pip install Pyjwt
不錯的jwt 文章:html
import jwt import time secret="b'\x7d\xef\x87\xd5\xf8\xbb\xff\xfc\x80\x91\x06\x91\xfd\xfc\xed\x69'" print(secret.encode('utf-8')) expire_time = int(time.time()+3600) encode_str=jwt.encode( { "id":123123123, "exp":expire_time } , secret,#祕鑰 algorithm='HS256' ) str_encode=str(encode_str,encoding='ascii') print(str_encode) info=jwt.decode(encode_str,secret,algorithms='HS256') print(info)
JSON WEB TOKENS http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token.html
jwt-simple JWT(JSON Web Token) encode and decode module for node.js. Install $ npm install jwt-simple Usage var jwt = require('jwt-simple'); var payload = { foo: 'bar' }; var secret = 'xxx'; // HS256 secrets are typically 128-bit random strings, for example hex-encoded: // var secret = Buffer.from('fe1a1915a379f3be5394b64d14794932', 'hex') // encode var token = jwt.encode(payload, secret); // decode var decoded = jwt.decode(token, secret); console.log(decoded); //=> { foo: 'bar' } decode params /* * jwt.decode(token, key, noVerify, algorithm) */ // decode, by default the signature of the token is verified var decoded = jwt.decode(token, secret); console.log(decoded); //=> { foo: 'bar' } // decode without verify the signature of the token, // be sure to KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING because not verify the signature // means you can't be sure that someone hasn't modified the token payload var decoded = jwt.decode(token, secret, true); console.log(decoded); //=> { foo: 'bar' } // decode with a specific algorithm (not using the algorithm described in the token payload) var decoded = jwt.decode(token, secret, false, 'HS256'); console.log(decoded); //=> { foo: 'bar' } Algorithms By default the algorithm to encode is HS256. The supported algorithms for encoding and decoding are HS256, HS384, HS512 and RS256. // encode using HS512 jwt.encode(payload, secret, 'HS512')
import python_jwt as jwt, Crypto.PublicKey.RSA as RSA, datetime key = RSA.generate(2048) priv_pem = key.exportKey() pub_pem = key.publickey().exportKey() payload = { 'foo': 'bar', 'wup': 90 }; priv_key = RSA.importKey(priv_pem) pub_key = RSA.importKey(pub_pem) token = jwt.generate_jwt(payload, priv_key, 'RS256', datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)) header, claims = jwt.verify_jwt(token, pub_key, ['RS256']) for k in payload: assert claims[k] == payload[k] 更多:https://pypi.org/project/python_jwt/2.0.1/