0. 準備兩臺Ubuntu 18.04的虛擬機,安裝mysql(供server-side存儲調優數據用)和postgresql(供client-side存儲業務數據用,這裏以PostgreSQL爲例。由於ottertune官方只給了postgres的knob configuration.....)。而後按照官方配置(https://github.com/cmu-db/ottertune/wiki/Linux-Quick-Setup)安裝好必要的包。html
Ref: http://www.javashuo.com/article/p-qjhgwbqx-u.htmljava
1 wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add - 2 sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ bionic-pgdg main" 3 sudo apt-get update 4 sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6 5 sudo apt-get remove postgresql-10 #安裝9.6時自動帶上了10...不知道爲啥。要卸載掉防止端口衝突。能夠用sudo lsof -i:5432看一下 6 7 2、修改postgres數據庫用戶的密碼 8 打開客戶端工具(psql) 9 sudo -u postgres psql 10 其中,sudo -u postgres 是使用postgres 用戶登陸的意思。PostgreSQL數據默認會建立一個postgres的數據庫用戶做爲數據庫的管理員,密碼是隨機的 11 postgres=# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '******'; 12 postgres=#爲PostgreSQL下的命令提示符,--注意最後的分號; 13 14 3、退出PostgreSQL psql客戶端 15 postgres=# \q 16 17 4、修改ubuntu操做系統的postgres用戶的密碼(密碼要與數據庫用戶postgres的密碼相同) 18 su root 19 刪除PostgreSQL用戶密碼 20 sudo passwd -d postgres 21 passwd -d 是清空指定用戶密碼的意思 22 設置PostgreSQL系統用戶的密碼 23 sudo -u postgres passwd 24 按照提示,輸入兩次新密碼 25 26 5、修改PostgresSQL數據庫配置實現遠程訪問 27 sudo gedit /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf 28 1.監放任何地址訪問,修改鏈接權限 29 #listen_addresses = 'localhost' 改成 listen_addresses = '*' 30 2.啓用密碼驗證 31 #password_encryption = on 改成 password_encryption = on 32 3. 確保端口爲5432 33 port = 5432 # (change requires restart) 34 35 sudo gedit /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf 36 在文檔末尾加上如下內容 37 host all all trust 38 39 6、重啓服務 40 /etc/init.d/postgresql restart 41 42 7、5432端口的防火牆設置 43 5432爲postgreSQL默認的端口 44 sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 5432 -j ACCEPT 45 46 安裝好以後能夠 47 psql -U postgres -h 48 測試一下 49 50 Ref: https://blog.csdn.net/zj0078/article/details/71156064
緣由:ubuntu系統安裝了python2.7和python3.6,默認使用的是python 2.7。致使從2.7找不到包 解決辦法:使用如下命令來修改默認python版本: sudo cp /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python_bak sudo rm /usr/bin/python sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python 這樣在終端中運行Python時,默認啓動的就是3.6版本了
sudo update-alternatives --config java 選擇/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_212/bin/java 所在的number
OtterTune分爲兩部分:server side: 包括一個MySQL數據庫(用於存儲調優數據,供ml model用),Django(FrontEnd User Interface),Celery(用於調度ML task);client side: Target_DBMS(存儲用戶的業務數據用,支持多種DBMS),Controller(用於控制target DBMS),Driver(用於調用controller,入口是fabfile.py)django
Ref: https://github.com/cmu-db/ottertune/wiki/Getting-Started-ottertune
-------------------------------------------Test OtterTune with real target DBMS-------------------------------------------
按照S1, S2, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, S3, S4, C6的順序執行以下步驟便可
S1. 新建名爲ottertune的數據庫
mysqladmin create -u root -p ottertune
S2. 編輯配置文件
cd /ottertune/server/website
cp website/settings/credentials_TEMPLATE.py website/settings/credentials.py
1 # 2 # OtterTune - credentials_TEMPLATE.py 3 # 4 # Copyright (c) 2017-18, Carnegie Mellon University Database Group 5 # 6 """ 7 Private/custom Django settings for the OtterTune project. 8 9 """ 10 # pylint: disable=invalid-name 11 12 # ============================================== 13 # SECRET KEY CONFIGURATION 14 # ============================================== 15 16 # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! 17 SECRET_KEY = 'ADD ME!!' 18 19 # ============================================== 20 # DATABASE CONFIGURATION 21 # ============================================== 22 23 DATABASES = { 24 'default': { 25 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 26 'NAME': 'ottertune', 27 'USER': 'root', 28 'PASSWORD': '1', 29 'HOST': '', 30 'PORT': '', 31 'OPTIONS': { 32 'init_command': "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES',innodb_strict_mode=1", 33 }, 34 } 35 } 36 37 # ============================================== 38 # DEBUG CONFIGURATION 39 # ============================================== 40 41 # Can override the DEBUG setting here 42 DEBUG = True 43 44 # ============================================== 45 # MANAGER CONFIGURATION 46 # ============================================== 47 48 # Admin and managers for this project. These people receive private 49 # site alerts. 50 ADMINS = ( 51 # ('Your Name', 'your_email@example.com'), 52 ) 53 MANAGERS = ADMINS 54 55 # ============================================== 56 # GENERAL CONFIGURATION 57 # ============================================== 58 59 # Hosts/domain names that are valid for this site; required if DEBUG is False 60 # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts 61 ALLOWED_HOSTS = []
S3:Set up Django(用於監控)
Firstly, you need to migrate the Django models into the database. (至關於配置Django網站後端,將須要的表放進mysql的OtterTune數據庫內)
python3 manage.py makemigrations website
python3 manage.py migrate
Create the super user
python manage.py createsuperuser
S4:Start Celery(用於調度ML task)
OtterTune uses Celery to schedule machine learning tasks. Before staring the celery worker, you may want to start a message broker required by celery. In our case, we use RabbitMq.
sudo rabbitmq-server -detached
Then you can start the celery worker:
python3 manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info --pool=threads
Then you can start Django Server:
python manage.py runserver
OtterTune has periodical ML tasks (i.e. knob identification and metrics pruning), which run every time period. You can use celery beat to start the periodical tasks.
python3 manage.py celerybeat --verbosity=2 --loglevel=info
完成後打開http://,在裏面創建一個tuning session,並記下upload code
首先將ottertune、oltpbench都git clone到home/username/下面
C1. 編輯/ottertune/client/driver/driver_config.json,填入target DBMS類型、用戶名密碼等信息,並填寫其中涉及到的全部配置文件
1. 對於save_path這一項,要事先創建好對應的文件夾
2. 對於upload code這一項,要和S4中分配給的upload code一致
1 -------------/ottertune/client/driver/driver_config.json------------- 2 { 3 "database_type" : "postgres", 4 "database_name" : "tpcc", 5 "database_disk": "/dev/sda1", 6 "database_conf": "/etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf", 7 "database_save_path": "/home/tidb/ottertune", 8 "username" : "postgres", 9 "password" : "******", 10 "oltpbench_home": "/home/tidb/oltpbench", 11 "oltpbench_config": "/home/tidb/oltpbench/config/tpcc_config_postgres.xml", 12 "oltpbench_workload": "tpcc", 13 "oltpbench_log" : "/home/tidb/ottertune/client/driver/oltp.log", 14 "controller_config": "/home/tidb/ottertune/client/controller/config/sample_postgres_config.json", 15 "controller_log" : "/home/tidb/ottertune/client/driver/controller.log", 16 "save_path": "/home/tidb/ottertune/server/results", 17 "upload_url" : "", 18 "upload_code" : "0B58NG1HBQZ4UH24Q00Q", 19 "lhs_knob_path" : "/home/tidb/ottertune/client/driver/knobs/postgres-96.json", 20 "lhs_save_path" : "/home/tidb/ottertune/client/driver/configs" 21 } 22 23 24 -------------/home/tidb/ottertune/client/controller/config/sample_postgres_config.json------------- 25 { 26 "database_type" : "postgres", 27 "database_url" : "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres", 28 "username" : "postgres", 29 "password" : "asdfgh", 30 "upload_code" : "DEPRECATED", 31 "upload_url" : "DEPRECATED", 32 "workload_name" : "tpcc" 33 } 34 35 -------------/oltpbench/config/tpcc_config_postgres.xml------------- 36 <?xml version="1.0"?> 37 <parameters> 38 39 <!-- Connection details --> 40 <dbtype>postgres</dbtype> 41 <driver>org.postgresql.Driver</driver> 42 <DBUrl>jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tpcc</DBUrl> 43 <username>postgres</username> 44 <password>******</password> 45 <isolation>TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</isolation> 46 47 <!-- Scale factor is the number of warehouses in TPCC --> 48 <scalefactor>2</scalefactor> 49 50 <!-- The workload --> 51 <terminals>2</terminals> 52 <works> 53 <work> 54 <time>10</time> 55 <rate>10000</rate> 56 <ratelimited bench="tpcc">true</ratelimited> 57 <weights>45,43,4,4,4</weights> 58 </work> 59 </works> 60 61 <!-- TPCC specific --> 62 <transactiontypes> 63 <transactiontype> 64 <name>NewOrder</name> 65 </transactiontype> 66 <transactiontype> 67 <name>Payment</name> 68 </transactiontype> 69 <transactiontype> 70 <name>OrderStatus</name> 71 </transactiontype> 72 <transactiontype> 73 <name>Delivery</name> 74 </transactiontype> 75 <transactiontype> 76 <name>StockLevel</name> 77 </transactiontype> 78 </transactiontypes> 79 </parameters>
C2. 配置oltpbench(用於週期性在target DBMS上run benchmark):參考https://github.com/oltpbenchmark/oltpbench/wiki#Environment%20Setup
若是出現錯誤,sudo update-alternatives --config java,選擇/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_212/bin/java 所在的number
C3. 在target DBMS(postgres)中新建名爲tpcc的數據庫,供oltpbench用
psql -U postgres -h
postgres=# create database tpcc owner postgres;
postgres=# grant all privileges on database tpcc to postgres;
C4. load oltpbench into target DBMS
./oltpbenchmark -b tpcc -c config/tpcc_config_postgres.xml --create=true --load=true
C5. Build controller
cd ottertune/client/controller
gradle build
C6. 運行
1. 在ottertune/client/driver/fabfile.py line236, 'Output into file' 須要改成 'Output Raw data into file'
2. loop一次以後發現這玩意把個人postgreSQL的配置(postgresql.conf)改崩潰了......感受要本身魔改一番了...
目測是ottertune在修改時沒有考慮好數據類型(原版的random_page_cost值是4.0 科學計數法在這裏確定是認不出來的啊)
After setting the above three configurations, you can run the loop in the description above. In each loop, it collects target DBMS info, uploads to the server, gets new recommended configuration, installs the config and restarts DBMS. Users can continue to run loops until they are satisfied with the recommended configuration. Functions are defined in the driver file ottertune/client/driver/fabfile.py
fab loop runs one single loop.
fab run_loops:max_iter=10 runs 10 loops. You can set max_iter to change the maximum iterations.
注意在剛開始運行時,由於ML model缺少足夠的訓練數據,因此生成的configuration多是random的:
-------------------------------------------Test OtterTune with fake workload data-------------------------------------------
這裏fake workload data是用data_generator.py本身random生成出來的,不是真的在target DBMS上跑出來的knob-metric samples。
我的感受這個就是用來測試下django interface的顯示效果....實際意義不大
F0:首先完成上面的S1, S2, C1, C2, C3, C4操做
F1:生成一些fake workload data
cd /ottertune/server/website/script/controller_simulator/
python data_generator.py 2 5
這裏2表示workload數量(模擬在target DBMS跑過的不一樣workload)
5表示對於每一個workload,會被觀測到的訓練樣本數(knob/metric samples. 模擬每一個workload在target DBMS上觀測到的結果)
F2:Initialize Django Server,初始化ottertune MySQL數據庫
cd /ottertune/server/website fab
fab create_test_website
fab start_debug_server
F4:上傳fake workload data到Django interface
cd /ottertune/server/website/script/controller_simulator/
python upload_data.py ./generated_data 0987654321
[其中0987654321是upload code,和下圖網頁上的upload code對應。詳細可參考 https://github.com/cmu-db/ottertune/wiki/Finding-a-Session's-Upload-Code ]
在bash中能夠看到,當上傳好後,系統就會自動運行ML pipeline
F5:進入http://,用user/abcd123登錄,單擊test_project -> tuning_session.
左邊能夠選擇workload和要優化的metric,右邊就能夠看到metric在不一樣knob configuration下的表現。點擊下面具體的Result ID就能夠看到這一metric value對應的knob