string hbaseCluster = ""; string hadoopUsername = "帳戶名字"; string hadoopPassword = "密碼"; ClusterCredentials creds = new ClusterCredentials(new Uri(hbaseCluster), hadoopUsername, hadoopPassword); var hbaseClient = new HBaseClient(creds); // No response when GetVersion var version = hbaseClient.GetVersion(); Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(version));
public class StockEntity { public string Name { get; set; } public double TodayOpeningPrice { get; set; } public double YesterdayClosingPrice { get; set; } public double CurrentPrice { get; set; } public double TodayMaxPrice { get; set; } public double TodayMinPrice { get; set; } public double BidPriceBuy { get; set; } public double BidPriceSell { get; set; } public int FixtureNumber { get; set; } public double FixtureAmount { get; set; } public int Buy1Number { get; set; } public double Buy1Price { get; set; } public int Buy2Number { get; set; } public double Buy2Price { get; set; } public int Buy3Number { get; set; } public double Buy3Price { get; set; } public int Buy4Number { get; set; } public double Buy4Price { get; set; } public int Buy5Number { get; set; } public double Buy5Price { get; set; } public int Sell1Number { get; set; } public double Sell1Price { get; set; } public int Sell2Number { get; set; } public double Sell2Price { get; set; } public int Sell3Number { get; set; } public double Sell3Price { get; set; } public int Sell4Number { get; set; } public double Sell4Price { get; set; } public int Sell5Number { get; set; } public double Sell5Price { get; set; } public DateTime TransactionTime { get; set; } }
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(SaveStockDataToHbase), se);
1 private void SaveStockDataToHbase(object state) 2 { 3 StockEntity se = state as StockEntity; 4 5 // Insert data into the HBase table. 6 string rowKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 7 8 CellSet cellSet = new CellSet(); 9 CellSet.Row cellSetRow = new CellSet.Row { key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rowKey) }; 10 cellSet.rows.Add(cellSetRow); 11 12 13 Type t = typeof(StockEntity); 14 15 foreach (string colname in stockEntityColumns) 16 { 17 var pi = t.GetProperty(colname); 18 object val = pi.GetValue(se); 19 20 Cell value = new Cell { column = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("charju:" + colname), data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(val)) }; 21 cellSetRow.values.Add(value); 22 } 23 24 try 25 { 26 hbaseClient.StoreCells(hbaseStockTableName, cellSet); 27 } 28 catch (Exception ex) 29 { 30 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); 31 } 32 }
6~10行,是生成一個新Row。20行,是反射實體類的每個Property 定義,來取對應的值(不然我要寫一坨重複的代碼)。21行,把對應的該列數據寫到這個行上。spa
上面20行,你可能會注意到:charju,這是個人column family的名字。回過頭來,看看hbase中的表是怎麼創建的命令行
string hbaseCluster = ""; string hadoopUsername = "<your name>"; string hadoopPassword = "<your password>"; string hbaseStockTableName = "StockInformation"; HBaseClient hbaseClient; public void CreateHbaseTable() { // Create a new HBase table. - StockInformation TableSchema stockTableSchema = new TableSchema(); = hbaseStockTableName; stockTableSchema.columns.Add(new ColumnSchema() { name = "charju" }); hbaseClient.CreateTable(stockTableSchema); }
ClusterCredentials creds = new ClusterCredentials(new Uri(hbaseCluster), hadoopUsername, hadoopPassword); hbaseClient = new HBaseClient(creds);
數據寫入後,咱們能夠有幾個方式來。一是在hbase中配置一下,容許RDP,而後remote上去跑hbase shell命令,惋惜我虛機裏面RDP總失敗,不知道爲啥。第二種方式,就是用HIVE來查。
鏈接到hbase的網站後,在hive editor那個界面中,先建立對應的表
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE StockInformation(rowkey STRING, TodayOpeningPrice STRING, YesterdayClosingPrice STRING, CurrentPrice STRING, TodayMaxPrice STRING, TodayMinPrice STRING, BidPriceBuy STRING, BidPriceSell STRING, FixtureNumber STRING, FixtureAmount STRING, Buy1Number STRING, Buy1Price STRING, Buy2Number STRING, Buy2Price STRING, Buy3Number STRING, Buy3Price STRING, Buy4Number STRING, Buy4Price STRING, Buy5Number STRING, Buy5Price STRING, Sell1Number STRING, Sell1Price STRING, Sell2Number STRING, Sell2Price STRING, Sell3Number STRING, Sell3Price STRING, Sell4Number STRING, Sell4Price STRING, Sell5Number STRING, Sell5Price STRING, TransactionTime STRING) STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping' = ':key,charju:TodayOpeningPrice ,charju:YesterdayClosingPrice ,charju:CurrentPrice ,charju:TodayMaxPrice ,charju:TodayMinPrice ,charju:BidPriceBuy ,charju:BidPriceSell ,charju:FixtureNumber ,charju:FixtureAmount ,charju:Buy1Number ,charju:Buy1Price ,charju:Buy2Number ,charju:Buy2Price ,charju:Buy3Number ,charju:Buy3Price ,charju:Buy4Number ,charju:Buy4Price ,charju:Buy5Number ,charju:Buy5Price ,charju:Sell1Number ,charju:Sell1Price ,charju:Sell2Number ,charju:Sell2Price ,charju:Sell3Number ,charju:Sell3Price ,charju:Sell4Number ,charju:Sell4Price ,charju:Sell5Number ,charju:Sell5Price ,charju:TransactionTime') TBLPROPERTIES ('' = 'StockInformation');
select * from StockInformation where buy1number=9800 order by transactiontime
今天小浪的最大一筆買入。固然,相似於select count(0) 之類的更OK了。