etcd api 接口

etcd api接口





  採用標準的restful 接口,支持http 和 https 兩種協議。服務器


1 ./bin/etcd




獲取版本  /version

1 [root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
4 100    44  100    44    0     0  14093      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 22000
5 {
6     "etcdcluster": "2.3.0",
7     "etcdserver": "2.3.7"
8 }


etcd 的基本API是一個分層的key空間。key空間由一般被稱爲"nodes"(節點)的keys和目錄組成。

對datastore的訪問,即經過 /version/keys 端點(endpoint) 訪問key空間。

1. PUT 爲etcd存儲的鍵賦值, 即建立 message 鍵值,賦值爲"Hello world"

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl -X PUT -d value="Hello world" | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   119  100   102  100    17  38230   6371 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 51000
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 30,
 9         "key": "/message",
10         "modifiedIndex": 30,
11         "value": "Hello world"
12     }
13 }

  Response body返回值中的:

  action:   請求接口進行的動做名稱。 經過 http  PUT方法修改node.key的值,對應的action值爲:"set「。  PUT方法中,請求body中存在 prevExist=true時, action爲update; prevExist=false時,action爲create; 其餘爲set

  node.createIndex:  etcd每次變化時建立的,惟一的,單調遞增的、整數值做爲索引。這個特定的索引值反映了在etcd狀態成員裏建立了一個給定key。除了用戶請求外,etcd內部運行(如啓動服務,重啓服務、集羣信息變化:添加、刪除、同步服務等)也可能會由於對節點有變更而引發該值的變化。因此即便咱們首次請求,此值也不是從1開始。update、get action不引發 node.createIndex值的變化。

       node.key:  在請求的HTTP路徑中,做爲操做對象key。etcd使用一個相似文件系統的方式來反映鍵值存儲的內容, 所以全部的key都是以‘/’開始 。

      node.modifiedIndex:  像 node.createIndex, 這個屬性也是etcd的索引。 引發這個值變化的Actions包括:setdeleteupdatecreatecompareAndSwapcompareAndDelete。由於 get watchcommands 在存儲中不修改狀態,因此這兩個action不會修改mode.modifiedIndex值, 也不會修改 node.createIndex的值。 重啓服務等也會修改此屬性值。

      node.value:  處理完請求後的key值。 在上面的實例中,成功請求後,修改節點的值爲 Hello world。


      Response header返回值中:

  在responses中包括一些的HTTP 的headers部,在header中提供了一些關於etcd集羣的所有信息,集羣提供服務請求。

1 X-Etcd-Cluster-Id: 7e27652122e8b2ae
2 X-Etcd-Index: 93
3 X-Raft-Index: 223696
4 X-Raft-Term: 8

    X-Etcd-Cluster-Id:  etcd 集羣id。

  X-Etcd-Index:   當前etcd的索引,像前面的解釋。當在key空間進行watch時,watch開始時,X-Etcd-Index是當前etcd的索引值,這意味着watched事件可能發生在X-Etcd-Index以後。

  X-Raft-Index:   與X-Etcd-Index索引相似,是raft協議的索引。

  X-Raft-Term:    是一個在集羣中發生master election時,將增加的整數。若是這個值增加的很是快,須要調優這個election超時。詳見 tuning 部分。


2. GET 查詢etcd某個鍵存儲的值

[root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   102  100   102    0     0  64110      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   99k
    "action": "get",
    "node": {
        "createdIndex": 19,
        "key": "/message",
        "modifiedIndex": 19,
        "value": "Hello world"


3. PUT 修改鍵值:與建立新值幾乎相同,可是反饋時會有一個prevNode值反應了修改前存儲的內容。

  -d value=xxxx

[root@vStack ~]# curl -X PUT -d value="RECREATE" | python -m json.tool
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   202  100   188  100    14  57108   4252 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 62666
    "action": "set",
    "node": {
        "createdIndex": 33,
        "key": "/message",
        "modifiedIndex": 33,
        "value": "RECREATE"
    "prevNode": {
        "createdIndex": 32,
        "key": "/message",
        "modifiedIndex": 32,
        "value": "Hello world"

  Respone中新的字段 "prevNode", 這個字段表示當前請求完成前的請求節點的狀態。 prevNode的格式與node相同, 在訪問的節點沒有前面狀態時將被忽略。



4. DELETE 刪除一個值 

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl -X DELETE | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   177  100   177    0     0  73261      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  172k
 5 {
 6     "action": "delete",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 19,
 9         "key": "/message",
10         "modifiedIndex": 29
11     },
12     "prevNode": {
13         "createdIndex": 19,
14         "key": "/message",
15         "modifiedIndex": 28,
16         "value": "test createIndex"
17     }
18 }


5. PUT 對一個鍵進行定時刪除:etcd中對鍵進行定時刪除,設定一個ttl值,當這個值到期時鍵就會被刪除。反饋的內容會給出expiration項告知超時時間,ttl項告知設定的時長。

    在設定一個key時,設定其ttl(time to live), ttl時間後,自動刪除。

  -d ttl=xxx

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl  -XPUT -d value=bar -d ttl=5 | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   159  100   144  100    15  60453   6297 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 72000
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 34,
 9         "expiration": "2016-04-23T12:01:57.992249507Z",
10         "key": "/foo",
11         "modifiedIndex": 34,
12         "ttl": 5,
13         "value": "bar"
14     }
15 }



  ttl:         key的ttl值,單位秒。


    key只有被cluster header設定過時,若是一個memeber 脫離的集羣,它裏面的key將沒有過時,直到從新加入後纔有過時功能。


6. PUT 取消定時刪除任務

  -d ttl=

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl -XPUT -d value=bar -d ttl= -d prevExist=true | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   254  100   225  100    29  98944  12752 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  219k
 5 {
 6     "action": "update",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 38,
 9         "key": "/foo",
10         "modifiedIndex": 39,
11         "value": "bar"
12     },
13     "prevNode": {
14         "createdIndex": 38,
15         "expiration": "2016-04-23T12:07:05.415596297Z",
16         "key": "/foo",
17         "modifiedIndex": 38,
18         "ttl": 78,
19         "value": "bar"
20     }
21 }


7. PUT 刷新key的 ttl 

  ttl 到刪除key和從新設置ttl,都會觸發watcher。經過在請求的body中增長 refresh=true,更新ttl(必須存在),不引發觸發watcher事件。

  -d refresh=true

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl -XPUT -d ttl=100 -d refresh=true | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   304  100   284  100    20  46973   3307 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 56800
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 145,
 9         "expiration": "2016-12-28T06:58:20.426383304Z",
10         "key": "/message",
11         "modifiedIndex": 145,
12         "ttl": 100,
13         "value": ""
14     },
15     "prevNode": {
16         "createdIndex": 144,
17         "expiration": "2016-12-28T06:57:55.628682326Z",
18         "key": "/message",
19         "modifiedIndex": 144,
20         "ttl": 76,
21         "value": ""
22     }
23 }



8. GET 對鍵值修改進行監控:etcd提供的這個API經過long polling(輪詢)讓用戶能夠監控一個值或者遞歸式(recursive=true 在url path中做爲參數)地監控一個目錄及其子目錄的值,當目錄或值發生變化時,etcd會主動通知。

  ?wait=true        監聽當前節點

      ?recursive=true    遞歸監聽當前節點和子目錄

      ?waitIndex=xxx   監聽過去已經發生的。過去值的查詢或監聽, 必選與wait一塊兒使用。

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl ''  | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   183    0   183    0     0   131k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  178k
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 2230,
 9         "key": "/message",
10         "modifiedIndex": 2230,
11         "value": "123"
12     },
13     "prevNode": {
14         "createdIndex": 2229,
15         "key": "/message",
16         "modifiedIndex": 2229,
17         "value": "123"
18     }
19 }


  watch 一個ttl自刪除的key時,收到以下 「expire」 action。

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   215    0   215    0     0     19      0 --:--:--  0:00:10 --:--:--    45
 5 {
 6     "action": "expire",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 2223,
 9         "key": "/message",
10         "modifiedIndex": 2224
11     },
12     "prevNode": {
13         "createdIndex": 2223,
14         "expiration": "2016-12-28T09:25:00.028597482Z",
15         "key": "/message",
16         "modifiedIndex": 2223,
17         "value": ""
18     }
19 }



9. GET 對過去的鍵值操做進行查詢:相似上面提到的監控,在其基礎上指定過去某次修改的索引編號,就能夠查詢歷史操做。默承認查詢的歷史記錄爲1000條。

  ? waitIndex=xxx   監聽過去已經發生的。 這個在確保在watch命令中,沒有丟失事件很是有用。例如:咱們反覆watch 咱們獲得節點的 modifiedIndex+1。

  由於 node 的modifiedIndex的值是不連續,若是waitIndex的值沒有相應modifiedIndex,返回最大的modifedIndex的節點信息 若是大於節點中全部的modifiedIndex,等待,直到節點的modifiedIndex值大於等於waitIndex的值。



  當客戶端調用watch接口(參數中增長 wait參數)時,若是請求參數中有waitIndex,而且waitIndex 小於 currentIndex,則從 EventHistroy 表中查詢index小於等於waitIndex,而且和watch key 匹配的 event,若是有數據,則直接返回。若是歷史表中沒有或者請求沒有帶   waitIndex,則放入WatchHub中,每一個key會關聯一個watcher列表。 當有變動操做時,變動生成的event會放入EventHistroy表中,同時通知和該key相關的watcher。


    1. 必須與 wait 一塊兒使用;

           2. curl 中url須要使用引號。

           3. etcd 僅僅保留系統中全部key最近的1000條event,建議將獲取到的response發送到另外一個線程處理,而不是處理response而阻塞watch。

           4. 若是watch超出了etcd保存的最近1000條,建議get後使用response header中的 X-Etcd-Index + 1進行從新watch,而不是使用node中的modifiedIndex+1. 由於  X-Etcd-Index  永遠大於等於modifiedIndex, 使用modifiedIndex可能會返回401錯誤碼,一樣超出。

           5. long polling可能會被服務器關閉,如超時或服務器關閉。致使僅僅收到header 200OK,body爲空,此時應從新watch。

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl '' | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   144    0   144    0     0   102k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  140k
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 34,
 9         "expiration": "2016-04-23T12:01:57.992249507Z",
10         "key": "/foo",
11         "modifiedIndex": 34,
12         "ttl": 5,
13         "value": "bar"
14     }
15 }

 若是超出了etcd保留的最近1000條,返回 401錯誤碼

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl '' | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   154  100   154    0     0  56163      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  150k
 5 {
 6     "cause": "the requested history has been cleared [1186/8]",
 7     "errorCode": 401,
 8     "index": 2185,
 9     "message": "The event in requested index is outdated and cleared"
10 }



10. PUT 建立目錄

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl -XPUT -d dir=true | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100    95  100    87  100     8  21260   1955 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 29000
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 63,
 9         "dir": true,
10         "key": "/dir",
11         "modifiedIndex": 63
12     }
13 }


11. GET 列出目錄下全部的節點信息,最後以/結尾(不是必須的)。還能夠經過recursive參數遞歸列出全部子目錄信息。 沒有recursive,返回第二級。後面不在返回。

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   167  100   167    0     0  65234      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 83500
 5 {
 6     "action": "get",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 67,
 9         "dir": true,
10         "key": "/dir1",
11         "modifiedIndex": 67,
12         "nodes": [
13             {
14                 "createdIndex": 67,
15                 "dir": true,
16                 "key": "/dir1/dir2",
17                 "modifiedIndex": 67
18             }
19         ]
20     }
21 }


12. POST 自動在目錄下建立有序鍵。在對建立的目錄使用POST參數,會自動在該目錄下建立一個以global etcd index值爲鍵的值,這樣就至關於根據建立時間的前後進行了嚴格排序。該API對分佈式隊列這類場景很是有用

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl  -XPOST -d value=Job1 | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   127  100   117  100    10  31655   2705 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 39000
 5 {
 6     "action": "create",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 47,
 9         "key": "/queue/00000000000000000047",
10         "modifiedIndex": 47,
11         "value": "Job1"
12     }
13 }


13. GET 按順序列出全部建立的有序鍵

  ? sorted=true

  ? recursive=true

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl -s '' | python -m json.tool
 2 {
 3     "action": "get",
 4     "node": {
 5         "createdIndex": 46,
 6         "dir": true,
 7         "key": "/queue",
 8         "modifiedIndex": 46,
 9         "nodes": [
10             {
11                 "createdIndex": 46,
12                 "key": "/queue/00000000000000000046",
13                 "modifiedIndex": 46,
14                 "value": ""
15             },
16             {
17                 "createdIndex": 47,
18                 "key": "/queue/00000000000000000047",
19                 "modifiedIndex": 47,
20                 "value": "Job1"
21             },
22             {
23                 "createdIndex": 48,
24                 "key": "/queue/00000000000000000048",
25                 "modifiedIndex": 48,
26                 "value": "aaaa"
27             },
28             {
29                 "createdIndex": 49,
30                 "key": "/queue/00000000000000000049",
31                 "modifiedIndex": 49,
32                 "value": "aaaa"
33             },
34             {
35                 "createdIndex": 50,
36                 "key": "/queue/00000000000000000050",
37                 "modifiedIndex": 50,
38                 "value": "aaaa"
39             },
40             {
41                 "createdIndex": 51,
42                 "key": "/queue/00000000000000000051",
43                 "modifiedIndex": 51,
44                 "value": "aaaa"
45             }
46         ]
47     }
48 }


14. DELETE 刪除目錄:默認狀況下只容許刪除空目錄,若是要刪除有內容的目錄須要加上recursive=true參數。

  ?dir=true        刪除目錄 

  ?recursive=true      刪除非空目錄

      刪除非空目錄必須使用 recursive=true 參數,刪除空目錄,dir=truerecursive=true至少有一個。

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl '' -XDELETE | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100    77  100    77    0     0  38557      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 77000
 5 {
 6     "cause": "/dir1",
 7     "errorCode": 108,
 8     "index": 67,
 9     "message": "Directory not empty"
10 }
11 [root@vStack ~]# curl '' -XDELETE | python -m json.tool
12   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
13                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
14 100   166  100   166    0     0  62032      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 83000
15 {
16     "action": "delete",
17     "node": {
18         "createdIndex": 67,
19         "dir": true,
20         "key": "/dir1",
21         "modifiedIndex": 68
22     },
23     "prevNode": {
24         "createdIndex": 67,
25         "dir": true,
26         "key": "/dir1",
27         "modifiedIndex": 67
28     }
29 }


15. PUT 建立定時刪除的目錄:就跟定時刪除某個鍵相似。若是目錄由於超時被刪除了,其下的全部內容也自動超時刪除。

      若是目錄存在,建立時,返回 102 錯誤碼

      -d ttl=xx

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl  -XPUT -d ttl=30 -d dir=true | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   157  100   142  100    15  22873   2416 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 28400
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 52,
 9         "dir": true,
10         "expiration": "2016-04-23T13:37:51.502289114Z",
11         "key": "/dir",
12         "modifiedIndex": 52,
13         "ttl": 30
14     }
15 }


16. PUT 設置刷新目錄超時時間   開始建立時,沒有設置ttl, 或刷新已設置ttl的目錄的ttl的值。

  -d ttl=xxx      設置或刷新的ttl值。 ttl爲空是,取消ttl。

  -d prevExist=true    必選參數,否者報錯102錯誤碼


 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl -XPUT -d ttl=30 -d dir=true -d prevExist=true | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   304  100   274  100    30  60392   6612 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 91333
 5 {
 6     "action": "update",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 56,
 9         "dir": true,
10         "expiration": "2016-04-23T13:42:56.395923381Z",
11         "key": "/dir",
12         "modifiedIndex": 61,
13         "ttl": 30
14     },
15     "prevNode": {
16         "createdIndex": 56,
17         "dir": true,
18         "expiration": "2016-04-23T13:42:46.225222674Z",
19         "key": "/dir",
20         "modifiedIndex": 56,
21         "ttl": 20
22     }
23 }

  當ttl時間到後,watcher將收到一個"expire" action.   

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   207    0   207    0     0     16      0 --:--:--  0:00:12 --:--:--    43
 5 {
 6     "action": "expire",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 2219,
 9         "key": "/dir",
10         "modifiedIndex": 2220
11     },
12     "prevNode": {
13         "createdIndex": 2219,
14         "dir": true,
15         "expiration": "2016-12-28T09:22:35.853484071Z",
16         "key": "/dir",
17         "modifiedIndex": 2219
18     }
19 }


17. 建立一個隱藏節點:命名時名字如下劃線_開頭的key或目錄,默認就是隱藏鍵。


 1 [root@vStack ~]#  curl  -XPUT -d value="Hello hidden world" | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   134  100   110  100    24  46948  10243 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  107k
 5 {
 6     "action": "set",
 7     "node": {
 8         "createdIndex": 69,
 9         "key": "/_message",
10         "modifiedIndex": 69,
11         "value": "Hello hidden world"
12     }
13 }



      1. api url 區分大小寫,包括其中的參數。 

  2. 若是key存在,經過 curl http://IP:PORT/v2/keys/message001 -XPUT -d dir=true , 將會把key調整爲dir屬性,value值爲None; 增長 -d prevExist=false,將報105錯誤碼。 修改成dir後,沒法在恢復爲key。

     3. 不能對一個dir進行賦值,即 curl -XPUT -d value=123    , 返回錯誤碼 102, 「Not a file」

     4. key至關於文件系統中的文件,能夠賦值即向文件寫內容。dir至關於文件系統的目錄或路徑,內容包括dir和key, 即文件系統中的目錄和文件。

     5. 在api url中的path,體現了存儲結構。若是目錄不存在,直接建立。如:curl -XPUT -d value=123  中的fst、sec會自動建立爲dir。 

     6. 建立dir與key的區別,即在 curl的body中是否有 dir=true,有即爲dir, 否定則key; dir存在時,value無效。 建立key時,value能夠不存在。

     7. 不能在key下建立dir或能夠,否者報錯誤碼:104,「Not a directory」

     8. 目錄不能重複建立,即 curl -v -XPUT -d dir=true  若是 message 目錄已經已經存在,返回錯誤碼:102, 「Not a file」

     9. 刪除一個非空目錄,返回錯誤碼:102. 經過在url中增長 recursive=true 參數,能夠參數非空目錄。


Statistics  統計接口

  etcd 集羣記錄大量的統計數據,包括:延時(latency),帶寬和正常運行時間。統計功能經過統計端點(/stats)去理解一個集羣的內部健康狀態。

  An etcd cluster keeps track of a number of statistics including latency, bandwidth and uptime. These are exposed via the statistics endpoint to understand the internal health of a cluster.

Leader Statistics 領導點統計


 1 [root@localhost testectd]# curl | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 119   357  119   357    0     0   274k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  348k
 5 {
 6     "id": "45b967575ff25cb2", 
 7     "leaderInfo": {
 8         "leader": "45b967575ff25cb2", 
 9         "startTime": "2016-12-29T20:15:13.811259537+08:00", 
10         "uptime": "8m19.603722077s"
11     }, 
12     "name": "infra0", 
13     "recvAppendRequestCnt": 18, 
14     "sendAppendRequestCnt": 3670, 
15     "sendBandwidthRate": 123950.52498801574, 
16     "sendPkgRate": 7.5456304767920797, 
17     "startTime": "2016-12-29T20:14:29.300999352+08:00", 
18     "state": "StateLeader"
19 }



 1 [root@localhost testectd]# curl | python -m json.tool 
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 132   398  132   398    0     0   133k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  388k
 5 {
 6     "followers": {
 7         "3c828782a67e0043": {
 8             "counts": {
 9                 "fail": 1211, 
10                 "success": 0
11             }, 
12             "latency": {
13                 "average": 0, 
14                 "current": 0, 
15                 "maximum": 0, 
16                 "minimum": 9.2233720368547758e+18, 
17                 "standardDeviation": 0
18             }
19         }, 
20         "b26f1b9a6c735437": {
21             "counts": {
22                 "fail": 0, 
23                 "success": 3231
24             }, 
25             "latency": {
26                 "average": 0.0073246419065304607, 
27                 "current": 0.0032520000000000001, 
28                 "maximum": 1.713633, 
29                 "minimum": 0.0012520000000000001, 
30                 "standardDeviation": 0.035654606550540036
31             }
32         }
33     }, 
34     "leader": "45b967575ff25cb2"
35 }


Memeber API

1. List members

  返回http 200 OK response,顯示在 etcd 集羣中的全部成員。

 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   138  100   138    0     0  73287      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  134k
 5 {
 6     "members": [
 7         {
 8             "clientURLs": [
 9                 ""
10             ],
11             "id": "8e9e05c52164694d",
12             "name": "default",
13             "peerURLs": [
14                 "http://localhost:2380"
15             ]
16         }
17     ]
18 }


[root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   181  100   181    0     0   138k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  176k
    "members": [
            "clientURLs": [
            "id": "ce2a822cea30bfca",
            "name": "default",
            "peerURLs": [


 1 [root@vStack ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
 2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
 3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 4 100   227  100   227    0     0   116k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  221k
 5 {
 6     "members": [
 7         {
 8             "clientURLs": [],
 9             "id": "755ef544f1926e2e",
10             "name": "",
11             "peerURLs": [
12                 ""
13             ]
14         },
15         {
16             "clientURLs": [
17                 ""
18             ],
19             "id": "8e9e05c52164694d",
20             "name": "default",
21             "peerURLs": [
22                 "http://localhost:2380"
23             ]
24         }
25     ]
26 }


2. Add a member

  成功時返回 HTTP 201 response 狀態碼,及新建入成員的信息,對新加入的成員生成一個成員id。 失敗時,返回失敗狀態的字符描述。


 Returns an HTTP 201 response code and the representation of added member with a newly generated a memberID when successful. Returns a string describing the failure condition when unsuccessful.

If the POST body is malformed an HTTP 400 will be returned. If the member exists in the cluster or existed in the cluster at some point in the past an HTTP 409 will be returned. If any of the given peerURLs exists in the cluster an HTTP 409 will be returned. If the cluster fails to process the request within timeout an HTTP 500 will be returned, though the request may be processed later.


1 curl -XPOST \
2 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"peerURLs":[""]}'


  1.  須要在header中設置 Content-Type: application/json, 不然會報 405 錯誤 Unsupported Media Type

  2.  若是已經存在相同的peerURLs,直接返回當前存在相同peerURLs的member。

      3. 若是添加一個沒法使用的peerURLs,致使服務掛掉,沒法操做。重啓也沒法使用。解決方法刪除物理文件,但這個會刪除記錄的數據,致使持久數據的就丟失。須要進一步尋求解決方法。




3. Delete a member

  從集羣中刪除一個memeber。 member ID 必須是一個64位整數的16位編碼的字符串。成功時,返回 204 狀態碼和沒有內容。失敗時,返回404狀態碼和字符描述的失敗狀況。


1 [root@localhost testectd]# curl -XDELETE | python -m json.tool
2   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
3                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
4   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
5 No JSON object could be decoded


  1. 刪除成員後,etcd使用的data-dir必須被刪除。以下是刪除最後一個member,etcd給出的輸出,服務退出。

    2016-12-29 16:10:59.544409 E | etcdserver: the member has been permanently removed from the cluster

    2016-12-29 16:10:59.544480 I | etcdserver: the data-dir used by this member must be removed.

  2. 經過etcdctl 刪除一個成員後,服務會退出。經過 etcdctl從新加入,顯示爲unstart。 

   若是須要從新加入集羣,先用命令加入,再啓動,不然啓動時報 the member has been permanently removed from the cluster

   加入後,啓動前,須要刪除其存儲的數據(member id發生了改變,會將使用磁盤記錄的id,與新加入的ID不一致)。並設置 --initial-cluster-state existing 不能設置爲 new

   注意 cluster版本要一致。cluster{"etcdserver":"3.0.15","etcdcluster":"3.0.0"} 能夠。


               出現: {"etcdserver":"3.0.15","etcdcluster":"2.3.0"}  在集羣系統中出現不一樣版本的member

   以上刪除從新加入的操做,高版本的能夠,單低版本的不支持,報  failed to find member 3c828782a67e0043 in cluster 34b660d543ad1445 沒法發現其餘member




        即 在集羣中,成員的版本不一樣。低版本的成員失敗退出,重啓啓動能夠從新加入集羣。經過接口,被動從集羣中移除,再次加入,只能中止全部的成員,刪除其中磁盤數據,從新構建。致使數據的丟失,如何恢復? 高版本的成員沒有此問題。

    即 在集羣中,成員的版本不一樣。集羣版本下降爲 低版本 如:{"etcdserver":"3.0.15","etcdcluster":"2.3.0"}, 低版本的成員退出後,集羣版本升級爲高版本:{"etcdserver":"3.0.15","etcdcluster":"3.0.0"}                


        其版本的首先啓動時,使用--initial-cluster-state new;  高版本的在啓動時 --initial-cluster-state existing 會報 集羣版本不兼容。須要使用 --initial-cluster-state new。 再次啓動高版本的可使用 existing 。

    構建集羣時,採用就低版本,在高版本加入時,須要使用 --initial-cluster-state new 或 不設置, 使用existing ,報集羣不兼容。



 1 [root@centos7mini etcd]# ./etcdctl member remove 45b967575ff25cb2
 2 Removed member 45b967575ff25cb2 from cluster
 4 [root@centos7mini etcd]# ./etcdctl member add infra0
 5 Added member named infra0 with ID 700fb7bf97791e71 to cluster
 7 ETCD_NAME="infra0"
 8 ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER="infra3=,infra0=,infra1="
11 [root@centos7mini etcd]# ./etcdctl member list
12 3c828782a67e0043: name=infra3 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true
13 700fb7bf97791e71[unstarted]: peerURLs=
14 b26f1b9a6c735437: name=infra1 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
15 [root@centos7mini etcd]# 


4. Change the peer urls of a member

  修改已存在成員的peer urls。成員ID必須是一個64位整數的16進制顯示的字符串。成功時,返回204狀態碼,空內容。失敗時,返回失敗狀態字符描述。

  修改的成員不存在,返回400 錯誤碼。 若是提供的peerlURL存在,將返回409錯誤碼。500錯誤: 集羣處理超時。


 1 [root@localhost etcd-v3.0.15-linux-amd64]# ./etcdctl member list
 2 3c828782a67e0043: name=infra3 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
 3 45b967575ff25cb2: name=infra0 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true
 4 b26f1b9a6c735437: name=infra1 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
 5 [root@localhost etcd-v3.0.15-linux-amd64]# 
 6 [root@localhost etcd-v3.0.15-linux-amd64]# curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"peerURLs":[""]}'
 7 [root@localhost etcd-v3.0.15-linux-amd64]# 
 8 [root@localhost etcd-v3.0.15-linux-amd64]# ./etcdctl member list
 9 3c828782a67e0043: name=infra3 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
10 45b967575ff25cb2: name=infra0 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true
11 b26f1b9a6c735437: name=infra1 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
12 [root@localhost etcd-v3.0.15-linux-amd64]# 




  在啓動etcd設置 --listen-client-urls 值時,請將localhost:2379或127.0.0.1:2379 設置,否者 本地etcdctl會報錯以下

1 [root@centos7mini etcd]# ./etcdctl member list
2 Error: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured
3 error #0: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
4 error #1: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused



一個節點斷開後,成爲candicate,向其餘member發起vote,從新選準 master/leader。

2016-12-29 19:43:15.767905 I | raft: b26f1b9a6c735437 became candidate at term 146
2016-12-29 19:43:15.767932 I | raft: b26f1b9a6c735437 received vote from b26f1b9a6c735437 at term 146
2016-12-29 19:43:15.767961 I | raft: b26f1b9a6c735437 [logterm: 101, index: 688] sent vote request to 45b967575ff25cb2 at term 146
2016-12-29 19:43:17.266905 I | raft: b26f1b9a6c735437 is starting a new election at term 146


將一個memeber加入兩個集羣時,出現 cluster id 匹配問題。如下是靜態建立cluster。

 1 # etcd --name infra1 --initial-advertise-peer-urls \
 2   --listen-peer-urls \
 3   --listen-client-urls, \
 4   --advertise-client-urls \
 5   --initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 \
 6   --initial-cluster infra0=,infra1=,infra3= \
 7   --initial-cluster-state new
 9 # ./etcd --debug --name infra3 --initial-advertise-peer-urls  \
10   --listen-peer-urls --initial-cluster infra3= \
11   --listen-client-urls --advertise-client-urls \
12   --initial-cluster-state new --initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1


 2016-12-30 11:47:30.939730 E | rafthttp: request sent was ignored (cluster ID mismatch: remote[3c828782a67e0043]=625ac7f9082c643, local=34b660d543ad1445)

2016-12-30 11:47:30.977766 E | rafthttp: request sent was ignored (cluster ID mismatch: remote[3c828782a67e0043]=625ac7f9082c643, local=34b660d543ad1445)



以下創建集羣后,--debug 提示:150上的iptables防火牆致使。

2016-12-30 12:07:19.479241 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 12:07:19.914614 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:20.781345 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:21.216792 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:21.885187 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 12:07:22.518689 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:22.620358 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 12:07:23.187832 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:23.925031 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:24.490547 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:24.592188 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 12:07:25.226673 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:25.696521 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 12:07:26.528616 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:26.630548 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 12:07:27.000087 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:27.932728 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:28.302774 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 12:07:28.404591 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: no r

以下調試信息是在leader 上的。 因爲iptables防火牆的緣由致使。

2016-12-30 14:03:10.838829 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 14:03:11.353601 W | etcdserver: failed to reach the peerURL( of member 45b967575ff25cb2 (Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 14:03:11.353640 W | etcdserver: cannot get the version of member 45b967575ff25cb2 (Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 14:03:11.672262 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 14:03:12.140697 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 14:03:12.974912 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 14:03:13.445167 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 14:03:13.547340 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 14:03:14.278497 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 14:03:14.380259 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 14:03:14.850132 D | rafthttp: failed to dial 45b967575ff25cb2 on stream Message (dial tcp i/o timeout)
2016-12-30 14:03:15.358565 W | etcdserver: failed to reach the peerURL( of member 45b967575ff25cb2 (Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)
2016-12-30 14:03:15.358613 W | etcdserver: cannot get the version of member 45b967575ff25cb2 (Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host)

以下調試信息,是因爲 沒法訪問, b26f1b9a6c735437 爲member id。

2016-12-30 21:38:43.130791 D | rafthttp: failed to dial b26f1b9a6c735437 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused)
2016-12-30 21:38:43.191227 D | rafthttp: failed to dial b26f1b9a6c735437 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused)
2016-12-30 21:38:43.232280 D | rafthttp: failed to dial b26f1b9a6c735437 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused)
2016-12-30 21:38:43.292289 D | rafthttp: failed to dial b26f1b9a6c735437 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused)
2016-12-30 21:38:43.334129 D | rafthttp: failed to dial b26f1b9a6c735437 on stream Message (dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused)
2016-12-30 21:38:43.393576 D | rafthttp: failed to dial b26f1b9a6c735437 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused)


2016-12-30 14:18:36.328628 W | rafthttp: the clock difference against peer 3c828782a67e0043 is too high [2.00405135s > 1s]
2016-12-30 14:19:06.329559 W | rafthttp: the clock difference against peer 3c828782a67e0043 is too high [2.003973758s > 1s]
2016-12-30 14:19:36.331189 W | rafthttp: the clock difference against peer 3c828782a67e0043 is too high [2.004098356s > 1s]


2016-12-30 21:38:22.857546 W | rafthttp: the clock difference against peer 3c828782a67e0043 is too high [7h59m58.924003117s > 1s]

2016-12-30 21:38:22.892541 W | rafthttp: health check for peer b26f1b9a6c735437 failed2016-12-30 21:38:22.892848 W | rafthttp: the clock difference against peer b26f1b9a6c735437 is too high [7h59m56.920465483s > 1s]
