MongoDB Master-Slave cluster with authentication setup

Master Server

  1. create mongo db folder with sub folders like data, conf, && lognode

    mkdir  -p  /opt/mongo/data
    mkdir  -p  /opt/mongo/conf
    mkdir  -p  /opt/mongo/log
  2. create a keyfile to secure mongo DB custer traffic. scp this file to slave servermongodb

    cd  /srv/mongodb/
    openssl rand -base64 741 >>mongo-key
    chmod  700 mongo-key
  3. vi /opt/mongo/conf/master.confbash

    dbpath= /opt/mongo/data
    logpath= /opt/mongo/log/mongodb .log
    logappend= true
    fork= true
  4. start mongo with command mongod --config /opt/mongo/conf/master.conf
  5. login mongo and create admin account && local account repl for the clusterapp

    > use admin
    > db.createUser({user:"root", pwd:"123456", roles:[{role:"root", db:"admin"}]})
    > db.createUser({user:"repl", pwd:"123456", roles:[{role:"dbOwner", db:"local"}]})
    > show users
         "_id" : "admin.root",
         "user" : "root",
         "db" : "admin",
         "roles" : [
                 "role" : "root",
                 "db" : "admin"
         "_id" : "admin.repl",
         "user" : "repl",
         "db" : "admin",
         "roles" : [
                 "role" : "dbOwner",
                 "db" : "local"
  6. modify the conf file and add the last 3 lines into the filethis

    dbpath= /opt/mongo/data
    logpath= /opt/mongo/log/mongodb .log
    logappend= true
    fork= true
    master= true
    auth= true
    keyFile= /opt/mongo/mongo-key
  7. restart mongo with new config filespa

    mongod --config  /opt/mongo/conf/master .conf -- shutdown
    mongod --config  /opt/mongo/conf/master .conf

Slave Server

  1. create mongo db folder with sub folders like data, conf, && log; same as master
  2. copy the keyfile to mongo folder and modify the slave.confrest

    dbpath= /opt/mongo/data
    logpath= /opt/mongo/log/mongodb .log
    logappend= true
    fork= true
    slave= true
    auth= true
    keyFile= /opt/mongo/mongo-key
    source  = [master ip]:[port]
  3. start slave servercode

    mongod --config  /opt/mongo/conf/slave .conf
  4. login slave with admin credential, and active slave (important)server



Create a test db and insert values into a new collection on master nodeip

> use  test
switched to db  test
> db.products.insert( { item:  "card" , qty: 15 } )
WriteResult({  "nInserted"  : 1 })
> show collections

Login to slave node and then verfiy if the new added test db exisits.

After the verification done, remember to delete the test db with command 

> use  test
switched to db  test
> db.dropDatabase()
"dropped"  "test" "ok"  : 1 }