
import operator class BinaryTree: """ A recursive implementation of Binary Tree Using links and Nodes approach. Modified to allow for trees to be constructed from other trees rather than always creating a new tree in the insert_feft or insert_right """ def __init__(self, key): """Create new tree""" self._key = key self._child_left = None self._child_right = None def get_root_val(self): """Get root key value""" return self._key def set_root_val(self, key): """Set root key value""" self._key = key root = property(get_root_val, set_root_val) def get_child_left(self): """Get left child""" return self._child_left def set_child_left(self, node): """Set left child""" self._child_left = node child_left = property(get_child_left, set_child_left) def get_child_right(self): """Get right child""" return self._child_right def set_child_right(self, node): """Set right child""" self._child_right = node child_right = property(get_child_right, set_child_right) def is_leaf(self): """Check if a node is leaf""" return (not self._child_left) and (not self._child_right) def insert_left(self, new_node): """Insert left subtree""" if isinstance(new_node, BinaryTree): new_subtree = new_node else: new_subtree = BinaryTree(new_node) if self._child_left: new_subtree.set_child_left(self._child_left) self._child_left = new_subtree def insert_right(self, new_node): """Insert right subtree""" if isinstance(new_node, BinaryTree): new_subtree = new_node else: new_subtree = BinaryTree(new_node) if self._child_right: new_subtree.set_child_right(self._child_right) self._child_right = new_subtree def preorder(self): """Pre-order tree traversal""" print(self._key, end=" ") if self._child_left: self._child_left.preorder() if self._child_right: self._child_right.preorder() def inorder(self): """In-order tree traversal""" if self._child_left: self._child_left.inorder() print(self._key, end=" ") if self._child_right: self._child_right.inorder() def postorder(self): """Post-order tree traversal""" if self._child_left: self._child_left.postorder() if self._child_right: self._child_right.postorder() print(self._key, end=" ") def print_exp(self): """Print an expression""" if self._child_left: print("(", end=" ") self._child_left.print_exp() print(self._key, end=" ") if self._child_right: self._child_right.print_exp() print(")", end=" ") def postorder_eval(self): """Postorder evaluation""" operations = { "+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "*": operator.mul, "/": operator.truediv, } result_1 = None result_2 = None if self._child_left: result_1 = self._child_left.postorder_eval() if self._child_right: result_2 = self._child_right.postorder_eval() if result_1 and result_2: return operations[self._key](result_1, result_2) return self._key def height(self): """Height of a tree""" if not self._key: return -1 if self._child_left: height_left = self._child_left.height() else: height_left = -1 if self._child_right: height_right = self._child_right.height() else: height_right = -1 return 1 + max(height_left, height_right) def __len__(self): """Size of a tree""" return self.size() def size(self): """Count nodes in a tree""" if not self._key: return 0 if self._child_left: children_left = self._child_left.size() else: children_left = 0 if self._child_right: children_right = self._child_right.size() else: children_right = 0 return 1 + children_left + children_right

class BinaryTreeNode: """Binary Tree Node class""" def __init__(self, key, value, left=None, right=None, parent=None): """Create new Tree Node""" self._key = key self._value = value self._child_left = left self._child_right = right self._parent = parent def get_child_left(self): """Return the node's left child""" return self._child_left def set_child_left(self, node): """Assign the node's left child""" self._child_left = node child_left = property(get_child_left, set_child_left) def get_child_right(self): """Return the node's right child""" return self._child_right def set_child_right(self, node): """Assign the node's right child""" self._child_right = node child_right = property(get_child_right, set_child_right) def get_parent(self): """Return the node's parent""" return self._parent def set_parent(self, node): """Assign the node's parent""" self._parent = node parent = property(get_parent, set_parent) def is_child_left(self): """Check if the node is a left child""" return self._parent and self._parent.child_left == self def is_child_right(self): """Check if the node is a right child""" return self._parent and self._parent.child_right == self def is_root(self): """Check if the node is a tree root""" return not self._parent def is_leaf(self): """Check if the node is a leaf""" return not (self._child_right or self._child_left) def has_a_child(self): """Check if the node has any child""" return self._child_right or self._child_left def has_children(self): """Check if the node has both children""" return self._child_right and self._child_left def get_key(self): """Get node key""" return self._key def set_key(self, key): """Set node key""" self._key = key key = property(get_key, set_key) def get_value(self): """Get node value""" return self._value def set_value(self, value): """Set node value""" self._value = value value = property(get_value, set_value) def replace_payload(self, key, value, left, right): """Change node payload""" self._key = key self._value = value self._child_left = left self._child_right = right if self.child_left: self._child_left.parent = self if self.child_right: self._child_right.parent = self def find_successor(self): """Find the node's successor""" successor = None if self._child_right: successor = self._child_right.find_min() else: if self._parent: if self.is_child_left(): successor = self._parent else: self._parent.child_right = None successor = self._parent.find_successor() self._parent.child_right = self return successor def find_min(self): """Find the smallest node in the right subtree""" current = self while current.child_left: current = current.child_left return current def splice_out(self): """Splice out""" if self.is_leaf(): if self.is_child_left(): self._parent.child_left = None else: self._parent.child_right = None elif self.has_a_child(): if self.child_left: if self.is_child_left(): self._parent.child_left = self._child_left else: self._parent.child_right = self._child_left self._child_left.parent = self._parent else: if self.is_child_left(): self._parent.child_left = self._child_right else: self._parent.child_right = self._child_right self._child_right.parent = self._parent def __iter__(self): """The standard inorder traversal of a binary tree""" if self: if self._child_left: for elem in self._child_left: yield elem yield self._key if self._child_right: for elem in self._child_right: yield elem class BinarySearchTree: """Binary search tree implementation""" def __init__(self): self._root = None self._size = 0 def __len__(self): """Tree size""" return self._size def size(self): """Tree size""" return self._size def __iter__(self): """Iterator""" return self._root.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, key): """[] getter operator override""" result = self.get(key) if result: return result raise KeyError("Error, key not in tree") def get_root(self): """Get tree root""" return self._root def set_root(self, node): """Set tree root""" self._root = node root = property(get_root, set_root) def get(self, key): """Retrieve a value by the key""" if self._root: result = self._get(key, self._root) if result: return result.value return None else: return None def _get(self, key, current_node): """Retrieve a value by the key (helper function)""" if not current_node: return None if current_node.key == key: return current_node elif key < current_node.key: return self._get(key, current_node.child_left) else: return self._get(key, current_node.child_right) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """[] setter operator override""" self.put(key, value) def put(self, key, value): """Add new node""" if self._root: self._put(key, value, self._root) else: self._root = BinaryTreeNode(key, value) self._size = self._size + 1 def _put(self, key, value, current_node): """Add new node (helper function)""" if key < current_node.key: if current_node.child_left: self._put(key, value, current_node.child_left) else: current_node.child_left = BinaryTreeNode( key, value, parent=current_node ) else: if current_node.child_right: self._put(key, value, current_node.child_right) else: current_node.child_right = BinaryTreeNode( key, value, parent=current_node ) def __contains__(self, key): """in operator override""" return bool(self._get(key, self._root)) def __delitem__(self, key): """del operator override""" self.delete(key) def delete(self, key): """Remove a node by its key""" if self._size > 1: node_to_remove = self._get(key, self._root) if node_to_remove: self._delete(node_to_remove) self._size = self._size - 1 else: raise KeyError("Error, key not in tree") elif self._size == 1 and self._root.key == key: self._root = None self._size = self._size - 1 else: raise KeyError("Error, key not in tree") def _delete(self, current_node): """Remove a node by its key (helper function)""" if current_node.is_leaf(): # removing a leaf if current_node == current_node.parent.child_left: current_node.parent.child_left = None else: current_node.parent.child_right = None elif current_node.has_children(): # removing a node with two children successor = current_node.find_successor() successor.splice_out() current_node.key = successor.key current_node.value = successor.value else: # removing a node with one child if current_node.get_child_left(): if current_node.is_child_left(): current_node.child_left.parent = current_node.parent current_node.parent.child_left = current_node.child_left elif current_node.is_child_right(): current_node.child_left.parent = current_node.parent current_node.parent.child_right = current_node.child_left else: current_node.replace_payload( current_node.child_left.key, current_node.child_left.value, current_node.child_left.child_left, current_node.child_left.child_right, ) else: if current_node.is_child_left(): current_node.child_right.parent = current_node.parent current_node.parent.child_left = current_node.child_right elif current_node.is_child_right(): current_node.child_right.parent = current_node.parent current_node.parent.child_right = current_node.child_right else: current_node.replace_payload( current_node.child_right.key, current_node.child_right.value, current_node.child_right.child_left, current_node.child_right.child_right, ) def inorder(self): """In-order tree traversal""" self._inorder(self._root) def _inorder(self, tree): """In-order tree traversal (helper function)""" if tree: self._inorder(tree.child_left) print(tree.key, end=" ") self._inorder(tree.child_right) def postorder(self): """Post-order tree traversal""" self._postorder(self._root) def _postorder(self, tree): """Post-order tree traversal (helper function)""" if tree: self._postorder(tree.child_left) self._postorder(tree.child_right) print(tree.key, end=" ") def preorder(self): """Pre-order tree traversal""" self._preorder(self._root) def _preorder(self, tree): """Pre-order tree traversal (helper function)""" if tree: print(tree.key, end=" ") self._preorder(tree.child_left) self._preorder(tree.child_right) def clear(self): """Remove all nodes""" while self._root: self.delete(self._root.key)

from pythonds3.trees.binary_search_tree import BinarySearchTree from pythonds3.trees.binary_search_tree import BinaryTreeNode class AVLTreeNode(BinaryTreeNode): """AVL Tree Node""" def __init__(self, key, val, balance_factor, left=None, right=None, parent=None): """Create an AVL tree node""" BinaryTreeNode.__init__(self, key, val, left, right, parent) self._balance_factor = balance_factor def get_balance_factor(self): """Get the node balance factor""" return self._balance_factor def set_balance_factor(self, value): """Set the node balance factor""" self._balance_factor = value balance_factor = property(get_balance_factor, set_balance_factor) class AVLTree(BinarySearchTree): """AVL tree implementation""" def __init__(self): """Create a new AVL tree""" BinarySearchTree.__init__(self) def put(self, key, value): """Add new node""" if self._root: self._put(key, value, self._root) else: self._root = AVLTreeNode(key, value, 0) self._size = self._size + 1 def _put(self, key, value, current_node): """Add a new node to the tree (helper function)""" if key < current_node.key: if current_node.get_child_left(): self._put(key, value, current_node.child_left) else: current_node.child_left = AVLTreeNode( key, value, 0, parent=current_node ) self.update_balance(current_node.child_left) else: if current_node.get_child_right(): self._put(key, value, current_node.child_right) else: current_node.child_right = AVLTreeNode( key, value, 0, parent=current_node ) self.update_balance(current_node.child_right) def update_balance(self, node): """Update the tree balance""" if node.balance_factor > 1 or node.balance_factor < -1: self.rebalance(node) return if node.parent: if node.is_child_left(): node.parent.balance_factor += 1 elif node.is_child_right(): node.parent.balance_factor -= 1 if node.parent.balance_factor != 0: self.update_balance(node.parent) def rebalance(self, node): """Rebalance the tree""" if node.balance_factor < 0: if node.child_right.balance_factor > 0: # Do an LR Rotation self.rotate_right(node.child_right) self.rotate_left(node) else: # single left self.rotate_left(node) elif node.balance_factor > 0: if node.child_left.balance_factor < 0: # Do an RL Rotation self.rotate_left(node.child_left) self.rotate_right(node) else: # single right self.rotate_right(node) def rotate_left(self, rotation_root): """Left rotation""" new_root = rotation_root.child_right rotation_root.child_right = new_root.child_left if new_root.child_left: new_root.child_left.parent = rotation_root new_root.parent = rotation_root.parent if rotation_root.is_root(): self._root = new_root else: if rotation_root.is_child_left(): rotation_root.parent.child_left = new_root else: rotation_root.parent.child_right = new_root new_root.child_left = rotation_root rotation_root.parent = new_root rotation_root.balance_factor = ( rotation_root.balance_factor + 1 - min(new_root.balance_factor, 0) ) new_root.balance_factor = ( new_root.balance_factor + 1 + max(rotation_root.balance_factor, 0) ) def rotate_right(self, rotation_root): """Right rotation""" new_root = rotation_root.child_left rotation_root.child_left = new_root.child_right if new_root.child_right: new_root.child_right.parent = rotation_root new_root.parent = rotation_root.parent if rotation_root.is_root(): self._root = new_root else: if rotation_root.is_child_right(): rotation_root.parent.child_right = new_root else: rotation_root.parent.child_left = new_root new_root.child_right = rotation_root rotation_root.parent = new_root rotation_root.balance_factor = ( rotation_root.balance_factor - 1 - max(new_root.balance_factor, 0) ) new_root.balance_factor = ( new_root.balance_factor - 1 + min(rotation_root.balance_factor, 0) )

class BinaryHeap: """Minimal Binary Heap""" def __init__(self): """Create a heap""" self._heap = [] def _perc_up(self, cur_idx): """Move a node up""" while (cur_idx - 1) // 2 >= 0: parent_idx = (cur_idx - 1) // 2 if self._heap[cur_idx] < self._heap[parent_idx]: self._heap[cur_idx], self._heap[parent_idx] = ( self._heap[parent_idx], self._heap[cur_idx], ) cur_idx = parent_idx def _perc_down(self, cur_idx): """Move a node down""" while 2 * cur_idx + 1 < len(self._heap): min_child_idx = self._get_min_child(cur_idx) if self._heap[cur_idx] > self._heap[min_child_idx]: self._heap[cur_idx], self._heap[min_child_idx] = ( self._heap[min_child_idx], self._heap[cur_idx], ) else: return cur_idx = min_child_idx def _get_min_child(self, parent_idx): """Get a smaller child""" if 2 * parent_idx + 2 > len(self._heap) - 1: return 2 * parent_idx + 1 if self._heap[2 * parent_idx + 1] < self._heap[2 * parent_idx + 2]: return 2 * parent_idx + 1 return 2 * parent_idx + 2 def heapify(self, not_a_heap, show_details=False): """Build a heap from any list""" self._heap = not_a_heap[:] cur_idx = len(self._heap) // 2 - 1 while cur_idx >= 0: self._perc_down(cur_idx) cur_idx = cur_idx - 1 if show_details: print(self._heap) def insert(self, item): """Add a new item""" self._heap.append(item) self._perc_up(len(self._heap) - 1) def delete(self): """Remove an item""" self._heap[0], self._heap[-1] = self._heap[-1], self._heap[0] result = self._heap.pop() self._perc_down(0) return result def is_empty(self): """Check if the heap is empty""" return not bool(self._heap) def __len__(self): """Get heap size""" return len(self._heap) def __str__(self): """Heap as a string""" return str(self._heap) def __contains__(self, item): """__contains__in method override""" return item in self._heap