【轉】How to install and uninstall apk file on anr...

Currently the following operating systems are supported:shell

  • Windows XP or Vista
  • Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (x86 only)
  • Linux (Linux Ubuntu Dapper Drake)

The following sections are covered:bash

  1. Installing the .apk file on a new G1 device
  2. Installing the .apk file on a device where section 1 has already been followed for steps 1 to 5
  3. Uninstalling the .apk file from the G1 device before installing the same .apk again.
  4. Uninstalling the .apk file (from the Device or Emulator) using adb shell .

Section 1: Installing the .apk file on a new G1 Device:app

  1. Installing The Android SDK on your computer.
    • First you will need to download the Android SDK pack .zip archive, once downloaded find a suitable installation location on your machine and extract the zipped files.
    • Please note: This installation location will be referred to as $ANDROID_SDK_PATH in the following sections.
    • Alternatively you can add /tools to your root path which will prevent the need to specify the full path to the tools directory along with enabling you to run Android Debug Bridge (adb) along with other command line tools.
  2. To add /tools to System PATH:
    Windows XP / Vista

    • Right click on the My Computer icon and select the properties tab.
    • Select the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button.
    • In the new dialog box double-click on Path (located under System Variables) and type in the full path location to the tools directory.

    Alternately, create a System Variable, called ANDROID_SDK_PATH and append %ANDROID_SDK_PATH%\tools to your System PATH variable.ui


    • Edit the ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc files looking for a line that sets the PATH variable.
    • Add the full path location to your $ANDROID_SDK_PATH/tools location for the PATH variable.
    • If no PATH line exists you can add the line by typing the following:
    • Export PATH=${PATH}:<path to your $ANDROID_SDK_PATH /tools>

    Mac OS Xdebug

    • In the home directory locate the .bash_profile and locating the PATH variable add the location to your $ANDROID_SDK_PATH /tools folder.
  3. Connect the G1 device to the computer through the USB port. (If connecting for the first time, User is prompted to install the drivers in which case, point to $ANDROID_SDK_PATH/usb_driver, the drivers will get installed.)
  4. You might have to change your settings to permit apps that don’t come from the Google Market by going to the G1 home screen and choosing MENU > Settings > Applications > Unknown Sources.
  5. Turn USB debugging ON on your phone, On your G1 go to the home screen, press MENU > Settings > Applications > Development, then enable USB debugging.
  6. From Command line on your computer enter
    ‘adb install <APK_FILE_PATH><APK_FILE>’
    (e.g. adb install C:/AndroidApps/NightStand.apk)
  7. Check the MENU from the home screen on the G1 for the installed applications icon.

Section 2: Installing the .apk file on a device where section 1 has already been followed for steps 1 to 5ip

    1. Follow steps 6 and 7 of Section 1.

      Section 3: Uninstalling the .apk file from the G1 device before installing the same .apk again.ci

      1. In the G1 Phone, Go to Applications Menu ->Settings->Manage Applications.
      2. Select the application which you want to Uninistall, and click on the ‘Uninstall’ button.
      3. Follow steps 6 and 7 of Section 1.

      Section 4: Uninstalling the .apk file (from the Device or Emulator) using adb shell.rem

      There is an adb uninstall command which always shows Failure!!!terminal

      Using adb shell :
      Important: The device has to be unplugged from USB if you are trying to uninstall from the emulator, else emulator should not be open and device needs to be plugged in the USB of the PC if you are trying to uninstall from the G1 Device. If either of them are not connected the adb shell command will not work

      Go to the shell and making sure adb is in PATH:

      Go to shell (from cmd->adb shell or directly through a terminal)


      #cd data
      #cd app
      #cd ls

      You will get a list of installed application with the complete package name of the package containing the main activity. e.g com.company.product.apk

      #rm com.company.product.apk

      #cd ls

      You will not find the application – you just removed it!.
