前不久給我女兒定製了一個笑臉小鏡子,因爲運費問題又順帶製做了幾個 Angular 和 CodeIgniter 徽章。不少人看後表示很喜歡,但願多印些編程語言和工具的 Logo。git
既然要印製和銷售,那天然就是商業行爲了。因而我一個月前開始收集和諮詢關於商標的 license 問題,github.com/justjavac/l…github
期間難免挫折。好比 Bootstrap 維護者直截了當:編程
You cannot, no printing of our logo on products like that.app
而對於 Atom 我其實原本也沒有報多大但願,畢竟是 GitHub 公司開發的:編程語言
Hi there,工具
Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately, we cannot allow you to create and sell any merchandise, such as badges, that use the Atom logo.cdn
As I'm sure you can appreciate, GitHub relies on its trademarks (such as its logos) to signal to the public that products or services are "officially" made or authorized by GitHub. This type of usage would most certainly be confusing to people.blog
You can read more about our logo usage here:ci
Sorry for the disappointment! Please let us know if you have any other questions.
開源並不等於免費,更不等於隨心所欲。我給 jQuery 發郵件,回覆個人結果是:jQuery 的商標由 JS Foundation 擁有,只受權給 JS Foundation 會員使用。並附帶一個 PDF 入會報價單,我看了一眼,入會價格最低 $5000。
最後挑來選去,決定先製做 10 個,分別是(排名不分前後,按字母順序):