和前邊的文章不一樣, 在這一篇中,我想從程序的設計層次上解讀ResponseSerialization這個文件。更直觀的去探討該功能是如何一步一步實現的。固然,有一個很差的地方,跟數學問題同樣,咱們事先知道告終果,所以這是一個已知結果推到過程的問題。json
dataRequest.request().response{ ResponseObj in } downloadRequest.request().response{ ResponseObj in }
dataRequest.request().response(queue 回調函數) downloadRequest.request().response(queue 回調函數)
@discardableResult public func response(queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (DefaultDataResponse) -> Void) -> Self { delegate.queue.addOperation { (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { var dataResponse = DefaultDataResponse( request: self.request, response: self.response, data: self.delegate.data, error: self.delegate.error, timeline: self.timeline ) dataResponse.add(self.delegate.metrics) completionHandler(dataResponse) } } return self }
@discardableResult public func response( queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (DefaultDownloadResponse) -> Void) -> Self { delegate.queue.addOperation { (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { var downloadResponse = DefaultDownloadResponse( request: self.request, response: self.response, temporaryURL: self.downloadDelegate.temporaryURL, destinationURL: self.downloadDelegate.destinationURL, resumeData: self.downloadDelegate.resumeData, error: self.downloadDelegate.error, timeline: self.timeline ) downloadResponse.add(self.delegate.metrics) completionHandler(downloadResponse) } } return self }
dataRequest.request().response(queue 序列化者 回調函數) downloadRequest.request().response(queue 序列化者 回調函數)
/// The type in which all data response serializers must conform to in order to serialize a response. public protocol DataResponseSerializerProtocol { /// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DataResponseSerializerType`. associatedtype SerializedObject /// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, data and error and returns a result. var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, Data?, Error?) -> Result<SerializedObject> { get } }
/// The type in which all download response serializers must conform to in order to serialize a response. public protocol DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol { /// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DownloadResponseSerializerType`. associatedtype SerializedObject /// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, url and error and returns a result. var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, URL?, Error?) -> Result<SerializedObject> { get } }
/// A generic `DataResponseSerializerType` used to serialize a request, response, and data into a serialized object. public struct DataResponseSerializer<Value>: DataResponseSerializerProtocol { /// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DataResponseSerializer`. public typealias SerializedObject = Value /// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, data and error and returns a result. public var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, Data?, Error?) -> Result<Value> /// Initializes the `ResponseSerializer` instance with the given serialize response closure. /// /// - parameter serializeResponse: The closure used to serialize the response. /// /// - returns: The new generic response serializer instance. public init(serializeResponse: @escaping (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, Data?, Error?) -> Result<Value>) { self.serializeResponse = serializeResponse } }
/// A generic `DownloadResponseSerializerType` used to serialize a request, response, and data into a serialized object. public struct DownloadResponseSerializer<Value>: DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol { /// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DownloadResponseSerializer`. public typealias SerializedObject = Value /// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, url and error and returns a result. public var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, URL?, Error?) -> Result<Value> /// Initializes the `ResponseSerializer` instance with the given serialize response closure. /// /// - parameter serializeResponse: The closure used to serialize the response. /// /// - returns: The new generic response serializer instance. public init(serializeResponse: @escaping (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, URL?, Error?) -> Result<Value>) { self.serializeResponse = serializeResponse } }
@discardableResult public func response<T: DataResponseSerializerProtocol>( queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, responseSerializer: T, completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<T.SerializedObject>) -> Void) -> Self { delegate.queue.addOperation { /// 這裏就調用了responseSerializer保存的系列化函數,函數調用後會獲得result let result = responseSerializer.serializeResponse( self.request, self.response, self.delegate.data, self.delegate.error ) /// 這裏必定要記得,DataResponse是一個結構體,是專門爲了純存儲數據的,這裏是調用告終構體的初始化方法建立了一個新的DataResponse實例 var dataResponse = DataResponse<T.SerializedObject>( request: self.request, response: self.response, data: self.delegate.data, result: result, timeline: self.timeline ) dataResponse.add(self.delegate.metrics) (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { completionHandler(dataResponse) } } return self } @discardableResult public func response<T: DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol>( queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, responseSerializer: T, completionHandler: @escaping (DownloadResponse<T.SerializedObject>) -> Void) -> Self { delegate.queue.addOperation { let result = responseSerializer.serializeResponse( self.request, self.response, self.downloadDelegate.fileURL, self.downloadDelegate.error ) var downloadResponse = DownloadResponse<T.SerializedObject>( request: self.request, response: self.response, temporaryURL: self.downloadDelegate.temporaryURL, destinationURL: self.downloadDelegate.destinationURL, resumeData: self.downloadDelegate.resumeData, result: result, timeline: self.timeline ) downloadResponse.add(self.delegate.metrics) (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { completionHandler(downloadResponse) } } return self }
dataRequest.request().responseString(queue 回調函數) dataRequest.request().responseJSON(queue 回調函數)
/// Creates a response serializer that returns the associated data as-is. /// /// - returns: A data response serializer. public static func dataResponseSerializer() -> DataResponseSerializer<Data> { /// 能夠看出這麼寫也是能夠的,這個方法要作分解才能理解,否則很容易讓人迷惑,DataResponseSerializer的初始化須要一個ResponseSerializer函數,那麼這個函數是什麼呢?就是大括號內部的這個閉包,咱們經過下邊的代碼就獲得了一個DataResponseSerializer,這個DataResponseSerializer內部保存着一個函數,函數的做用就是根據參數,最終解析出Result<Data> // return DataResponseSerializer { (_, response, data, error) -> Result<Data> in // return Request.serializeResponseData(response: response, data: data, error: error) // } return DataResponseSerializer { _, response, data, error in return Request.serializeResponseData(response: response, data: data, error: error) } }
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished. /// /// - parameter completionHandler: The code to be executed once the request has finished. /// /// - returns: The request. /// 這個方法就很好裂解了 ,設置一個回調,當請求完成調用, @discardableResult public func responseData( queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<Data>) -> Void) -> Self { return response( queue: queue, responseSerializer: DataRequest.dataResponseSerializer(), completionHandler: completionHandler ) }
/// Creates a response serializer that returns the associated data as-is. /// /// - returns: A data response serializer. public static func dataResponseSerializer() -> DownloadResponseSerializer<Data> { return DownloadResponseSerializer { _, response, fileURL, error in guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) } guard let fileURL = fileURL else { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputFileNil)) } do { let data = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL) return Request.serializeResponseData(response: response, data: data, error: error) } catch { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputFileReadFailed(at: fileURL))) } } }
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished. /// /// - parameter completionHandler: The code to be executed once the request has finished. /// /// - returns: The request. @discardableResult public func responseData( queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (DownloadResponse<Data>) -> Void) -> Self { return response( queue: queue, responseSerializer: DownloadRequest.dataResponseSerializer(), completionHandler: completionHandler ) }
上邊的代碼中值得注意的是:初始化序列者須要的是一個函數,只要把這個函數看作是一個參數,就能明白爲何會這麼寫。那麼咱們更應該關心的是下邊的函數,它解釋瞭如何根據response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?得到Result。也是序列化Data的核心方法:
/// Returns a result data type that contains the response data as-is. /// /// - parameter response: The response from the server. /// - parameter data: The data returned from the server. /// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists. /// /// - returns: The result data type. public static func serializeResponseData(response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) -> Result<Data> { guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) } if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success(Data()) } guard let validData = data else { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNil)) } return .success(validData) }
responseString跟responseData的套路如出一轍,就不把所有的代碼弄過來了,以避免浪費篇幅,咱們應該關心如何根據encoding: String.Encoding?,response: HTTPURLResponse?,data: Data?,error: Error?得到Result
/// Returns a result string type initialized from the response data with the specified string encoding. /// /// - parameter encoding: The string encoding. If `nil`, the string encoding will be determined from the server /// response, falling back to the default HTTP default character set, ISO-8859-1. /// - parameter response: The response from the server. /// - parameter data: The data returned from the server. /// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists. /// /// - returns: The result data type. public static func serializeResponseString( encoding: String.Encoding?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) -> Result<String> { guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) } if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success("") } guard let validData = data else { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNil)) } var convertedEncoding = encoding if let encodingName = response?.textEncodingName as CFString!, convertedEncoding == nil { convertedEncoding = String.Encoding(rawValue: CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding( CFStringConvertIANACharSetNameToEncoding(encodingName)) ) } let actualEncoding = convertedEncoding ?? String.Encoding.isoLatin1 if let string = String(data: validData, encoding: actualEncoding) { return .success(string) } else { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .stringSerializationFailed(encoding: actualEncoding))) } }
responseJSON跟responseData的套路如出一轍,就不把所有的代碼弄過來了,以避免浪費篇幅,咱們應該關心如何根據options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions,response: HTTPURLResponse?,data: Data?,error: Error?得到Result
/// Returns a JSON object contained in a result type constructed from the response data using `JSONSerialization` /// with the specified reading options. /// /// - parameter options: The JSON serialization reading options. Defaults to `.allowFragments`. /// - parameter response: The response from the server. /// - parameter data: The data returned from the server. /// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists. /// /// - returns: The result data type. public static func serializeResponseJSON( options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) -> Result<Any> { guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) } if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success(NSNull()) } guard let validData = data, validData.count > 0 else { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNilOrZeroLength)) } do { let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: validData, options: options) return .success(json) } catch { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .jsonSerializationFailed(error: error))) } }
responsePropertyList跟responseData的套路如出一轍,就不把所有的代碼弄過來了,以避免浪費篇幅,咱們應該關心如何根據options: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions,response: HTTPURLResponse?,data: Data?,error: Error?得到Result
/// Returns a plist object contained in a result type constructed from the response data using /// `PropertyListSerialization` with the specified reading options. /// /// - parameter options: The property list reading options. Defaults to `[]`. /// - parameter response: The response from the server. /// - parameter data: The data returned from the server. /// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists. /// /// - returns: The result data type. public static func serializeResponsePropertyList( options: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) -> Result<Any> { guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) } if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success(NSNull()) } guard let validData = data, validData.count > 0 else { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNilOrZeroLength)) } do { let plist = try PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: validData, options: options, format: nil) return .success(plist) } catch { return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .propertyListSerializationFailed(error: error))) } }
若是HTTP response code 是204或者205,就表示Data爲nil。
/// A set of HTTP response status code that do not contain response data. private let emptyDataStatusCodes: Set<Int> = [204, 205]
extension Request { var timeline: Timeline { let requestCompletedTime = self.endTime ?? CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() let initialResponseTime = self.delegate.initialResponseTime ?? requestCompletedTime return Timeline( requestStartTime: self.startTime ?? CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), initialResponseTime: initialResponseTime, requestCompletedTime: requestCompletedTime, serializationCompletedTime: CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() ) } }
Alamofire源碼解讀系列(一)之概述和使用 簡書-----博客園
Alamofire源碼解讀系列(二)之錯誤處理(AFError) 簡書-----博客園
Alamofire源碼解讀系列(三)之通知處理(Notification) 簡書-----博客園
Alamofire源碼解讀系列(四)之參數編碼(ParameterEncoding) 簡書-----博客園
Alamofire源碼解讀系列(五)之結果封裝(Result) 簡書-----博客園
Alamofire源碼解讀系列(六)之Task代理(TaskDelegate) 簡書-----博客園
Alamofire源碼解讀系列(七)之網絡監控(NetworkReachabilityManager) 簡書-----博客園