolute: This sets the position to an absolute value (in points), same as cocos2d would normally use.
2.Relative top-left: This sets the position relative to the top-left corner of the parent node.
3.Relative top-right: This sets the position relative to the top-right corner of the parent node.
4.Relative bottom-right: This sets the position relative to the bottom-right corner of the parent node.
5.Percentage of container: Uses a percentage of the parent's content size to set the position relative to the bottom-right corner of the parent node. E.g. using the value 50,50 will place the node in the middle of its parent.
6.Multiply by resolution scale: This option multiplies the value that you enter by the resolution scale factor which is specified for the current resolution.
Relative Scaling
You can use relative scaling for any object's scale or for some float based properties (e.g. the font size of CCLabelTTF).
1.Absolute: CocosBuilder will use the scale you provide regardless of which resolution is currently used.
2.Multiply by resolution scale: The value will be multiplied by the resolution scale factor for the current resolution.
Options When Loading ccbi-files
The resolution sizes are not saved in the ccbi-files, by default the screen size is used as the parent size when the files are loaded. If you have used a custom size you may need to pass this size to the loader. To do this you will need to use the nodeGraphFromFile:owner:parentSize: or sceneWithNodeGraphFromFile:owner:parentSize: methods.
CGSize mySize = CGSizeMake(100.0f, 100.0f);
CCNode* myNode = [CCBReader nodeGraphFromFile:@"myNode.ccbi" owner:NULL parentSize:mySize];
Before loading your ccbi-files you can set the resolution scale you want to use. The default resolution scale is 1 for iPhone and 2 for iPad, but sometimes it can be useful to use other scale factors.
[CCBReader setResolutionScale: 2.5f];
CGSize mySize = CGSizeMake(100.0f, 100.0f);
CCNode* myNode = [CCBReader nodeGraphFromFile:@"myNode.ccbi" owner:NULL parentSize:mySize];
[CCBReader setResolutionScale: 2.5f];
Useful Tips!
Don't be afraid to experiment with the different options, it can be complex at first sight, but once you get the hang of it you will have many options for laying out your scenes.