爲何要使用靜態內部類生成單例對象? 一、在類加載器加載過程當中只加載一次,加載的時候生成對象,這利用了自然的類加載器功能,因此生成的對象只有一個,由於只加載一次。 二、這樣能夠避免併發加同步 double-checked模式鎖生成對象,效率更高。oracle
package inner; public class SingleObject { private SingleObject(){} private static class HelpHolder{ private static final SingleObject INSTANCE = new SingleObject(); } public static SingleObject getInstance(){ return HelpHolder.INSTANCE; } public String toString(){ return "this is a singleton object"; } }
三、靜態內部類在builder設計模式中的使用 爲何要在builder設計模式中使用? 一、由於靜態內部類的一個主要職責就是專爲外部類提供服務,咱們在外部類的基礎上建立靜態內部類BuilderHelper能夠專爲這個對象使用。 二、builder最重要的是在構造過程當中返回this。 三、在java中關於StringBuilder中的append就是對builder模式的很好應用。app
package inner; public class Hero { private String name ; private String country; private String weapon; public String getName() { return name; } public String getCountry() { return country; } public String getWeapon() { return weapon; } public static class HeroBuilder{ private String name ; private String country; private String weapon; public HeroBuilder(String name){ this.name = name; } public HeroBuilder setCountry(String country){ this.country = country; return this; } public HeroBuilder setWeapon(String weapon){ this.weapon = weapon; return this; } public Hero build(){ return new Hero(this); } } public Hero(HeroBuilder hb){ this.name = hb.name; this.country =hb.country; this.weapon = hb.weapon; } public String toString(){ return this.name +"," +this.country +","+this.weapon; } }
package inner; import inner.Hero.HeroBuilder; public class Visitor { public static void main(String[] args) { Hero hh = new HeroBuilder("wqp").setCountry("china").setWeapon("gun").build(); System.out.println(hh.toString()); SingleObject instance = SingleObject.getInstance(); SingleObject instance2 = SingleObject.getInstance(); if(instance == instance2){ System.out.println("they are the same object"); } System.out.println(instance); } }
wqp,china,gun they are the same object this is a singleton object