import "golang.org/x/sync/singleflight"
func (g *Group) Do(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) (v interface{}, err error, shared bool)
func (g *Group) DoChan(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) <-chan Result
func main() { var singleSetCache singleflight.Group getAndSetCache:=func (requestID int,cacheKey string) (string, error) { log.Printf("request %v start to get and set cache...",requestID) value,_, _ :=singleSetCache.Do(cacheKey, func() (ret interface{}, err error) {//do的入參key,能夠直接使用緩存的key,這樣同一個緩存,只有一個協程會去讀DB log.Printf("request %v is setting cache...",requestID) time.Sleep(3*time._Second_) log.Printf("request %v set cache success!",requestID) return "VALUE",nil }) return value.(string),nil } cacheKey:="cacheKey" for i:=1;i<10;i++{//模擬多個協程同時請求 go func(requestID int) { value,_:=getAndSetCache(requestID,cacheKey) log.Printf("request %v get value: %v",requestID,value) }(i) } time.Sleep(20*time._Second_) }
2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 4 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 4 is setting cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 2 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 7 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 5 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 1 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 6 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 3 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 8 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:40 request 9 start to get and set cache... 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 4 set cache success! 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 4 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 9 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 6 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 3 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 8 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 1 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 5 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 2 get value: VALUE 2020/04/12 18:18:43 request 7 get value: VALUE`
type Group struct { mu sync.Mutex m map[string]*call //保存key對應的函數執行過程和結果的變量。 }
type call struct { wg sync.WaitGroup //用WaitGroup實現只有一個協程執行函數 val interface{} //函數執行結果 err error forgotten bool dups int //含義是duplications,即同時執行同一個key的協程數量 chans []chan<- Result }
func (g *Group) Do(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) (v interface{}, err error, shared bool) { g.mu.Lock()//寫Group的m字段時,加鎖保證寫安全。 if g.m == nil { g.m = make(map[string]*call) } if c, ok := g.m[key]; ok {//若是key已經存在,說明已經有協程在執行,則dups++,並等待其執行完畢後,返回其執行結果,執行結果保存在對應的call的val字段裏 c.dups++ g.mu.Unlock() c.wg.Wait() return c.val, c.err, true } //若是key不存在,則新建一個call,並使用WaitGroup來阻塞其餘協程,同時在m字段裏寫入key和對應的call c := new(call) c.wg.Add(1) g.m[key] = c g.mu.Unlock() g.doCall(c, key, fn)//第一個進來的協程來執行這個函數 return c.val, c.err, c.dups > 0 }
func (g *Group) doCall(c *call, key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) { c.val, c.err = fn()//執行被包裝的函數 c.wg.Done()//執行完畢後,就能夠通知其餘協程能夠拿結果了 g.mu.Lock() if !c.forgotten {//其實這裏是爲了保證執行完畢以後,對應的key被刪除,Group有一個方法Forget(key string),能夠用來主動刪除key,這裏是判斷那個方法是否被調用過,被調用過則字段forgotten會置爲true,若是沒有被調用過,則在這裏把key刪除。 delete(g.m, key) } for _, ch := range c.chans {//將執行結果發送到channel裏,這裏是給DoChan方法使用的 ch <- Result{c.val, c.err, c.dups > 0} } g.mu.Unlock() }
func main() { var singleSetCache singleflight.Group getAndSetCache:=func (requestID int,cacheKey string) (string, error) { log.Printf("request %v start to get and set cache...",requestID) retChan:=singleSetCache.DoChan(cacheKey, func() (ret interface{}, err error) { log.Printf("request %v is setting cache...",requestID) time.Sleep(3*time._Second_) log.Printf("request %v set cache success!",requestID) return "VALUE",nil }) var ret singleflight.Result timeout := time.After(5 * time._Second_) select {//加入了超時機制 case <-timeout: log.Printf("time out!") return "",errors.New("time out") case ret =<- retChan://從chan中取出結果 return ret.Val.(string),ret.Err } return "",nil } cacheKey:="cacheKey" for i:=1;i<10;i++{ go func(requestID int) { value,_:=getAndSetCache(requestID,cacheKey) log.Printf("request %v get value: %v",requestID,value) }(i) } time.Sleep(20*time._Second_) }
func (g *Group) DoChan(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) <-chan Result { ch := make(chan Result, 1) g.mu.Lock() if g.m == nil { g.m = make(map[string]*call) } if c, ok := g.m[key]; ok { c.dups++ c.chans = append(c.chans, ch)//能夠看到,每一個等待的協程,都有一個結果channel。從以前的g.doCall裏也能夠看到,每一個channel都給塞告終果。爲何不全部協程共用一個channel?由於那樣就得在channel裏塞至少與協程數量同樣的結果數量,可是你卻沒法保證用戶一個協程只讀取一次。 g.mu.Unlock() return ch } c := &call{chans: []chan<- Result{ch}} c.wg.Add(1) g.m[key] = c g.mu.Unlock() go g.doCall(c, key, fn) return ch }