對於屬性的填充不僅是 int、Long、String,還包括尚未實例化的對象屬性,都須要在 Bean 建立時進行填充操做。不過這裏咱們暫時不會考慮 Bean 的循環依賴,不然會把整個功能實現撐大,這樣新人學習時就把握不住了,待後續陸續先把核心功能實現後,再逐步完善架構
鑑於屬性填充是在 Bean 使用 newInstance
或者 Cglib
建立後,開始補全屬性信息,那麼就能夠在類 AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory
的 createBean 方法中添加補全屬性方法。這部分你們在實習的過程當中也能夠對照Spring源碼學習,這裏的實現也是Spring的簡化版,後續對照學習會更加易於理解app
的 createBean 方法中添加 applyPropertyValues
操做。small-spring-step-04 └── src ├── main │ └── java │ └── cn.bugstack.springframework.beans │ ├── factory │ │ ├── factory │ │ │ ├── BeanDefinition.java │ │ │ ├── BeanReference.java │ │ │ └── SingletonBeanRegistry.java │ │ ├── support │ │ │ ├── AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java │ │ │ ├── AbstractBeanFactory.java │ │ │ ├── BeanDefinitionRegistry.java │ │ │ ├── CglibSubclassingInstantiationStrategy.java │ │ │ ├── DefaultListableBeanFactory.java │ │ │ ├── DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java │ │ │ ├── InstantiationStrategy.java │ │ │ └── SimpleInstantiationStrategy.java │ │ └── BeanFactory.java │ ├── BeansException.java │ ├── PropertyValue.java │ └── PropertyValues.java └── test └── java └── cn.bugstack.springframework.test ├── bean │ ├── UserDao.java │ └── UserService.java └── ApiTest.java
工程源碼:公衆號「bugstack蟲洞棧」,回覆:Spring 專欄,獲取完整源碼
Spring Bean 容器類關係,如圖 5-2
,在 createBean 中補全屬性填充部分。cn.bugstack.springframework.beans.PropertyValue
public class PropertyValue { private final String name; private final Object value; public PropertyValue(String name, Object value) { this.name = name; this.value = value; } // ...get/set }
public class PropertyValues { private final List<PropertyValue> propertyValueList = new ArrayList<>(); public void addPropertyValue(PropertyValue pv) { this.propertyValueList.add(pv); } public PropertyValue[] getPropertyValues() { return this.propertyValueList.toArray(new PropertyValue[0]); } public PropertyValue getPropertyValue(String propertyName) { for (PropertyValue pv : this.propertyValueList) { if (pv.getName().equals(propertyName)) { return pv; } } return null; } }
public class BeanDefinition { private Class beanClass; private PropertyValues propertyValues; public BeanDefinition(Class beanClass) { this.beanClass = beanClass; this.propertyValues = new PropertyValues(); } public BeanDefinition(Class beanClass, PropertyValues propertyValues) { this.beanClass = beanClass; this.propertyValues = propertyValues != null ? propertyValues : new PropertyValues(); } // ...get/set }
new BeanDefinition(UserService.class, propertyValues);
public abstract class AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory extends AbstractBeanFactory { private InstantiationStrategy instantiationStrategy = new CglibSubclassingInstantiationStrategy(); @Override protected Object createBean(String beanName, BeanDefinition beanDefinition, Object[] args) throws BeansException { Object bean = null; try { bean = createBeanInstance(beanDefinition, beanName, args); // 給 Bean 填充屬性 applyPropertyValues(beanName, bean, beanDefinition); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BeansException("Instantiation of bean failed", e); } addSingleton(beanName, bean); return bean; } protected Object createBeanInstance(BeanDefinition beanDefinition, String beanName, Object[] args) { Constructor constructorToUse = null; Class<?> beanClass = beanDefinition.getBeanClass(); Constructor<?>[] declaredConstructors = beanClass.getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Constructor ctor : declaredConstructors) { if (null != args && ctor.getParameterTypes().length == args.length) { constructorToUse = ctor; break; } } return getInstantiationStrategy().instantiate(beanDefinition, beanName, constructorToUse, args); } /** * Bean 屬性填充 */ protected void applyPropertyValues(String beanName, Object bean, BeanDefinition beanDefinition) { try { PropertyValues propertyValues = beanDefinition.getPropertyValues(); for (PropertyValue propertyValue : propertyValues.getPropertyValues()) { String name = propertyValue.getName(); Object value = propertyValue.getValue(); if (value instanceof BeanReference) { // A 依賴 B,獲取 B 的實例化 BeanReference beanReference = (BeanReference) value; value = getBean(beanReference.getBeanName()); } // 屬性填充 BeanUtil.setFieldValue(bean, name, value); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new BeansException("Error setting property values:" + beanName); } } public InstantiationStrategy getInstantiationStrategy() { return instantiationStrategy; } public void setInstantiationStrategy(InstantiationStrategy instantiationStrategy) { this.instantiationStrategy = instantiationStrategy; } }
循環進行屬性填充操做,若是遇到的是 BeanReference,那麼就須要遞歸獲取 Bean 實例,調用 getBean 方法。cn.bugstack.springframework.test.bean.UserDao
public class UserDao { private static Map<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); static { hashMap.put("10001", "小傅哥"); hashMap.put("10002", "八杯水"); hashMap.put("10003", "阿毛"); } public String queryUserName(String uId) { return hashMap.get(uId); } }
public class UserService { private String uId; private UserDao userDao; public void queryUserInfo() { System.out.println("查詢用戶信息:" + userDao.queryUserName(uId)); } // ...get/set }
@Test public void test_BeanFactory() { // 1.初始化 BeanFactory DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory(); // 2. UserDao 註冊 beanFactory.registerBeanDefinition("userDao", new BeanDefinition(UserDao.class)); // 3. UserService 設置屬性[uId、userDao] PropertyValues propertyValues = new PropertyValues(); propertyValues.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("uId", "10001")); propertyValues.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("userDao",new BeanReference("userDao"))); // 4. UserService 注入bean BeanDefinition beanDefinition = new BeanDefinition(UserService.class, propertyValues); beanFactory.registerBeanDefinition("userService", beanDefinition); // 5. UserService 獲取bean UserService userService = (UserService) beanFactory.getBean("userService"); userService.queryUserInfo(); }
beanFactory.registerBeanDefinition("userDao", new BeanDefinition(UserDao.class));
new PropertyValue("uId", "10001")
,另一種是對象屬性 new PropertyValue("userDao",new BeanReference("userDao"))
查詢用戶信息:小傅哥 Process finished with exit code 0
那麼咱們在看看Debug調試的狀況下,有沒有進入到實現的 Bean 屬性填充中,以下: