yum install -y memcached #啓動memcached服務,端口11211,以nobody身份啓動,-d後臺模式運行 memcached -p11211 -u nobody -d #將本身的IP設爲灰度測試的IP telnet 11211 set 0 0 1 1 quit
wget https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-memcached/archive/v0.11.tar.gz tar -zxvf v0.11.tar.gz mkdir -p /usr/local/share/lua/5.1 cp -r lua-resty-memcached-0.11/lib/resty /usr/local/share/lua/5.1
clientIP=ngx.req.get_headers()["X-Real-IP"] if clientIP == nil then clientIP=ngx.req.get_headers()["x_forwarded_for"] end if clientIP == nil then clientIP=ngx.var.remote_addr end local memcached=require "resty.memcached" local memc,err=memcached:new() if not memc then ngx.say("failed to instantiate memc:",err) return end local ok,err =memc:connect("",11211) if not ok then ngx.say("failed to connect:",err) return end local res,flags,err =memc:get(clientIP) --ngx.say("value key: ",res,clientIP) if err then ngx.say("failed to get clientIP",err) return end if res == "1" then ngx.exec("@server_test") return end ngx.exec("@server_product")
server { listen 8867; server_name www.siguoya.name; root /usr/local/nginx/1.12.1/html; location / { content_by_lua_file /etc/nginx/test.lua; } location /hello { default_type text/plain; content_by_lua 'ngx.say("hello lua")'; } location /ua { default_type text/plain; content_by_lua ' clientIP=ngx.req.get_headers()["USER-AGENT"] ngx.say("IP:",clientIP) '; } location @server_product { default_type text/plain; return 200 'product'; } location @server_test { default_type text/plain; return 200 'test'; } }
中,所以訪問 http://www.siguoya.name:8867/
的時候,看到的內容就是 test
而開啓全局代理以後,發現看到的內容就是 product