xmlns:jms=" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/jms http://www.springframework.org/schema/jms/spring-jms.xsd"
SpringJMS 提供了 三種 命名空間元素java
<jms:annotation-drive> <jms:listener-container> <jms:jca-listener-container>
<jms:listener-container> <jms:listener destination="queue.orders" ref="orderService" method="placeOrder"/> <jms:listener destination="queue.confirmations" ref="confirmationLogger" method="log"/> </jms:listener-container>
可見<jms:listener-container> 是用來定義Listener Container和容器內的監聽器的。使配置簡潔明瞭。spring
對於<jms:listener-container> 它只有一個子節點<jms:listener>.而它自己能夠定義多個屬性session
<jms:listener-container connection-factory="myConnectionFactory" task-executor="myTaskExecutor" destination-resolver="myDestinationResolver" transaction-manager="myTransactionManager" concurrency="10"> <jms:listener destination="queue.orders" ref="orderService" method="placeOrder"/> <jms:listener destination="queue.confirmations" ref="confirmationLogger" method="log"/> </jms:listener-container>
table2.1 <jms:listener-container>的屬性app
Attribute | Description |
container-type | The type of this listener container. Available options are: default, simple, default102, or simple102 (the default value is 'default'). |
container-class | A custom listener container implementation class as fully qualified class name. Default is Spring’s standard DefaultMessageListenerContainer or SimpleMessageListenerContainer, according to the "container-type" attribute. |
factory-id | Exposes the settings defined by this element as a JmsListenerContainerFactory with the specified id so that they can be reused with other endpoints. |
connection-factory | A reference to the JMS ConnectionFactory bean (the default bean name is 'connectionFactory'). |
task-executor | A reference to the Spring TaskExecutor for the JMS listener invokers. |
destination-resolver | A reference to the DestinationResolver strategy for resolving JMS Destinations. |
message-converter | A reference to the MessageConverter strategy for converting JMS Messages to listener method arguments. Default is a SimpleMessageConverter. |
error-handler | A reference to an ErrorHandler strategy for handling any uncaught Exceptions that may occur during the execution of the MessageListener. |
destination-type | The JMS destination type for this listener: queue, topic, durableTopic, sharedTopic or sharedDurableTopic. This enables potentially the pubSubDomain, subscriptionDurable and subscriptionShared properties of the container. The default is queue (i.e. disabling those 3 properties). |
client-id | The JMS client id for this listener container. Needs to be specified when using durable subscriptions. |
cache | The cache level for JMS resources: none, connection, session, consumer or auto. By default ( auto), the cache level will effectively be "consumer", unless an external transaction manager has been specified - in which case the effective default will be none (assuming Java EE-style transaction management where the given ConnectionFactory is an XA-aware pool). |
acknowledge | The native JMS acknowledge mode: auto, client, dups-ok or transacted. A value of transacted activates a locally transacted Session. As an alternative, specify the transaction-manager attribute described below. Default is auto. |
transaction-manager | A reference to an external PlatformTransactionManager (typically an XA-based transaction coordinator, e.g. Spring’s JtaTransactionManager). If not specified, native acknowledging will be used (see "acknowledge" attribute). |
concurrency | The number of concurrent sessions/consumers to start for each listener. Can either be a simple number indicating the maximum number (e.g. "5") or a range indicating the lower as well as the upper limit (e.g. "3-5"). Note that a specified minimum is just a hint and might be ignored at runtime. Default is 1; keep concurrency limited to 1 in case of a topic listener or if queue ordering is important; consider raising it for general queues. |
prefetch | The maximum number of messages to load into a single session. Note that raising this number might lead to starvation of concurrent consumers! |
receive-timeout | The timeout to use for receive calls (in milliseconds). The default is 1000 ms (1 sec); -1 indicates no timeout at all. |
back-off | Specify the BackOff instance to use to compute the interval between recovery attempts. If the BackOffExecution implementation returns BackOffExecution#STOP, the listener container will not further attempt to recover. The recovery-interval value is ignored when this property is set. The default is a FixedBackOff with an interval of 5000 ms, that is 5 seconds. |
recovery-interval | Specify the interval between recovery attempts, in milliseconds. Convenience way to create a FixedBackOff with the specified interval. For more recovery options, consider specifying a BackOff instance instead. The default is 5000 ms, that is 5 seconds. |
phase | The lifecycle phase within which this container should start and stop. The lower the value the earlier this container will start and the later it will stop. The default is Integer.MAX_VALUE meaning the container will start as late as possible and stop as soon as possible. |
table 2.2 <jms:listener>的屬性less
Attribute | Description |
id | A bean name for the hosting listener container. If not specified, a bean name will be automatically generated. |
destination (required) | The destination name for this listener, resolved through the DestinationResolver strategy. |
ref (required) | The bean name of the handler object. |
method | The name of the handler method to invoke. If the ref points to a MessageListener or Spring SessionAwareMessageListener, this attribute may be omitted. |
response-destination | The name of the default response destination to send response messages to. This will be applied in case of a request message that does not carry a "JMSReplyTo" field. The type of this destination will be determined by the listener-container’s "destination-type" attribute. Note: This only applies to a listener method with a return value, for which each result object will be converted into a response message. |
subscription | The name of the durable subscription, if any. |
selector | An optional message selector for this listener. |
concurrency | The number of concurrent sessions/consumers to start for this listener. Can either be a simple number indicating the maximum number (e.g. "5") or a range indicating the lower as well as the upper limit (e.g. "3-5"). Note that a specified minimum is just a hint and might be ignored at runtime. Default is the value provided by the container |