enum GunType{ AK, M4A1, } interface Shootable{ shoot(); } abstract class Gun implements Shootable{ // 抽象產品 - 槍 abstract shoot(); } class AK47 extends Gun{ //具體產品 - AK47 shoot(){ console.log('ak47 shoot.'); } } class M4A1 extends Gun{ //具體產品 - M4A1 shoot(){ console.log('m4a1 shoot.'); } } class GunFactory{ static createGun(type: GunType): Gun{ switch(type){ case GunType.AK: return new AK47(); case GunType.M4A1: return new M4A1(); default: throw Error('not support this gun yet'); } } } GunFactory.createGun(GunType.AK).shoot(); GunFactory.createGun(GunType.M4A1).shoot(); //輸出 ak47 shoot. m4a1 shoot.
interface Shootable{ shoot(); } abstract class Gun implements Shootable{ // 抽象產品 - 槍 abstract shoot(); } class AK47 extends Gun{ //具體產品 - AK47 shoot(){ console.log('ak47 shoot.'); } } class M4A1 extends Gun{ //具體產品 - M4A1 shoot(){ console.log('m4a1 shoot.'); } } abstract class GunFactory{ //抽象槍工廠 abstract create(): Gun; } class AK47Factory extends GunFactory{ //Ak47工廠 create(): Gun{ let gun = new AK47(); // 生產Ak47 console.log('produce ak47 gun.'); this.clean(gun); // 清理工做 this.applyTungOil(gun);// Ak47是木頭槍托,塗上桐油 return gun; } private clean(gun: Gun){ //清洗 console.log('clean gun.'); } private applyTungOil(gun: Gun){ //塗上桐油 console.log('apply tung oil.'); } } class M4A1Factory extends GunFactory{ //M4A1工廠 create(): Gun{ let gun = new M4A1(); // 生產M4A1 console.log('produce m4a1 gun.'); this.clean(gun); // 清理工做 this.sprayPaint(gun); // M4是全金屬,噴上漆 return gun; } private clean(gun: Gun){ //清洗 console.log('clean gun.'); } private sprayPaint(gun: Gun){ //噴漆 console.log('spray paint.'); } } let ak47 = new AK47Factory().create(); ak47.shoot(); let m4a1 = new M4A1Factory().create(); m4a1.shoot(); //output produce ak47 gun. clean gun. apply tung oil. ak47 shoot. produce m4a1 gun. clean gun. spray paint. m4a1 shoot.
interface Shootable{ shoot(); } abstract class Gun implements Shootable{ // 抽象產品 - 槍 private _bullet: Bullet; addBullet(bullet: Bullet){ this._bullet = bullet; } abstract shoot(); } class AK47 extends Gun{ //具體產品 - AK47 shoot(){ console.log(`ak47 shoot with ${this._bullet}.`); } } class M4A1 extends Gun{ //具體產品 - M4A1 shoot(){ console.log(`m4a1 shoot with ${this._bullet}.`); } } abstract class Bullet{ // 抽象子彈 abstract name: string; } class AkBullet{ // AK 子彈 name: string = 'ak bullet'; } class M4Bullet{ // m4a1 子彈 name: string = 'm4a1 bullet'; } abstract class ArmFactory{ //抽象軍工廠 abstract createGun(): Gun; abstract createBullet(): Bullet; } class AK47Factory extends ArmFactory{ createGun(): Gun{ let gun = new AK47(); // 生產Ak47 console.log('produce ak47 gun.'); this.clean(gun); // 清理工做 this.applyTungOil(gun);// Ak47是木頭槍托,塗上桐油 return gun; } private clean(gun: Gun){ //清洗 console.log('clean gun.'); } private applyTungOil(gun: Gun){ //塗上桐油 console.log('apply tung oil.'); } createBullet(): Bullet{ return new AkBullet(); } } class M4A1Factory extends ArmFactory{ //M4A1工廠 createGun(): Gun{ let gun = new M4A1(); // 生產M4A1 console.log('produce m4a1 gun.'); this.clean(gun); // 清理工做 this.sprayPaint(gun); // M4是全金屬,噴上漆 return gun; } private clean(gun: Gun){ //清洗 console.log('clean gun.'); } private sprayPaint(gun: Gun){ //噴漆 console.log('spray paint.'); } createBullet(): Bullet{ return new M4Bullet(); } } //使用 function shoot(gun: Gun, bullet: Bullet) // 使用生產的槍和子彈 { gun.addBullet(bullet); gun.shoot(); } let akFactory = new AK47Factory(); shoot(akFactory.createGun(), akFactory.createBullet()); let m4a1Factory = new M4A1Factory(); shoot(m4a1Factory.createGun(), m4a1Factory.createBullet()); //輸出 produce ak47 gun. clean gun. apply tung oil. add bullet: ak bullet ak47 shoot with ak bullet. produce m4a1 gun. clean gun. spray paint. add bullet: m4a1 bullet m4a1 shoot with m4a1 bullet.