play 添加 IDEA 支持

IntelliJ IDEAapp

Play provides a command to simplify IntelliJ IDEA configuration. To transform an existing application to a valid IntelliJ IDEA module, use the idealize command:ide

play idealize myApp

To create a single module project, do the following in IntelliJ IDEA.idea

On the command line, use the play new command to create the Play project.
On the command line, use the play idealize command to create an IntelliJ IDEA module.
In IntelliJ IDEA, on the File menu, select New Project…
In the New Project wizard, select Create project from scratch.
Click the Next button.
On the next wizard page, change the Project files location to the directory containing your Play application.
On the same wizard page, set the Project file format to your preferred format.
On the same wizard page, uncheck Create module (since the module already exists).
Click the Finish button.
On the File menu, select New Module…
On the Add Module wizard, select Import existing module and select the .iml in the application directory.
Click the Finish button.

在此輸入圖片描述 To add a run configuration:code

In IntelliJ IDEA, on the Run menu, select Edit Configurations.
Right-click on Application under Defaults and select Add New Configuration.
Under Main class, enter play.server.Server.
Under VM parameters, enter *-Dapplication.path=「.」.
Under Working directory, enter the application path.

To run Play in test mode in IntelliJ:orm

Edit the run configuration and in VM parameters, append
Right-click on your module and select Open Module Settings.
Select the Dependencies tab.
Click Add… and select Single-Entry Module Library.
Select $PLAY_HOME/modules/testrunner/lib/play-testrunner.jar and click OK.

Do not commit the .iml files when you work in a team!server

The generated configuration files contains absolute references to your framework installation. These are specific to your own installation. When you work in a team on the same application, each developer must keep his IntelliJ IDEA configuration files private.圖片
