原文: ngx.shared.DICT.setnode
syntax: success, err, forcible = ngx.shared.DICT:set(key, value, exptime?, flags) context: init_by_lua*, set_by_lua*, rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, header_filter_by_lua*, body_filter_by_lua*, log_by_lua*, ngx.timer.*, balancer_by_lua*, ssl_certificate_by_lua*, ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*, ssl_session_store_by_lua*
無條件地將鍵值對設置到 ngx.shared.DICT 中。返回三個值:nginx
要插入的 valua
參數能夠爲 Lua boolean,number,string,或者 nil。它們的值類型也將保存到共享內存中,之後能夠經過 get 方法獲取到一樣的數據類型。git
可選地 exptime
參數指定了插入的鍵值對的過時時間(以秒爲單位)。時間分辨率爲 0.001 秒。若是 exptime 值爲 0(默認),則該插入的項將永不過時。github
可選的 flags
參數指定了要保存的項相關聯的用戶標誌值。之後能夠經過 value 獲取它。用戶標誌在內部做爲一個無符號 32 位整數值保存。默認爲 0。算法
當爲當前的 key-value 項分配內存失敗時,set 方法將會嘗試按照最近最少使用(即 LRU 算法)來移除共享內存中存在的項。注意,LRU 優於過時時間。若是已經移除數十個存在的項,而且剩餘內存仍然不足(因爲 lua_shared_dict 指定的總內存限制或者內存分片),則 err 錯誤描述信息爲 "no memory",而 success 將爲 false。session
若是該方法經過 LRU 算法強制將共享內存中其餘未過時的項移除來成功保存當前的項,則 forcible 返回值將爲 true。若是不是經過強制移除其餘有效項來成功保存當前項,則 forcible 返回值爲 false。fetch
local cats = ngx.shared.cats local succ, err, forcible = cats.set(cats, "Marry", "it is a nice cat!")
local cats = ngx.shared.cats local succ, err, forcible = cats:set("Marry", "it is a nice cat!")
local function shdict_set(zone, key, value, exptime, flags) return shdict_store(zone, 0, key, value, exptime, flags) end
local tostring = tostring local type = type local error = error local function check_zone(zone) if not zone or type(zone) ~= "table" then error("bad \"zone\" argument", 2) end zone = zone[1] if type(zone) ~= "userdata" then error("bad \"zone\" argument", 2) end return zone end local function shdict_store(zone, op, key, value, exptime, flags) zone = check_zone(zone) if not exptime then exptime = 0 elseif exptime < 0 then error('bad "exptime" argument', 2) end if not flags then flags = 0 end if key == nil then return nil, "nil key" end if type(key) ~= "string" then key = tostring(key) end local key_len = #key if key_len == 0 then return nil, "empty key" end if key_len > 65535 then return nil, "key too long" end local str_val_buf local str_val_len = 0 local num_val = 0 local valtyp = type(value) -- print("value type: ", valtyp) -- print("exptime: ", exptime) if valtyp == "string" then valtyp = 4 -- LUA_TSTRING str_val_buf = value str_val_len = #value elseif valtyp == "number" then valtyp = 3 -- LUA_TNUMBER num_val = value elseif value == nil then valtyp = 0 - LUA_TNIL elseif valtyp == "boolean" then valtyp = 1 -- LUA_TBOOLEAN num_val = value and 1 or 0 else return nil, "bad value type" end local rc = C.ngx_http_lua_ffi_shdict_store(zone, op, key, key_len, valtyp, str_val_buf, str_val_len, num_val, exptime * 1000, flags, errmsg, forcible) -- print("rc == ", rc) if rc == 0 then -- NGX_OK return true, nil, forcible[0] == 1 end -- NGX_DECLIEND or NGX_ERROR return false, ffi_str(errmsg[0]), forcible[0] == 1 end
#ifndef NGX_LUA_NO_FFI_API int ngx_http_lua_ffi_shdict_store(ngx_shm_zone_t *zone, int op, u_char *key, size_t key_len, int value_type, u_char *str_value_buf, size_t str_value_len, double num_value, long exptime, int user_flags, char **errmsg, int *forcible) { int i, n; u_char c, *p; uint32_t hash; ngx_int_t rc; ngx_time_t *tp; ngx_queue_t *queue, *q; ngx_rbtree_node_t *node; ngx_http_lua_shdict_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_http_lua_shdict_node_t *sd; if (zone == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } dd("exptime: %ld", exptime); ctx = zone->data; *forcible = 0; hash = ngx_crc32_short(key, key_len); switch (value_type) { case SHDICT_TSTRING: /* do nothing */ break; case SHDICT_TNUMBER: dd("num value: %lf", num_value); str_value_buf = (u_char *) &num_value; str_value_len = sizeof(double); break; case SHDICT_TBOOLEAN: c = num_value ? 1 : 0; str_value_buf = &c; str_value_len = sizeof(u_char); break; case LUA_TNIL: if (op & (NGX_HTTP_LUA_SHDICT_ADD|NGX_HTTP_LUA_SHDICT_REPLACE)) { *errmsg = "attempt to add or replace nil values"; return NGX_ERROR; } str_value_buf = NULL; str_value_len = 0; break; default: *errmsg = "unsupported value type"; return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_shmtx_lock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); #if 1 ngx_http_lua_shdict_expire(ctx, 1); #endif rc = ngx_http_lua_shdict_lookup(zone, hash, key, key_len, &sd); dd("lookup returnd %d", (int) rc); if (op & NGX_HTTP_LUA_SHDICT_REPLACE) { if (rc == NGX_DECLINED || rc == NGX_DONE) { ngx_shmtx_unlock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); *errmsg = "not found"; return NGX_DECLINED; } /* rc == NGX_OK */ goto replace; } if (op & NGX_HTTP_LUA_SHDICT_ADD) { if (rc == NGX_OK) { ngx_shmtx_unlock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); *errmsg = "exists"; return NGX_DECLINED; } if (rc == NGX_DONE) { /* exists but expired */ dd("go to replace"); goto replace; } /* rc == NGX_DECLINED */ dd("dd to insert"); goto insert; } if (rc == NGX_OK || rc == NGX_DONE) { if (value_type == LUA_TNIL) { goto remove; } replace: if (str_value_buf && str_value_len == (size_t) sd->value_len && sd->value_type != SHDICT_TLIST) { ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, ctx->log, 0, "lua shared dict set: found old entry and value " "size matched, reusing it"); ngx_queue_remove(&sd->queue); ngx_queue_insert_head(&ctx->sh->lru_queue, &sd->queue); sd->key_len = (u_short) key_len; if (exptime > 0) { tp = ngx_timeofday(); sd->expires = (uint64_t) tp->sec * 1000 + tp->msec + (uint64_t) exptime; } else { sd->expires = 0; } sd->user_flags = user_flags; sd->value_len = (uint32_t) str_value_len; dd("setting value type to %d", value_type); sd->value_type = (uint8_t) value_type; p = ngx_copy(sd->data, key, key_len); ngx_memcpy(p, str_value_buf, str_value_len); ngx_shmtx_unlock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); return NGX_OK; } ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, ctx->log, 0, "lua shared dict set: found old entry but value size " "NOT matched, removing it first"); remove: if (sd->value_type == SHDICT_TLIST) { queue = ngx_http_lua_shdict_get_list_head(sd, key_len); for (q = ngx_queue_head(queue); q != ngx_queue_sentinel(queue); q = ngx_queue_next(q)) { p = (u_char *) ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_http_lua_shdict_list_node_t, queue); ngx_slab_free_locked(ctx->shpool, p); } } ngx_queue_remove(&sd->queue); node = (ngx_rbtree_node_t *) ((u_char *) sd - offsetof(ngx_rbtree_node_t, color)); ngx_rbtree_delete(&ctx->sh_rbtree, node); ngx_slab_free_locked(ctx->shpool, node); } insert: /* rc == NGX_DECLINED or value size unmatch */ if (str_value_buf == NULL) { ngx_shmtx_unlock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); return NGX_OK; } ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, ctx->log, 0, "lua shared dict set: creating a new entry"); n = offsetof(ngx_rbtree_node_t, color) + offsetof(ngx_http_lua_shdict_node_t, data) + key_len + str_value_len; node = ngx_slab_alloc_locked(ctx->shpool, n); if (node == NULL) { if (op & NGX_HTTP_LUA_SHDICT_SAFE_STORE) { ngx_shmtx_unlock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); *errmsg = "no memory"; return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, ctx->log, 0, "lua shared dict set: overriding non-expired items " "due to memory shortage for entry \"%*s\"", key_len, key); for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (ngx_http_lua_shdict_expire(ctx, 0) == 0) { /* 沒有項過時,即移除失敗 */ break; } *forcible = 1; node = ngx_slab_alloc_locked(ctx->shpool, n); if (node != NULL) { goto allocated; } } ngx_shmtx_unlock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); *errmsg = "no memory"; return NGX_ERROR; } allocated: sd = (ngx_http_lua_shdict_node_t *) &node->color; node->key = hash; sd->key_len = (u_short) key_len; if (exptime > 0) { tp = ngx_timeofday(); sd->expires = (uint64_t) tp->sec * 1000 + tp->msec + (uint64_t) exptime; } else { sd->expires = 0; } sd->user_flags = user_flags; sd->value_len = (uint32_t) str_value_len; dd("setting value type to %d", value_type); sd->value_type = (uint8_t) value_type; p = ngx_copy(sd->data, key, key_len); ngx_memcpy(p, str_value_buf, str_value_len); ngx_rbtree_insert(&ctx->sh->rbtree, node); ngx_queue_insert_head(&ctx->sh->lru_queue, &sd->queue); ngx_shmtx_unlock(&ctx->shpool->mutex); return NGX_OK; }