自定義窗口邊框 c#_如何在Windows 10上自定義窗口邊框和陰影

自定義窗口邊框 c#

自定義窗口邊框 c#

On Windows 10, each window has a colored window border and a shadow. You can change the color of your window borders and even disable the shadow, if you like.

在Windows 10上,每個窗口都有一個彩色的窗口邊框和陰影。 您可以根據需要更改窗口邊框的顏色,甚至禁用陰影。

Insider Preview builds of Redstone 5 change the default border color to gray so it blends in with the shadow, but you can re-enable colored window borders on Redstone 5, too.

Redstone 5的Insider Preview版本將默認邊框顏色更改爲灰色,以便與陰影融合,但是您也可以在Redstone 5上重新啓用彩色的窗口邊框。

如何選擇邊框顏色 (How to Choose a Border Color)

In the April 2018 Update and earlier versions of Windows 10, Windows automatically chooses a window color that matches your desktop background.

20184月更新和Windows 10的早期版本中,Windows會自動選擇與您的桌面背景匹配的窗口顏色。

To choose a custom window border color, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors. Under the 「Choose Your Color」 section, disable the 「Automatically pick an accent color from my background」 option and choose your preferred color, instead.

要選擇自定義窗口邊框顏色,請轉到「設置」>「個性化」>「顏色」。 在「選擇顏色」部分下,禁用「從我的背景自動選擇一種強調顏色」選項,然後選擇您喜歡的顏色。

Windows provides a number of suggested colors here, but you can click the 「Custom Color」 option at the bottom of the list to choose any color you like.


Windows 10’s Redstone 5 update, which will be released to the stable Windows build sometime in Fall, 2018, uses a gray window border by default. To apply your accent color to your window borders, scroll down to the 「Show accent color on the following surfaces」 section, and then enable the 「Title bars and window borders」 option.

Windows 10的Redstone 5更新將在2018年秋季的某個時候發佈到穩定的Windows版本中,默認情況下使用灰色的窗口邊框。 要將強調色應用於窗口邊框,請向下滾動到「在以下表面上顯示強調色」部分,然後啓用「標題欄和窗口邊框」選項。

You’ll see colored tabs in your title bars instead of fully colored title bars thanks to the Sets feature.


如何禁用(或啓用)陰影 (How to Disable (or Enable) Shadows)

Windows 10 enables drop shadows for each window by default. However, you can turn these shadows off if you prefer. Windows 8 didn’t use shadows and had a clean, flat look with colored window borders, for example.

Windows 10默認情況下爲每個窗口啓用陰影。 但是,您可以根據需要關閉這些陰影。 例如,Windows 8不使用陰影,而是具有帶彩色窗口邊框的乾淨,平坦的外觀。

This setting is available in the old Advanced System Settings window. To open it, hit Start, type 「Advanced system settings」 into the search box, and then press Enter. You can also head to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings to launch it.

此設置在舊的「 高級系統設置」窗口中可用。 要打開它,請單擊開始,在搜索框中鍵入「高級系統設置」,然後按Enter。 您也可以轉到控制面板>系統和安全性>系統>高級系統設置來啓動它。

On the Advanced tab of the System Properties window, click the 「Settings」 button in the Performance section.


In the Visual Effects list, select the 「Custom」 option, disable the 「Shadow shadows under windows」 option, and then click the 「OK」 button.

在「視覺效果」列表中,選擇「自定義」選項,禁用「 Windows下的陰影」選項,然後單擊「確定」按鈕。

Window shadows will instantly vanish. You can return here if you ever want to re-enable them.

窗口陰影將立即消失。 如果您想重新啓用它們,可以返回此處。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/353204/how-to-customize-window-borders-and-shadows-on-windows-10/

自定義窗口邊框 c#